My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 24 Gold Shop

"Have any of you been scratched or bitten by zombies?"

Two soldiers came to Jin Jiaming and asked in an urgent tone. ReadМ

"No, our students and teachers are not infected by zombies. Send them to evacuation quickly. I have to organize other students to evacuation. I'm leaving it to you."

After saying this, the bald teacher was about to turn around and run back to the school without hesitation to continue helping students evacuate, when one of the two soldiers who came to inquire reached out and grabbed him.

"Don't worry, we have sent out search and rescue teams. You and your students should take refuge in the truck."

"Yes, it is our duty to protect the people. Leave the rest to us."

Then, the soldier who grabbed the teacher's arm began to guide the students and teachers back to the gate and put them on the troop transport truck.

Unifiedly assigned to YJ City's New People's Stadium, Airport, and Military Camps for unified management.

YJ City's New People's Stadium can accommodate more than 50,000 people, the airport 30,000 people, and the military camp 100,000 people. Of course, these have all been modified, otherwise they would not be able to accommodate so many people.

You must know that the population of YJ City is only about 550,000, and basically about 100,000 people are working abroad to make money or go to other places for development.

Among the remaining 450,000 people, there are still 100,000 people in rural areas, which means that the actual urban population is 350,000 people. Excluding those infected with the zombie virus, the number of people surviving now is actually less than 200,000, and these 200,000 people More than half of the population has not been rescued. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

The military administrator who originally wanted to continue to open up space never expected that even the previously opened space was not full, which made him a little sad.

Not needing so much space means that so many people are gone.

Cai Wenjie had just entered the city and found that no one was alive on the street. Most of the people living on the edge of the city had been picked up by the army, except for YJ University.

Because the university is in the north of YJ City, there is a river running across the middle of the city. On the north side of the river, next to the old stadium, is the university, which is far away from Cai Wenjie.

Because the zombies broke out in the university, the army zombies were fighting on the north side of the river, so Cai Wenjie, who had just entered the city from the south, was relatively safe now.

Of course, this is just that the north side is safer than the south side, but it does not mean that there are no zombies on the south side of the river.

Although the army focused on the north side of the river, it did not pay attention to the south side of the river. On the contrary, when there were still few zombies, the army used lightning speed to directly pick up all the residents on the south side.

As a result, Henan is now almost an empty city, and the zombies in groups on the streets pose no threat to Cai Wenjie.

Along the way, Cai Wenjie drove his beloved car and ran over blind zombies when he ran rampant. Because of the excellent performance of the Knight XV, the vehicle was not damaged at all.

Not only that, Cai Wenjie discovered that the zombies he crushed would also be recorded in the mission completion score.

Mission 1: First kill

D-level mission

Mission goal: Kill 10 zombies

Mission introduction: The desperate apocalypse has finally begun. The first step for all apocalyptic strongmen is to kill zombies. As a system owner, you will be extraordinary in the future. Kill 10 zombies as the first step to step out of the apocalypse to prove it. yourself.

Mission rewards:


A full set of individual tactical equipment type 1*1

Mission completion: 6/10

In other words, there are already 6 zombies that have just passed the year of Cai Wenjie, and the points have also changed from 0 to

"Hahaha! So refreshing!"

I have to say that the scene of blood and flesh made Cai Wenjie's blood boil.

Bodies can be seen everywhere on the streets. Apart from those who were crushed to death by Cai Wenjie, most of the bodies were shot to death.

Soon Cai Wenjie arrived at his first destination today, which was a store specializing in gold business. The store sold gold bracelets, gold chains and other jewelry.

But soon Cai Wenjie stopped laughing because the store was in a mess, the glass protecting the jewelry was shattered, and all the gold jewelry that was supposed to be on display disappeared.

Cai Wenjie got out of the car with a gloomy face and closed the door. He took out the MK23 from the system space. After loading the bullet, he slowly walked into the gold shop with the gun raised. The broken glass and gold disappeared. There were also blood stains and a body with a knife stuck in the neck, which always showed what happened to the gold shop.

Cai Wenjie approached the corpse and did not observe it directly. Instead, he shot the corpse in the head first.

"Poof" the bullet passed through the silencer and made a pop sound, accurately hitting the corpse's head. The bullet drilled a bloody hole in the head, so that even the zombies would not suddenly resurrect and attack Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie then pulled out the knife inserted into the body, put it aside, and began to squat down and observe the body.

"There are no traces of infection on the body. Except for the knife wound on the neck, there are scraps of flesh on the fingernails. But there are no scratches on the body, which means that the scraps of flesh belong to someone else. Judging from the size of the knife inserted, it should be He cut his trachea and suffocated himself to death in the struggle."

Cai Wenjie was observing the corpse and talking to himself.

After observing the corpse, Cai Wenjie stood up.

"Has the apocalypse just begun and someone has already started killing people? Oh, this makes it difficult for me to trust outsiders."

Cai Wenjie sighed and began to look for gold jewelry that might have been left behind. After searching for a while, he still found nothing.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Cai Wenjie looked outside the store, where there were a few zombies following the noise of the vehicle.

"Heh, I just didn't know how to vent my depression, and you came to me. Then I won't be polite."

Cai Wenjie picked up a pistol and began to pour bullets at the zombies outside the store. With four "poof" gunshots, the zombies surrounding the vehicle fell down.

Although Cai Wenjie didn't have much shooting experience, because of the strengthening potion, his physical fitness was so strong that he could ignore the recoil of the gun directly. Of course, this refers to ordinary guns. Cai Wenjie couldn't suppress the sniper cannon that he couldn't suppress. After all, although it was strengthened to the limit of the human body, it didn't break through to the level of non-human.

It was no problem to suppress a pistol with one hand. As four zombies fell to the ground, Cai Wenjie also completed the system task.

This made Cai Wenjie, who didn't grab the gold, calm down a little.

"The system is opening the task list, and you can receive the reward."

"Opening the task list, and starting to check."

Task 1: First kill

D-level task

Task goal: Kill 10 zombies

Task introduction: The desperate apocalypse has finally begun. All the apocalypse warriors start by killing zombies. As the owner of the system, you will definitely be extraordinary in the future. As the first step out of the apocalypse, kill 10 zombies to prove yourself.

Task reward:


Full set of individual tactical equipment type 1*1

Task completion: 10/10

"Rewards are being distributed, please wait"

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