"Congratulations, Chief, for completing the mission for the first time and getting a system reward


Full set of individual tactical equipment type 1*1

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π•₯π•¨π•œπ•’π•Ÿ.π•”π• π•ž

Has been distributed to the system space, please check"

Cai Wenjie looked at the full set of individual technical equipment type 1 and 2000 points in the system space. It seems that killing the zombies of the system mission will not erase the original reward for killing only zombies, which makes Cai Wenjie very satisfied. Reading

Looking around, there are no zombies on the streets here. After all, there are still continuous gunfire in the north of the city. Even if there are, they are attracted to the north by the gunfire. Cai Wenjie doesn't have to worry about zombies now. He just needs to guard against some humans with bad intentions.

Cai Wenjie thought about it and decided to take out the system reward and put it on for safety. After Cai Wenjie returned to the car and closed the door, he began to take off his clothes and put on his equipment.

The single-soldier tactical equipment type 1 includes tactical helmets, tactical camouflage uniforms, bulletproof vests, stab-proof uniforms, multifunctional belts, combat boots, tactical flashlights, military night vision goggles, military binoculars and other equipment. It basically includes all tactical equipment and the price is only 2,000 points. It has to be said that it is too conscience.

Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction after putting on the complete set of equipment, and the whole set of equipment weighed less than 15 kilograms, which was very good.

But compared to the survivors, Cai Wenjie is now more like a special forces soldier in film and television dramas. Cai Wenjie took out the pistol and put it in the holster in the belt, and took out the VSS and put it in the co-pilot seat.

Then he took out a notebook and a pen, marked the first destination, closed the notebook and received it in the system space, and drove to the second gold shop.

The second gold shop is a little smaller than the first one, but it still occupies a space of 100 square meters. When Cai Wenjie arrived at the second gold shop, he found that the second one was also looted by survivors like the previous one.

After discovering this, Cai Wenjie rushed to the next store without stopping. As a result, it was robbed like the previous two gold shops. This made Cai Wenjie feel something was wrong.

"Did all the gold shops in the city get robbed?"

In fact, Cai Wenjie was right. When the zombies broke out, people who were waiting for the army's help were robbed soon due to the greed of some people.

This triggered people's herd behavior. Soon a large number of people rushed to the luxury stores that they dared not enter at ordinary times, and began to loot unscrupulously. People who were even overwhelmed by desire began to kill each other, and did not hesitate to hurt strangers for a gold bar.

This was the main reason why Cai Wenjie could see the corpse in the first place. In the end, the army came to maintain order and pulled out the thugs who took advantage of the chaos to kill people.

"So I don't have gold to get for free when I come out today?"

"Gold can't be eaten, what's the use of them carrying it, are they all pigs?"

Cai Wenjie said angrily.

"System will start the remaining tasks"

"Received! Tasks will start"

Task 2: Good or evil?

D-level mission

Mission objective:

(Optional) Help a survivor in crisis

(Optional) Kill a survivor

Mission reward:


Barrett M99 sniper rifle*1

Mission introduction: In the end times when the law collapses, whether to be good or evil is all up to you. Choose whether to be a good person who helps others or a bad person who does all kinds of evil. ♦♦  ♦♦

Mission 3: Gold? Gold!

D-level mission

Mission objective: Obtain gold worth more than 1000 points

Mission reward:


One kilogram of gold bars*5

"Gold, gold, where else can I find gold besides the gold shop?"

Cai Wenjie used his left hand to press against his forehead and began to slowly massage his temples with his thumb and middle finger, letting himself relax and start to think about the place where he had gold.

"Bank? No, if I want to blow up the bank warehouse, I must use C4 bombs, but the explosion will attract zombies within a dozen kilometers. With my current strength, I can't beat them at all and I will die."

Just when Cai Wenjie was thinking hard, he suddenly thought of a place where there might be gold.

Pawnshop! When Cai Wenjie was in high school, there was a student who had no money, so he pawned his parents' gold necklace and gold bracelet to the pawnshop. He took more than 3,000 yuan and lived a carefree life for a while. Then he was found by his parents and beaten half to death because the gold necklace and gold bracelet were tokens of his parents' love.

In the end, it was on the local news, and Cai Wenjie happened to see the news and sighed at the classmate's fearless spirit.

After locking the destination, Cai Wenjie turned around and began to sweep the pawnshops one by one.

Luckily, Cai Wenjie harvested more than 30 gold necklaces, more than 50 gold rings and two kilograms of gold bars in the third pawnshop he swept, completing the system task in one go.

"Task completed, settlement begins"

"Congratulations to the commander for completing Task 3, rewards begin


One kilogram of gold bars*5

Do you want to exchange points?"

"Gold is useless, exchange it directly"

Cai Wenjie said calmly

"Successfully exchange points*

A necklace is about 15 to 20 grams, and a ring is about 8 grams, so with 7 kilograms of gold bars, a total of 4000 points are exchanged, and the total number of points with the original points is 7000 points.

"Kill 30 more zombies and you can exchange for a clone. Do you want to go to the north of the city to join in the fun?"

There is basically no one in the south of the city now, so if you want to complete mission 2, you must go to the north of the city.

Cai Wenjie decided to go to the north of the city. After all, although collecting gold could be exchanged for points, it was too slow. He might as well kill zombies or complete post-missions.

Cai Wenjie drove the car to the bridge connecting the south and north of the city. He did not cross the bridge directly, but stopped at the end of the bridge. There were still gunfire on the other side of the bridge, but it was much smaller than before, so that meant It seems that either the zombies have broken through the defense line, or the evacuation is almost complete.

Cai Wenjie is more inclined to the latter possibility. Those who should evacuate have already evacuated, and those who are left to resist now should be those who are behind.

It's good to cut off the situation, so that Cai Wenjie can sniper from a distance, and maybe he can also help the people in trouble in Mission 2 by accident, killing two birds with one stone.

Cai Wenjie restarted his car and was about to cross the bridge when the gunfire from the north of the bridge suddenly stopped.

"Are you done? Let's go take a look."

After a brief ideological conflict, Cai Wenjie decided to take a look. Even if he was surrounded by zombies, with the performance of the fifteenth knight, Cai Wenjie believed that he would be able to break out and not be surrounded and annihilated.

North of the city

The streets were full of corpses, the road was dark red, the remains of corpses smashed by heavy machine guns were everywhere, blood was flowing like a stream on the streets, the shops on both sides of the streets were turned into ruins, and the vehicles were set ablaze with thick smoke. Roll.

Cai Wenjie, who was sitting in the car, looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh.

"Welcome to the end of the world"

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