My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 345 The First Sacrifice

Facts proved that Cai Wenjie's judgment was correct. The soldier had just laid down for less than a minute when another 7mm bullet hit the obstacle in front of the soldiers, directly punching a big hole in the dead tree that served as an obstacle. If the soldiers had not laid down in time, they would have been hit by the bullet that easily penetrated the dead tree and died in one shot.

Two seconds later, there was another dull sound. Cai Wenjie found that it took a total of two seconds for the bullet to hit the object and then the gunshot sounded. According to the data of the representative large-caliber sniper rifle, the Barrett sniper rifle, the bullet speed of the Barrett is 853 meters per second. If the time is calculated in two seconds, the opponent's sniper is at least 1,700 meters away.

And this is exactly the maximum distance at which the Barrett can achieve effective killing. According to the direction of the bullet and the designed distance, Cai Wenjie can basically determine the position of the sniper.

In order to better understand the sniper's sniper point, Cai Wenjie immediately used the system satellite to scout the sniper's position. When Cai Wenjie checked the sniper's position, the gunshot rang again.

But this time, no one around Cai Wenjie was sniped. When he was feeling strange, Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered the group of soldiers who had just searched the mountain and his subordinates.

Cai Wenjie immediately used the communication device to contact Song Yichen and others, and at the same time, he used the system satellite to search for the sniper in his mind more quickly. •

Finally, Cai Wenjie found something wrong in a small mountain. The surrounding area had been bombed bare by the howitzer, but now there was a small white dot that stayed safely in place. The difference with the surrounding environment was too big, and Cai Wenjie's attention was immediately attracted.

At this time, the contact with Song Yichen was also connected.

"Song Yichen! Time is running out. Take your men to the location I sent you. There is a surviving sniper there. He is aiming at us now. Be careful!"


According to the satellite system, Song Yichen and his men are less than 400 meters away from the place where the sniper is suspected to be. But the problem is that the 200 meters on the mountain road and the flat ground are not at the same level. These 400 meters may not seem far on the flat ground, but on the mountain road, these 400 meters are equivalent to climbing several hills to reach.

After receiving the latest order, Song Yichen did not care about looking for any survivors. He immediately took his soldiers and quickly shuttled through the woods, rushing to the coordinates sent to him by Cai Wenjie as quickly as possible.

On the other side

The scouts who entered the third year from another direction are now hiding in the woods. Just now, one of their scouts was killed by a sniper. Now the body is still there and bleeding. However, the surrounding scouts cannot drag the body of their comrade to a safe place immediately, because when they drag the body of their comrade, they are likely to be killed by the sniper again as a living target.

"Don't move around, don't show your body! There is a sniper on the opposite side! Judging from the direction of the bullet, it should be between 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock, about 600 meters away! Contact the artillery in the rear immediately and bomb the place where the sniper is suspected to be! Quick!"


If it were normal, there would be nothing wrong with the deputy company commander's order, but the problem is that now Cai Wenjie's company of soldiers are rushing to the location of the sniper, which means that once the artillery in the rear really bombs the direction where the sniper is suspected to be, then there is a great possibility that Cai Wenjie's company will be affected, and even in the worst case, it is very likely that Song Yichen and others will be wiped out.

However, no one knows that there is anything unusual now, and the order to request artillery fire has been successfully transmitted to the howitzer position in the rear.

"Captain! The scouts on the front line request to bombard the 311 area. Do you want to execute it?"

The person in charge of the artillery position is a commander, and his name is also related to artillery. It is called Dong Pao, which is simple and clear, that is, Dong Pao.

"Execute it. The time when soldiers risked their lives to save a few shells has passed. Hit them hard!"


The messenger immediately saluted his regiment commander, and then rushed to the artillery position to convey the order to fire.

On the other side

Song Yichen and others moved quickly in the mountains in the direction where the sniper was suspected to be. Soon, Song Yichen and others arrived not far from the coordinates given by Cai Wenjie. They were only one hundred meters away from the target. Song Yichen and others had enough confidence to kill the sniper at this distance, but because Cai Wenjie had ordered to capture the enemy alive before, he was not going to kill the sniper, but to take him down and bring him to Cai Wenjie in person.

After reaching a certain distance, Song Yichen and others no longer moved forward quickly, but lurked around the target like a hunting cheetah, and then approached the target little by little.

They had already found something wrong in front of them, or in other words, the place covered by the camouflage net. The opponent's sniper was likely to shoot coldly under the camouflage net.

Song Yichen and his men slowly approached the camouflage net. When they were less than 20 meters away, Song Yichen made a gesture and suddenly more than a dozen soldiers suddenly pounced on the camouflage net, intending to take down the opponent's sniper in one fell swoop.

"Oh, we finally caught a live person. Now we can finally report to the leader. Don't you think so? Hahahaha"

When Song Yichen saw more than a dozen soldiers throwing themselves on the camouflage net, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then laughed and said to the deputy company commander Ye Dachuan beside him.

Just when Ye Dachuan was about to respond, the dozen soldiers throwing themselves on the camouflage net shouted loudly.

"Company commander! No one is here!"

"What did you say?"

"Be careful!!! Get down quickly!"

Just when Song Yichen was about to go over and check it himself, Ye Dachuan on the side seemed to have discovered something. He jumped up and pushed Song Yichen who was walking fast. Song Yichen fell to the ground and was covered with thick blood before he could react. He quickly wiped his eyes and saw this scene.

Ye Dachuan froze in place while trying to push Song Yichen away, and a big hole appeared in his stomach. The internal organs and intestines were slowly falling out of Ye Dachuan's body because of the big hole, and the thing that covered Song Yichen's face was Ye Dachuan's blood mixed with internal organs and flesh.

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