My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 346: Escape from Death


Song Yichen shouted in pain. As the same batch of clones exchanged by Cai Wenjie, and assigned to live together in the same company, and they were also the company commander and deputy company commander, their relationship was already very strong. Their relationship is no less than that of comradeship in the general army.

Although Song Yichen wanted to go forward and check Ye Dachuan's injuries immediately, there were snipers on the opposite side constantly targeting them, so he couldn't stand up and could only continue to lie on the ground.

"Company commander! Where is the sniper!"

A soldier immediately determined the direction of the sniper based on the direction in which the deputy company commander was injured, and then immediately reported his discovery to Song Yichen.

"Everyone, please don't act rashly! Don't raise your head! Don't fight back blindly! Follow the route you came up and slowly move back to get out of the sniper's sight!"


Song Yichen once again glanced at Ye Dachuan, who had no signs of life, then clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the sniper.

"I will kill you with my own hands to avenge Dachuan! One day!"

After Song Yichen secretly swore in his heart, he led the other soldiers to evacuate the area. Just when the artillerymen on the other side were about to start firing, a messenger ran over quickly and shouted loudly.

"Stop firing! The original coordinates are invalid. These are the new coordinates. Shoot here!"

When the sniper killed Ye Dachuan, he also exposed his position. As the commander of the reconnaissance company, he naturally would not miss this opportunity. After confirming the correct position of the sniper, the commander of the reconnaissance company immediately sent a signal to the artillerymen in the rear. The latest coordinates were conveyed, and this also completely avoided the shelling that would have accidentally injured friendly forces.

Soon, the howitzer group in the rear began to bomb the correct coordinates. Dozens of howitzers with a caliber exceeding 200 mm fired several rounds of salvos at a high ground until the entire high ground was bombed. Only then did the bombing stop.

"Boom boom boom!"

Explosions were heard one after another, and the entire mountain was shaken by the shelling. A large number of rocks and trees were blown to pieces by the shells. Under normal circumstances, the snipers hiding here would definitely be blown up. His body was shattered into pieces, and it was impossible for him to survive.

Almost everyone thinks so, except Song Yichen and Cai Wenjie. If Song Yichen thinks that the sniper is not dead because he wants to kill himself to avenge Ye Dachuan, Cai Wenjie thinks that the reason why the sniper is not dead is because , he used the system satellite to see with his own eyes the sniper himself who parachuted away before the bombing.

Unlike other ambush soldiers with simple equipment, this sniper's equipment can only be said to be very luxurious. The value of the equipment and various props owned by this sniper is directly equivalent to all the weapons carried by all ambush soldiers, that is, Hundreds of AK rifles.

Needless to say what kind of luxurious equipment it is, the most shocking thing is that this sniper also carries a glider. Before the howitzer group bombed, the sniper resolutely took the glider directly from He jumped off the cliff in the back mountain and ran away.

The bombardment of the howitzer group was carried out after the sniper had fled, so this bombardment did not even kill the sniper, not even a hair was left for them, and several tons of artillery shells were wasted.

However, although the sniper escaped from the bombing zone, he could not escape from Cai Wenjie's system. You must know that Ye Dachuan is not only Song Yichen's comrade-in-arms, but also one of Cai Wenjie's most important officers at this stage. The person who killed him can still be shot. Just leave? Cai Wenjie was the first to refuse.

Cai Wenjie has already contacted Cai Liang, who is far away at the Xinguang gathering place, and asked him to send out unmanned bombers. Once Cai Wenjie provides an accurate coordinate, his task is to use unmanned bombers to bomb the coordinates.

Cai Wenjie controls the system satellite and has been tracking the sniper. As long as the sniper dares to land or stay in one place, what awaits him is an unmanned bomber carrying several air-to-ground missiles.

At this time, Song Yichen led his troops back to Cai Wenjie. The leader Song Yichen seemed to be exhausted, or as if he had stayed up all night for several days in a row. His whole person exuded a decadent aura.

But after seeing Cai Wenjie, Song Yichen forcibly raised his spirits and shouted to Cai Wenjie.

"Report to the leader! Our mission failed, and deputy company commander Ye Dachuan also died."

"I understand, don't worry, I will avenge Ye Dachuan personally."

Cai Wenjie did not comfort Song Yichen, but only promised that he would take revenge. After a moment of silence, Cai Wenjie continued.

"You take a few people and go back to collect Dachuan's body, and then find a geomantic treasure to cremate him. We can't go back now, so we can only take his ashes with us. After the matter over the border is resolved, we can Take him back to the gathering place with you.”


Although Ye Dachuan is a clone, after getting along with him for so long, Cai Wenjie cannot simply regard these people as clones or props, but instinctively believes that they are also human beings, no different from ordinary people.

People have seven emotions and six desires, and they also have them, but they have less desires and more rationality than ordinary people. People can think, and they will think. They also have the most important emotions of people, such as family, love, and friendship. This is the most experienced by Song Yichen now, after all, comradeship is also a kind of friendship.

As a person in the end of the world, Cai Wenjie should be the most disdainful of emotions, but now the situation is different. He is no longer alone, his parents are safe, the order has not been completely broken, and people have not completely turned bad. In addition, he is now a soldier, and he is a major battalion commander who manages hundreds of soldiers. It is impossible to continue to deal with the present with the mentality before rebirth, and it can only be used as a reference.

So, to be honest, since rebirth, the violent emotions in Cai Wenjie's heart have decreased a lot, and he has become more human.

If it was Cai Wenjie before rebirth, if one of his men died like today, let alone collecting the body for cremation and taking it back to his hometown, he would not even look at it, and then simply say "yes" and continue the previous actions as if nothing had happened.

Looking at Song Yichen who was leading people to collect Ye Dachuan's body, Cai Wenjie still asked the system a question.

"Is it really impossible for the clone to be resurrected again?"

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