My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 347: The crisis is not over

"I'm sorry, Chief. If it's a natural person, you can spend 10,000 points to convert it into a clone and get a new life, but clones can't. They only have one life. Even if the body can be cloned again, the memories or other emotions of the previous life cannot be cloned together. In other words, no matter how similar the appearance is, it is not the same person after all."

The system's meaning is very clear. If it's an ordinary human, you can spend a certain price to convert it into a clone, and the memory or personality is exactly the same as before, but clones can't. They almost all have unique characteristics. Once they are gone, they are gone. Simply put, cloning requires samples, and each cloning consumes a sample, and there is only one sample, and it will be gone after cloning. Read

This is one of the biggest reasons why the system says that it is impossible to clone a clone.

Hearing this, Cai Wenjie could only sigh and continue to concentrate on observing the position of the sniper.

In the picture fed back by the system satellite, the sniper in snow-white camouflage clothes drove a hang glider to an uninhabited village five kilometers away from the original mountain. As for why it is called an uninhabited village, it is mainly because the villagers in the original village have long since turned into a group of slow-moving zombies.

Because the village is too small, and the villagers in the village are all old ladies or grandfathers, so after turning into zombies, their speed of movement and physical strength will be much weaker than ordinary zombies, and coupled with the fact that it has been snowing in the north in winter, the zombies in this small village are all slow-moving zombies that do not pose much threat.

I saw this sniper, like a god descending from the sky, directly landed in the center of the small village, and then before the surrounding zombies could react, he took out his small pistol and shot one zombie at a time. In less than a few minutes, the sniper used the small pistol in his hand to kill all the zombies around.

This is not over yet. After killing the zombies, the sniper also searched all the houses in the small village. The houses were attacked by zombies left in the houses.

After confirming that no zombies were found, the sniper finally let down his guard and took off the thick camouflage helmet on his head. Cai Wenjie, who had been observing the sniper using the system satellite, would certainly not miss this opportunity. He would take a screenshot of the sniper's appearance as soon as possible. If the sniper could survive the drone airstrike and escape.

Then this screenshot would be spread by Cai Wenjie to all the gathering places and the military in the country, and then a reward would be issued. As long as the sniper was captured or killed, he would get support from the Xinguang gathering place, including food, ammunition, and medicine.

Under Cai Wenjie's gaze, the sniper finally took off the helmet on her head, revealing her neck as white as ice, then her red lips as flaming as fire, her skin as white as cream, her delicate face, her charming fox eyes, and her long black hair that reached her waist. She was a stunning beauty.

But no matter how beautiful this sniper was, it was of no use to Cai Wenjie. Without any hesitation, Cai Wenjie immediately took a screenshot of the female sniper's appearance, and then immediately sent the sniper's location to Cai Liang.

"Cai Liang! I just sent you a coordinate. You immediately control the drone and blow this area to pieces!"

"Understood! Complete the task resolutely!"

If Cai Liang had not been equipped with only one drone before, Cai Wenjie would definitely use all the drones in his hands to blow this stunning woman to pieces and avenge Ye Dachuan!

"Major Cai Wenjie! Our leader wants to see you"

A soldier ran over quickly from a distance, saluted in front of Cai Wenjie, and then spoke loudly.

There was no way, Cai Wenjie could only withdraw his attention from the system satellite and look at the soldier in front of him.

"Are you saying that Chief Hongwu is looking for me?"

"Yes, our leader wants you to go and discuss the next thing"

Although Cai Wenjie wanted to see the sniper die in the explosion with his own eyes, Chief Hongwu must have something big to ask him. There was no way, Cai Wenjie could only give up watching the sniper being blown to death with his own eyes, followed the soldiers in front of him, and started to return to the carriage where Hongwu was.

A few minutes later, Cai Wenjie returned to Hongwu's carriage. After greeting the guard in front of the door, Cai Wenjie entered Hongwu's carriage and came to the conference room to see the brigade commander Hongwu who was constantly pointing and pointing on the tablet computer.

"Report to the chief! Cai Wenjie, the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place, reports to you!"

Hearing Cai Wenjie's report, Hongwu immediately moved his eyes from the tablet to Cai Wenjie, then suddenly stood up, came to Cai Wenjie, and patted Cai Wenjie's shoulder vigorously.

"Good boy, I heard that you are the first person to discover the ambush on the mountain. If you hadn't discovered these ambushes in advance, we would be in danger now. You are our great hero, come and sit down!"

Hongwu smiled and pulled Cai Wenjie to the conference table, then pressed Cai Wenjie to the front of the conference table, and Hongwu himself sat in the main seat at the conference table.

Just as the two of them sat at the conference table, Hongwu, who had a smile on his face, showed an embarrassed expression. He first poured a cup of tea for Cai Wenjie, and then said.

"I called you here not for other things, but mainly because something happened to the general?"

As soon as this was said, Cai Wenjie immediately realized that the general Hongwu was talking about was actually General Yansong.

"Are you talking about what happened to General Yansong?"

"That's right, not only did we encounter an ambush, but General Yansong also encountered some ambush disguised as survivors in a small station a hundred kilometers away from us, and then pretended to be a poor person with nowhere to go after the gathering place was destroyed by the zombie tide, to trick the armored train into stopping at the small station"

Listening to Hongwu's words, Cai Wenjie frowned and immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Could it be that these people really got on the armored train?!"

Cai Wenjie suddenly asked, and Hongwu did not blame him for this, but shook his head.

"No, although these ambushes are indeed pitiful, after all, we are still here waiting for rescue, so the armored train did not stop and went straight through the station."

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