My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 348 A wave of

Cai Wenjie listened to Hong Wu's words and didn't understand what he meant. ReadМ

"Now that we have passed through the station, there should be no problem. Although the large troops failed to follow, the defensive weapons equipped with the armored trains are not even unable to kill these terrorists."

Although the entire armored train carriages are evenly distributed with various defensive weapons and armed carriages, without exception, the strongest defensive weapons of the entire train are in the front half. After all, the front half has the highest defense capabilities of the entire armored train. The commander will definitely put this person’s safety first.

"If those terrorists really have the guts to confront the armored train, that would be okay, but the problem is that these terrorists will not confront the armored train, but will deliberately destroy the railway tracks to prevent the armored train from moving forward. Now the commander's armored train is forced to stop at a small train station a hundred kilometers away from us. Although there is no danger now, it will be difficult to say after a long time. After all, the troops who can fight are all here with us. , on the first half of the train, there were only some guards lined up to protect General Iwasatsu."

Cai Wenjie now understood what Hong Wu meant. When the train was unable to move forward and was retreating, they could only let them rescue the train.

"You mean, not only do we have no rescue now, we even have to rescue the trapped General Yansong?"

"Yes, that's it. Although my armored brigade has heavy vehicles such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, it is of no use in a place like this, and there are continuous snow-capped mountains nearby. My armor The troops can’t get out of this area on their own, but we can’t ignore General Iwasatsu’s side, so I think.”

"You want to prioritize sending out an urgent march to rescue General Yansong first? As for the troops behind, you intend to continue to follow up after the railway repairs are completed, right?"

Seeing that Cai Wenjie's guess was correct, Hong Wu laughed heartily again.

"As expected of you, you actually guessed my intention directly. Yes, I want to send a team of light troops to get to General Yansong as quickly as possible. After arriving there, I will give priority to protecting the general's safety and assist the armored train. Eliminate the ambush of terrorists anywhere"

After listening to Hong Wu's words, Cai Wenjie nodded first, then shook his head and said. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

"I understand what you mean, but the problem is that if we want to walk through this mountain forest and get to the small station where General Yansong is as quickly as possible, then we have to march quickly, and it is winter now, even if No matter how fast we go, it will still be twelve hours before we reach the small station where General Iwamatsu is, and if we encounter any accidents on the way, such as a tide of corpses or other mutated animals, it will take even longer. "

It takes at least twelve hours of rapid marching, and it is still in the snowy mountain area. Even if they arrive at a small train station, the soldiers will not be able to fight well due to fatigue and other various effects. By then, no matter how experienced the soldiers are, they will not be able to overcome the physical problems, resulting in defeat on the battlefield.

"By the way, I remember someone told me that there is our air force nearby. Why not let them come to support us?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered that Li Jianjun had told him before that when he went to the border this time, not only was there an armored brigade, but there was even assistance from the air force. Since it was the same as before, why not ask for help from the air force? You know, Yansong is They were unwilling to watch this serious general fall into danger.

In response to Cai Wenjie's questions and suggestions, Brigadier Hongwu just nodded slightly.

"Yes, there is an air force nearby, and I have contacted them a long time ago. They have also agreed to send fighter planes to support us. But now they are unable to protect themselves, so they can only send four fighter planes. The transport helicopter and two armed helicopters were given to us, and the maintenance and repair of other fighter aircraft are in preparation for the subsequent border operations."

Just when Cai Wenjie wanted to ask the nearby air force what problems they could not protect themselves from, Hong Wu seemed to know what Cai Wenjie wanted to ask in advance, and then explained.

"You also know that their air force has been cooperating with the border troops to eliminate zombies crossing the border. At that time, their air force was on standby almost 24 hours a day, and then attacked. Every time the border called for support, , they can always arrive in time, and after killing a large part of the zombies, they will not return to the base until the ammunition is exhausted. After the ammunition is replenished, they will return to the battlefield again and continue to kill zombies."

Hong Wu sighed as he spoke.

"Alas, just because of this, the pilots at the air force base have exhausted themselves too much. Now every pilot is very tired. Some even passed out due to overloading when they were exterminating the zombie tide. The fighter plane they were controlling Because of the unmanned pilot, he fell straight into the tide of corpses, and then exploded. The pilot died on the spot. Since then, the air force base has stipulated that each pilot can only fly twelve hours a day, but even so , and many pilots will consciously fly more, just to eliminate zombies as much as possible and prevent zombies from crossing the border."

Twelve hours! Cai Wenjie was shocked when he heard Hongwu's words. You know, these pilots are not flying passenger planes or small civil aircraft, but fighter planes, especially bombers and fighter planes. Normally, the flying intensity of the troops is greater than that of civil aviation, but their flying time is less than that of civil aviation. They usually fly for 40 minutes, then come down to rest, and then go up again. This cycle will not cause unnecessary damage to their bodies.

But for the sake of the border, these pilots are trying to extend their flight time as much as possible. They will not return to the base to resupply ammunition until their bodies can no longer bear it and reach their limits. Then they will use a short period of time to rest and recover from physical and mental fatigue. Over time, many pilots have acquired various diseases, but none of them have given up flying.

"So we can only send out some helicopters?"

After Cai Wenjie said this, he immediately began to calculate in his mind, assuming that General Yansong was surrounded by at least several companies

This time, there are four transport helicopters and armed helicopters for support. Even if one transport helicopter can carry 30 people, at least one reinforced company can be sent out. With the cover of two armed helicopters, Cai Wenjie is confident that he can clear the terrorists in the small station in the shortest time.

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