My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 358 New Mutated Zombie

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to use the corpses in the distance to kill the two men, an accident happened. The two gangsters were suddenly knocked to the ground by several tall black shadows before Cai Wenjie led out the zombies.

After being knocked down, the tall black shadows did not do any extra movements. They just opened their bloody mouths and bit the two gangsters fiercely, swallowing half of the gangsters' heads in one bite. The two living people were swallowed up by these tall black shadows in less than ten seconds, and there were no bones left, which really achieved no waste.

Although Cai Wenjie controlled the drone to lead the zombies, his eyes never left the two men, so Cai Wenjie saw the scene of these tall black shadows attacking the gangsters from beginning to end. He first felt a breath of anger, and then found that these black shadows seemed very difficult to deal with.

Not to mention that when these shadows appeared, they jumped from the five-story residential building next to the gangsters without any damage. Just the cooperation of these shadows when eating the gangsters made Cai Wenjie feel a sense of danger.

You know, even now zombies or mutant zombies have one thing in common, that is, they have no reason, not to mention any spirit of cooperation, but now there are zombies that can cooperate. This discovery can't help but shock Cai Wenjie. You know, he has never seen any zombies that can cooperate with each other before his rebirth. This is the first time.

"No! We can't let them continue to live. Once more zombies show cooperative consciousness, human life will be difficult."

Cai Wenjie figured out in a short time what kind of blow humans would suffer if these types of zombies continued to reproduce, so in order to prevent this situation from happening, Cai Wenjie decided to kill these tall shadows as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after swallowing the two gangsters, these shadows did not leave directly. Instead, they seemed to be digesting on the spot and did not move, which gave Cai Wenjie a great opportunity.

He controlled the drone to return to the original place and turned on the low noise mode, which greatly reduced the noise generated by the drone propeller when it rotated, from the original 100 decibels to the current 40 decibels. This is the most high-tech part of this drone, and it is also the reason why the system dares to sell it for 10,000 points.

These tall black shadows who had just eaten a full meal did not notice that there was a drone hovering twelve meters above their heads.

The several kilograms of high explosives carried by the drone were enough to blow up everything within a few dozen meters nearby, but because Cai Wenjie saw this kind of mutant zombie for the first time, he could not guarantee that he could kill them 100%, so Cai Wenjie used tens of thousands of points and exchanged four drones and four five-kilogram C4 bombs from the system mall again.

After letting each drone carry a five-kilogram C4 bomb, Cai Wenjie took the drone controller and began to control the drone to rush to the place where the tall black shadows were.

A few minutes later.

Cai Wenjie successfully operated five drones to arrange drone formations in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and above the tall black shadows, successfully trapping these tall black shadows in this place. After all the preparations were completed, Cai Wenjie could finally observe what these tall black shadows looked like.

Through the bug-like magnification function of the system satellite, Cai Wenjie finally saw what these tall black shadows looked like.

These black shadows were covered with black fluff all over their bodies, and under the black fluff were highly developed muscles of these black shadows, which could be compared with those bodybuilding champions who specialized in fitness and muscle training. Moreover, the hands and feet of these black shadows were thicker and heavier than those of ordinary people. One of their hands was equivalent to the hands of three adults put together.

Not to mention their big feet. My goodness, if you make a pair of shoes specifically for them, it would cost at least five times the usual materials. If you want to express it in yards, their feet are at least ninety yards.

Moreover, they have unusually sharp and long claws on their hands and feet. Combined with their long arms, it is easy to guess that these things must be very good at climbing. If their faces were not ordinary human faces, which reminded Cai Wenjie that they were just mutant zombies mutated from humans, Cai Wenjie would definitely think that these creatures were all mutated from gorillas.

After seeing the basic characteristics of these things and taking screenshots and saving them, Cai Wenjie immediately controlled the drones to get as close to them as possible from five different directions at the fastest speed, ensuring that after the explosion, these mutant creatures can be 100% killed.

When the five drones quickly approached the mutant zombies ten meters away, Cai Wenjie pressed the blasting button without hesitation. Before these mutant zombies felt something was wrong and wanted to escape instinctively, the C4 explosives carried by each drone burst into a dazzling red light in an instant.


As the C4 bomb was detonated, the huge explosion completely destroyed all the buildings and roads within hundreds of meters. In just a moment, the area of ​​hundreds of meters was turned into ruins, and the five mutant zombies were completely blown to pieces. The two gangsters they had just eaten were their last meal in the world.

The huge explosion also frightened the soldiers stationed in the train station, and then they were ready for battle in an instant. The soldiers watched vigilantly as a huge mushroom cloud rose not far away. The mushroom cloud was actually a normal phenomenon caused by the explosion.

Of course, in addition to these soldiers who were suddenly alert, there was a group of people who rushed into the stationmaster's office where Cai Wenjie was, fully armed, and prepared to evacuate with Cai Wenjie to the safer armored train.

"Chief! There is no time to explain. For your safety, hurry up and evacuate to the armored train with us!"

"Okay, don't be nervous. I caused the explosion. We are safe now."

Because the people who came in were all his clone soldiers, Cai Wenjie didn't hide anything. He directly explained the cause of the explosion, and uploaded all the facial features that he had just screenshotted and observed to a dedicated database through his communication device, so that all soldiers with communication devices had time to see and understand this new type of mutant zombie.

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