My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 359 Zombies Attack

And this explosion was not only seen by the soldiers in the train station, but also by the people on the armored train hundreds of meters away from the train station.

"What's the matter with this explosion and mushroom cloud? Are there any terrorists?"

As the highest staff officer in the command room of the armored train, Situ Guang immediately became alert. The recent series of accidents made this highest staff officer alert, especially now that they were forced to separate from the main force behind them. Their only remaining combat power is the defense system installed on this armored train and the rapid response force stationed at the train station not far away.

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Although the soldiers of the rapid response force stationed at the train station are all top elites, this highest staff officer still feels that it is not enough. Unless the main force behind them joins them, no one can guarantee real safety.

"No, we are too passive now. We must take the initiative to eliminate the terrorists around us. Communicator! Immediately contact Major Cai in the train station and ask him to take his troops to clear all the hostile elements around here. At least ensure the absolute safety within a radius of one kilometer! What are you doing? Go!"


"Wait a minute!"

At this time, the deputy staff officer who had been silent all the time suddenly called out to the communicator Cai Wenjie, and then waved his hand to let him step aside.

"Chief of Staff, I disagree with your opinion. You should know that we don't even know what organization the terrorists on the other side are from, and there are zombies everywhere outside. Major Cai's troops are rapid reaction troops. They carry some light weapons and squad weapons with relatively light weight, and there are few heavy weapons. Moreover, they have just experienced a battle for the railway station, and they have not had time to replenish the ammunition they consumed. The soldiers now have less than half of their ammunition. In this situation where the enemy and us are unknown and the ammunition is about to run out, sending troops to sweep the surrounding area is a complete suicide operation! So I don't agree to send troops!"

The deputy staff officer directly stated the reason why he disagreed with sending troops. Now they don't even know how many terrorists there are on the other side? Where is the headquarters? They are ready to send troops out. If they enter the full set set by the terrorists, it is very likely that the rapid reaction force will be wiped out, and even if one or two people can escape, it will be useless.

Besides, it is the zombie apocalypse now. Although there are not many zombies around, there are still some. These zombies are like invisible landmines. Once they are attacked accidentally, the troops will not be wiped out, but they also know the infectious ability of zombies. After a bite, the person bitten will not have a chance to survive. He can only wait for mutation or commit suicide.

Perhaps it was the resolute opposition of the deputy staff that successfully calmed down the chief of staff Situ Guang. He did not mention the initiative to attack, but fell silent.

Seeing that the chief of staff did not mention the troops, the deputy staff was relieved, and then thought about it and continued.

"The only troops we can mobilize now are Major Cai's rapid response force, and the soldiers of the rapid response force only add up to 200 people. These 200 people must hold on until the rails are successfully repaired and the armored train can be put on the road again. To be honest, we can't provide them with ammunition supplies, because the supply cars are all in those who are forced to stay in the snowy mountains with the main force, so they can only rely on the ammunition they bring over to hold on, and we can only provide some food and water, and they have to come and get it in person."

The deputy staff officer said this to mean that the rapid response force has only half of its ammunition, which can't support them to sweep the surrounding area and maintain the defense line. They can only shrink inside the train station and rely on the buildings of the train station to form a defense line to resist the zombies that may attack at any time and those terrorists who don't know where they come from.

"Alas, don't say it, I won't order troops to go out"

Situ Guang stopped the deputy staff officer from saying the next thing after a sigh.

Seeing that the chief of staff had regained his composure, the deputy staff officer swallowed what he was about to say, just nodded, then returned to his seat and sat down, continuing to deal with his documents.

But before Situ Guang could think about the next plan, bursts of gunfire rang out again at the train station, and the gunfire quickly changed from a few shots to continuous and dense gunfire.

"What's going on! Liaison officer! Contact Major Cai immediately to find out the situation!"


This time the liaison officer did not hesitate at all, and shouted a loud yes, and then immediately started to contact Cai Wenjie by radio.

"Major Cai! Got it, please reply! Repeat! Major Cai got it, please reply!"

"I am Cai Wenjie. A group of zombies have gathered here. They must have been attracted by the noise of the explosion. Don't worry. This number of zombies is not a threat to us. If we really can't deal with them, I will notify you. Hang up!"

After Cai Wenjie hung up the radio, he held the gun in his hand and continued to shoot accurately at the zombies not far away. Almost every bullet hit the head of the zombies running over accurately. It can be said that every shot hit the vital point.

As for why he personally took a gun to shoot the zombies, it was because there were already three-digit zombies gathered in front of the train station, and the number was still rising, and it was about to break through four digits.

A large number of bullets were fired by the soldiers, accurately shooting at the zombies' vital points, causing batches of zombies to fall on the road of charge like cutting rice, becoming stumbling blocks one by one, specifically tripping the zombies charging from behind, causing a large number of zombies to suddenly trip to the ground while running, and then being shot in the head by bullets shot from nowhere.

Soon, a half-meter-high wall of corpses was built on the road that the train station must pass. These were all zombies killed by the soldiers' guns, and even so, they could not stop the zombies that continued to follow behind. They stepped on the corpses under their feet and continued to charge towards the train station. The number of zombies was about to be exhausted, but the train station suddenly lost half of its firepower, which instantly reduced the pressure on the zombies by half.

"What are you standing there for! Hurry up and reload, the zombies are coming!"

"Captain, no, platoon leader, we have used up all the bullets we brought with us, look."

The soldier said, showing his magazine and backpack to the former reconnaissance captain, now the fourth platoon leader, meaning that he had no more bullets to fire.

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