My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 366 Getting back on track

When the zombies passed through this area, the survivors hiding in the surrounding buildings did not dare to make a sound, fearing that they would be discovered by the zombies outside. Read

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Until the last zombie disappeared at the farthest end of the street and could no longer be seen, the survivors dared to come to the window and peek carefully.

After confirming that there was no danger here, the two criminal police dared to lead people to continue to rush to the original destination.

However, although these people were safe, Cai Wenjie was not in a good mood, because the direction of this zombie group was right here, that is, the train station.

"C! Why choose here when there is no place else!"

Cai Wenjie cursed secretly, and then immediately notified the soldiers deployed in the train station.

"Hey! Hey! Everyone, pay attention. We just received intelligence that a group of zombies numbering about 2,000 are approaching us quickly. All combatants should be ready for battle! Repeat! All combatants should immediately return to their combat positions and be ready for defense!"

As Cai Wenjie used the radio to notify all the soldiers stationed at the railway station, the soldiers immediately stopped whatever they were doing, rushed to their defensive positions as quickly as possible, and were ready for defense.

At this time, the zombie group was only a few kilometers away from the railway station where they were lured. In about ten to fifteen minutes, the zombie group would arrive at the railway station. The situation was very critical. You must know that Cai Wenjie's troops were not equipped with heavy firepower at all. It was still difficult to block the attack of 2,000 zombies with just the rifles and a few squad machine guns in their hands.

But there was no way. Even if there were difficulties, they had to face them. After all, behind them were the engineering company that was urgently repairing the railway and the highest commander of the commanding troops this time. Once they were killed, this operation could be declared a failure.

Just when Cai Wenjie led his troops to prepare for battle, the man who was responsible for luring the zombies suddenly changed his route and rushed straight to the department store where they were originally located. The department store was not close to the train station, which meant that they did not need to prepare for battle.

Cai Wenjie, who had been observing the zombies through the system satellite, knew about this situation at the first time.

"Why did he suddenly change his route to go somewhere else?"

Because Cai Wenjie did not know the situation in the department store, nor did he know that the department store was ruled by the Tianwei Gang, he was very puzzled by the man's behavior.

"Forget it, anyway, the crisis here is resolved, and everyone returns to normal defense!"


After the highest state was lifted, Cai Wenjie continued to observe the situation of the zombies through the system satellite.

But at this moment, a communicator from the engineering company quickly came to where Cai Wenjie was.

"Report to the commander! The railway has been repaired! It can be used normally!"

Just after the signalman finished speaking, another guard belonging to General Yansong also came to where Cai Wenjie was and said.

"Major Cai! General Yansong just issued a retreat order! You and your troops should immediately return to the armored train for repairs. This is the general's order notice, please take a look!"

"No need, I will immediately gather the troops and rush to the armored train. Please convey to General Yansong that we will arrive as quickly as possible!"


After the notification, General Yansong's guard said goodbye and left, and the other signalman also left after conveying the message.

Cai Wenjie did not hesitate and immediately called the platoon leaders of each platoon.

In less than a minute, all the platoon leaders and deputy platoon leaders came to where Cai Wenjie was and saluted.

"Report! First Platoon Leader and Deputy Platoon Leader! Reporting to you!"

"Second Platoon"

"Third Platoon"

Cai Wenjie looked at the energetic crowd and went straight to the point without saying any nonsense.

"After the repair by the engineering company, the railway is now open to traffic, and our mission is completely completed. Now General Yansong ordered us to go to the transfer station ahead with the armored train, so I order! Each platoon must pack up all the equipment in the shortest time and then set off to the armored train! Okay, start the action!"


Because they are a rapid reaction force, there are not many things to pack. In addition to their own weapons and equipment, there is nothing to carry, so the speed of the troops' assembly is many times faster.

In less than three minutes, all the soldiers gathered together, and then followed the instructions of the platoon leaders and began to run towards the armored train. Cai Wenjie was also at the front of the team and the first to approach the armored train. At this time, in front of Cai Wenjie was the soldier of the engineering company who had just repaired the railroad tracks.

"Thank you for your hard work"

"No, it's my duty!"

After greeting the engineers, Cai Wenjie led his troops and quickly boarded the armored train. The soldiers of the engineering company also boarded the train quickly.

After confirming that all the troops had boarded the train and no one was left behind, the driver of the armored train rubbed his hands and pressed the start button. In an instant, the armored train, which had been sleeping for several hours, started to operate again.

Although it had not yet reached the point of shaking the earth, the noise made by the armored train was not small.

It took the armored train three minutes to get from the start to the departure, and this was the time it took when at least half of the carriages were missing. If it was a complete train, it would take even longer.

Cai Wenjie and his rapid response force were arranged in the carriages closest to General Yansong, not for other reasons, but so that Cai Wenjie could lead the troops to provide quick support in case of any unexpected situation.

The engineering company was arranged in the carriages at the back, which was also a safer place, because there were more defensive weapon systems in the rear, which could fully protect the safety of the soldiers of the engineering company. In a sense, among the troops on the armored train, their importance of the engineering company can be ranked in the front.

After all, the engineering company is the logistics support, and the railway or the train depends on them for maintenance. Without them, once something is broken, it can't be repaired and can only be abandoned.

In another few dozen kilometers, the armored train will reach the transfer station. After arriving there, the armored train can turn around or add a locomotive. When the engineering company comes to support, they will have already repaired the railway in the snow-capped mountains. In other words, as long as the armored train is driven to the scene of the incident, it can directly connect to the intact carriages and continue to rush to the border.

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