My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 367 Silent Transfer Station

There were no accidents on the way to the transfer station, and the armored train arrived at the transfer station intact. Read М

Although it is a transfer station, there are not many people here, or there are not many zombies.

The armored train, with such a large target, arrived here, but did not attract any zombies. The entire transfer station was quiet, even a little abnormal.

The armored train first stopped at a temporary stop. The moment the armored train stopped, Cai Wenjie jumped off the train with the rapid response team and began to be on guard around the train.

"The first and second rows stay here to protect the train, and the rest of you follow me to detect the situation inside!"


After Cai Wenjie made quick arrangements, he took the other two rows to quickly enter the transfer station to explore the situation inside.

"Be careful, I always feel that something is wrong here, it's too quiet, and it's a little abnormal."

You know, the places in this world without zombies are all gathering places specially cleared by the remaining humans. There can be no safe places except the gathering places.

Even in places where there are no people, there will be mutant animals and the like, so there is something wrong with no zombies jumping out like this.

Soon, Cai Wenjie took the soldiers to check all the places in the transfer station. The result of the inspection was that there were no zombies or other dangerous creatures in the transfer station, only silence.

Although he still felt something was wrong, there was no way, Cai Wenjie could only report to the armored train.

"Report, everything is normal inside, no suspicious places or dangerous creatures were found, you can come in!"

"Received! Thank you for your hard work"

"However, there is one thing I must say, I always feel that something is wrong here, it is better to be vigilant"

"Wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

For what Cai Wenjie said, the people on the armored train did not ignore it, but attached great importance to what Cai Wenjie said, mainly because what happened today was too rich, so they had to be vigilant, so when Cai Wenjie said something was wrong, the people in the command center immediately became alert, fearing that there would be another accident.

"It's really too quiet here, so quiet that it's a bit unbelievable."

Cai Wenjie reported his estimate to the command center on the armored train. After hearing what Cai Wenjie said, the command center immediately felt that it was true. From the time they arrived at the transfer station until now, not only did they not find any zombies, they didn't even see some small animals. →

"Hearing what you said, it seems to be true. For safety reasons, please check the transfer station again, not even a small corner. If you find any abnormal situation, you are allowed to open fire freely."

"Okay, I understand."

After Cai Wenjie finished communicating with the armored train command center, he spoke loudly to the soldiers behind him.

"For safety reasons, the headquarters ordered us to search again. This time we are allowed to fire freely, so if we encounter anything wrong, just fire directly without asking for instructions. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

"Very good! Start the action!"


In this way, Cai Wenjie led the soldiers of the rapid response force to conduct a careful sweep of the transfer station again. To what extent was it so careful that even an abandoned gasoline barrel was kicked by the soldiers, and then they kept a safe distance to observe whether there was anything inside.

Not only gasoline barrels, but also every rat hole in the transfer station, the soldiers did not let go. Especially after finding a rat hole, the soldiers would not only check whether there were rats in it, but also block the rat hole as much as possible to prevent any mutant rats from attacking them later.

There are many warehouses in the transfer station, which are filled with various items such as coal or wood. The soldiers naturally would not let go of this place. They checked warehouses one by one. During this period, the soldiers remained highly vigilant, fearing that something would jump out of the warehouse and attack them.

In this way, Cai Wenjie led the soldiers to carefully check the transfer station many times. It can be said that Cai Wenjie has turned the transfer station upside down, but he has not found anything wrong. At this time, even Cai Wenjie himself felt that he was too sensitive.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to give up the search and report to the command center of the armored train that there was nothing abnormal, suddenly, a drop of unknown liquid dripped from above onto Cai Wenjie's shoulder. Cai Wenjie, who felt something abnormal on his shoulder, touched his shoulder subconsciously and then looked at his hand.

"What is this? Blood!"

After seeing the red blood on his hand, Cai Wenjie immediately looked up at the ceiling of the transfer station, because the ceiling of the transfer station was very high, almost ten meters high, and when the soldiers were checking, their attention was on the ground, so no one looked up to observe if there was anything wrong with the ceiling.

But now, from Cai Wenjie's perspective, there are many human remains on the ceiling, or some mummies hanging upside down. These remains or mummies have a very obvious feature, that is, the corpses are very thin, even if The same goes for mutilated corpses. Each mummy seemed to have been sucked dry of blood or water by something before death, and then hung on the ceiling on purpose.

Cai Wenjie's raising of his head also made other soldiers raise their heads subconsciously and look at the ceiling. Fortunately, they were startled. The soldiers looked at the mummy hanging on the ceiling and instinctively raised their heads. He raised his gun and pointed it at the mummies. If they hadn't been able to withstand it better, they would have opened fire long ago.

Among the hanging mummies, in addition to human mummies, there are also mummies of many animals. From the largest wild boar to the smallest rat, all of them, without exception, had their fluids sucked dry and then hung on top.

"Chief, this"

"Don't panic, take the others out of here first, and then report the true situation here to the command center. We will talk about other things later."

"Yes! Everyone! Retreat in an orderly manner!"

Although the soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the hanging mummies above their heads, they still carried out the orders without hesitation. Under the orders of the officers, the soldiers quickly withdrew from the transfer station in an orderly manner.

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