My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 365 Return to the original place

Cai Wenjie knew everything about the Xinguang gathering place on the armored train. The main reason was that Ji Qinglai would report the situation every 12 hours.

This was not specifically requested by Cai Wenjie, but was Ji Qinglai's own spontaneous behavior.

At this time, the armored train Cai Wenjie was riding was rushing back to the snowy mountains as fast as possible. Although the brigade commander's armed forces were very powerful, they were still in the wild after all, and the wild in the apocalypse also represented endless dangers. .

Especially mutant animals, which are sometimes more difficult to deal with than mutant zombies.

When the armored train drove for about an hour, it passed by the small train station before. It was different from when it came. There were now a large number of zombies gathered in the small train station.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

But for a high-speed armored train, even if zombies pile up on the railway track, it is impossible to stop the armored train.

"These zombies gathered at the train station should have been attracted by the previous group of people."

After Cai Wenjie thought for a moment, he immediately concluded that the zombies gathered at the train station were the zombie group that had been lured away before.

However, Cai Wenjie remembered that the person who led away the zombies did not seem to continue to attract zombies to the train station, but turned around and went somewhere else.

It seems that the man who led the zombies away did not succeed, but this is normal. You must know that the running speed of zombies now exceeds 100 meters and fifteen seconds. Ordinary zombies are zombies that have not mutated. If they are in If chasing prey on a straight road, the running speed can even reach 100 meters in 12 seconds, and the fastest can reach 100 meters in about 10 seconds. This is already an average performance of a world-class sprinter.

In the beginning, men may be able to keep playing with zombies through complicated road sections, but once the zombies reach their highest speed on straight roads, men are in danger.

In fact, Cai Wenjie's guess was correct. When the man who led the corpses away changed his route, he accidentally stepped onto a straight road. Without any obstacles or other interference, he tried his best to Before the running man could run two hundred meters, he was thrown to the ground by the zombies behind him. As the man screamed, he was devoured by countless zombies.

Nothing was found at the scene except blood-stained pieces of clothing and skeletons scattered everywhere. The man was killed by the zombies before he could be infected and resurrected as a zombie.

The group of zombies that lost their target could only wander around nearby. Some zombies still persisted in reaching the original target point, which was this small train station. This was also the main reason why there were a large number of zombies in the train station now.

The loud noise made by the armored train as it traveled attracted the attention of all the zombies in the small train station from a long distance away.

After hearing the sound of the armored train, the zombies at the small train station looked up in the direction of the armored train almost at the same time.

Then the zombies roared in unison and surged towards the armored train. Densely packed zombies jumped out from all the doors and windows of the small train station, even if they fell to pieces because of the height. You can't resist the bloodthirsty desire to eat in the zombies' hearts.

"Everyone in the carriages, please pay attention. There is a large group of zombies rushing toward our train one kilometer directly in front of us. All personnel should be prepared for impact, 1"

As the countdown on the broadcast ended, the train began to shake slightly, and this shaking also meant that the zombies had begun to impact the train.

But, that's all. Apart from the slight shaking of the train, there was no other damage at all. Although the armored train is now pulled by an ordinary locomotive, before departure, for the sake of safety, the engineers of the engineering company "simple" The locomotive was modified.

After the modification, a thick armor was installed all over the locomotive, and various sharp weapons were installed on the sides of the armor, like a huge machete. As long as the train's speed reaches a certain standard, , then the saw blades on both sides of the train can easily cut off the body of any zombie.

Moreover, a triangular blade is installed in front of the locomotive. In addition to pushing away obstacles in front of the train, the blade can also clean the rails.

In addition, a shooting platform is installed on the locomotive, which can store up to five heavy machine guns, which can attack enemies in all aspects.

The armored train passed through the small train station head-on without any danger. A large number of zombies were smashed into pulp by the armored train, or were smoothly cut in half by the sharp blades on both sides of the front of the train. Even mutant zombies were no exception. , although they deliberately avoided the sharp weapons on both sides of the front of the train, and then used their physical advantages to try to climb onto the armored train.

But it was too fast. The sharp blade passed through the mutated zombie's body like a flash, and then moved forward quickly as before. The mutated zombie whose body was scratched by the sharp blade was just like an ordinary zombie. The place where the sharp blade scratched was first A blood-red red line appeared, and then blood began to gush out bit by bit, and finally began to fall freely along the blood-red blood line.

In less than a few minutes, the front part of the armored train rushed out of the small train station first, followed by the following carriages. The front of the train and the front half of the carriages were dyed red and black by the blood of the zombies, which was very creepy.

It was like a hell train departing from the human world.

Soon all the carriages of the armored train rushed out of the zombie encirclement safely, and all the carriages were intact without any accidents.

Although the zombies behind wanted to continue chasing the armored train, in less than a few seconds, the armored train completely disappeared in the distance, which made the zombies chasing behind feel extremely angry. A lot of roars resounded around the small train station, which also attracted all the zombies nearby.

After gathering to a certain size, these zombies immediately chased along the railway, but the problem was that the zombies with two legs could not catch up with the armored train that had left this area long ago, and could only roar meaninglessly.

"We have broken through the zombie encirclement and are heading to the snowy mountains. We are expected to arrive in about an hour."

In the next hour, the armored train did not encounter any other problems and arrived at the snowy mountains safely.

"Brigade Commander! It's our people! It's our train!"

A young soldier who had just joined the army stood up and shouted excitedly.

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