My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 366: Border Situation

In fact, it was not only this new recruit, but other veterans also had similar reactions.

No matter whether they were veterans or new recruits, when they saw a train coming towards them in the distance, they couldn't stop shouting and waving their arms wildly.

In fact, it was no wonder that they were so excited. When they were forced to stay in the snowy mountains, they were actually ready to die. Even if their armed forces were strong, they would run out of ammunition and food one day. Once they encountered a large group of zombies, even they would not be able to escape the reality of being annihilated.

There was no way. The terrain in the snowy mountain area where they were located was too narrow, and their armored forces could not exert their full strength at all. They might even suffer a great loss due to the terrain.

Fortunately, the front half of the armored train had returned, and now they could finally escape from the snowy mountain.

Not only most of the soldiers in the armored brigade, but also Li Jianjun and his soldiers waved their arms vigorously towards the armored train.

Cai Wenjie saw many soldiers waving through the shooting holes and observation windows of the armored train, including Li Jianjun and others.

The soldiers in the train carriages were also actively responding to the crowd.

There were people waving their hands, waving flags, and shouting loudly. If an uninformed person saw this scene, he would definitely think that the people on the armored train were heroes returning from a victory somewhere.

Amid the cheers of many soldiers, the train slowly stopped not far from the intact carriage.

Because the front of the train had to connect with the carriage behind it, a certain distance had to be reserved for distance adjustment.

While the locomotive was connecting with the carriage behind it, Cai Wenjie led the soldiers of the rapid response force to get off the train for the final reorganization.

"Everyone! Stand at attention!"

Following Cai Wenjie's instructions, the soldiers immediately lined up on the slightly flat open space on both sides of the railroad tracks.

"Third platoon leader! Fourth platoon leader, step out!"


"Third platoon leader, fourth platoon leader, your mission is officially over. You will resume your original positions from now on and lead your soldiers back to your original units. Before returning to your original units, I solemnly thank you for your hard work!"

Cai Wenjie straightened his collar and saluted solemnly.

Seeing Cai Wenjie salute, the third and fourth platoon leaders, that is, the commander and deputy commander of the reconnaissance company, also saluted reflexively.

"Okay, you go back, see you at the border!"

With the last goodbye, Cai Wenjie watched more than a hundred people in the reconnaissance company leave the queue and follow their commander and deputy commander back to their original units.

At this time, the locomotive brought from the transfer station and the carriages of the rear half of the armored train were also connected, which also meant that the armored train became a train again.

After sending off the reconnaissance company, Cai Wenjie led his original troops to join Li Jianjun's troops. Because the carriages they were in were unfortunately overturned, they could only stay in other carriages temporarily.

"Wenjie, you are finally back, hurry up! Take your soldiers and go to the new carriage to rest."

After seeing Cai Wenjie, Li Jianjun immediately pulled him to the new carriage.

"Slow down, slow down, it will take some time for the troops to re-board, especially those unsealed chariots and tanks, so there is no need to rush."

Compared with the somewhat anxious Li Jianjun, Cai Wenjie seemed more at ease, because Cai Wenjie knew that it would take some time for the troops to regroup, just like what Cai Wenjie said to Li Jianjun, like before, in order to guard the surroundings, the infantry fighting vehicles or tanks fixed on the armored train were unsealed. Now the armored train wants to get back on the road, and these unsealed armored vehicles and tanks must be re-fixed on the train first.

And this takes a certain amount of time, which is why Cai Wenjie seems to be at ease.

"You're right. Okay, then take this opportunity to tell me what happened along the way."

"Of course, that's right."

Because there was a lot of time left, Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun walked slowly towards the new carriage while talking about the stories along the way. When Cai Wenjie finished, the time was almost up.

The armored train was ready to set off again, and this time the destination was the border.

"I didn't expect that you would go through so many things in such a short few hours. You've worked so hard."

"It's not that hard. After all, we didn't lose any personnel. This is a blessing. I just hope that we can maintain this luck after reaching the border."

When Cai Wenjie was bored before, he used the system satellite to see what the border looked like. After seeing the border, Cai Wenjie found four words that were very close to that scene: "a group of demons dancing wildly"

Yes, a group of demons dancing wildly! The border is now in a mess. Cai Wenjie originally thought that there were only zombies or mutant zombies on the border, but after using the system satellite to observe, he found that the situation on the border seemed to be more complicated than he imagined.

Cai Wenjie not only saw zombies or mutated zombies from the other side of the border, but also saw human strongholds of various sizes. As for why he did not call them gathering places, it was mainly because the human strongholds on the other side of the border were all very small places surrounded by walls and marked out as prisons. Forgive him for using such words to describe these human strongholds.

But there is no way, this is really a prison. The human strongholds are large and small. The largest one does not exceed 5,000 square meters, and the smallest one is only a few hundred square meters. The largest one has only more than 1,000 people, and the smallest one has only a dozen people. Without exception, these human strongholds are in different places and locations. They are surrounded by the same method, such as concrete or barbed wire, to become strongholds.

These human strongholds are densely distributed in the vast border. Every day, several strongholds are breached by zombies, and several small strongholds appear every day. The breached human strongholds and the newly established human strongholds have reached a delicate balance. In short, no matter how many human strongholds are breached by zombies, there will be several new strongholds established. This leads to a mixed situation on the border, which is very complicated and abnormal.

Originally, it was thought that these human strongholds were established by the soldiers guarding the border, but when Cai Wenjie observed carefully, he found that this was not the case.

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