My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 367 The final battle of the border guards

Although there are human settlements established by the original border soldiers, there are more human settlements formed by ordinary survivors.

And these human settlements formed by ordinary survivors are obviously lacking in security. Although there is no shortage of weapons and ammunition at the border, there is a serious lack of people who can use firearms skillfully.

Because, in the past half a month or so, the border soldiers have been fighting with the zombies. When the battle was over, the soldiers stationed at the border had been seriously reduced in number.

Even if there is no shortage of weapons and ammunition, most of the soldiers who can use these equipment have been buried here. The remaining soldiers can't even make up a regiment, and even the battalion level is barely enough.

A battalion, hundreds of soldiers, seems a lot, but for the tens or hundreds of kilometers of defense line on the border, such a small number of people is not enough.

Why is it not enough? It's very simple. On the nearly 100-kilometer border, if only the soldiers of this battalion are stationed, then only half a squad of soldiers can be deployed per kilometer, that is, five people.

Five people, defending a one-kilometer defense line, can this be defended? It can't be defended at all!

If there is really a commander who deploys vitality like this, he will definitely be escorted to the nearest military court by other officers around him and sentenced for the crime of arbitrarily managing people. →

Of course, in reality, there are no such stupid people. In fact, when the border soldiers had less than a battalion of combat power left, a major general officer who commanded the entire border battlefield immediately summoned the remaining personnel who could still move and moved to a cliff that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

They are preparing to have a final decisive battle with a large group of zombies here.

The border soldiers, like the First World War, arranged a large number of barbed wires and various mines on the cliffs as much as possible, and even dug a lot of trenches.

After making all preparations, use loudspeakers or other things to make a loud noise to attract most of the zombies around the border.

The soldiers chose to choose the battlefield in a place like a cliff, and there is only one meaning, that is, to kill as many zombies as possible, and then die together with the remaining zombies.

The height of the cliff chosen by the soldiers was at least several hundred meters. If they fell from here, there would be no hope of survival. This was the main reason why the major general chose the last battle here.

After completing all the preparations, the border guards mobilized for the last time, and then the major general resolutely turned on the switch of the loudspeaker.

The loud music came from the loudspeaker. It was the March of the Volunteers. The loudspeaker played the most familiar March of the Volunteers. The soldiers who were ready for the last battle immediately ignited a fire in their hearts in this loud music. At this moment, the soldiers were like the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect the country, and they were full of strength.

And the zombies and mutant zombies wandering nearby also began to roar and rush towards the cliff because of this music.

Soon, the dense zombies gathered together and charged towards the cliff at the same time.

Although it looks scary, because the soldiers had blocked most of the way up the cliff in advance, the zombies could only charge to the top of the mountain through the most dangerous mountain road that the soldiers deliberately left.

As for why it is the most dangerous mountain road, it is because this mountain road is very steep, and there is no place to help around. If you want to go up the mountain, you can only climb the mountain from this steep road without any handrails, and there is a bottomless cliff on both sides of the mountain road. It can be said that except for humans and some animals, don’t think about going up the mountain safely.

Without the soldiers taking action, most of the zombies going up the mountain fell into the bottomless cliff from both sides of the mountain road. The fate of these zombies falling off the cliff is also very clear, that is, they will be 100% killed by the fall. Of course, unlike humans, zombies have stronger vitality. Even if they fall from the cliff and are lucky enough not to hit their heads, they will most likely lie there and wait for death because of their paralysis.

And lying there is not safe, because there are not just one zombie falling down, but many zombies. Even if they don't fall to death, they will be crushed to death by other zombies.

Some mutant zombies with better skills will not fall down so easily. These mutant zombies often go to another way to go up the mountain. With their physical advantages, even if there is no way, they can climb from the cliff to where the soldiers are.

However, can humans not think of the methods that zombies can think of? Those mutant zombies who want to climb up secretly from other places are usually discovered by the soldiers specially arranged here when they climb halfway, and then they are shot and fall directly off the cliff.

There are sneaky ones and there are fair ones. In addition to the mutant zombies who want to sneak attack, there is another kind of mutant zombies. They don't have any climbing or other skills, but the only advantage is that after the body mutates, it becomes very hard. Ordinary pistols and submachine guns can't hurt this kind of mutant zombies at all.

So when other mutant zombies sneak attack from behind, this mutant zombie pushes away the other ordinary zombies blocking the way, and then rushes to the front line.

As mentioned earlier, other roads that can go up the mountain have been dealt with by them, and they can only rush forward through the passages deliberately left.

So this mutant zombie will push away all the zombies that block its way, and then take the lead and walk in the first place.

Unfortunately, this zombie would never dream of how terrifying the human warriors on the opposite side are. I saw a soldier carrying two rocket launchers standing out of the trench, then took off a rocket launcher and aimed it at the mutant zombie.

I saw the soldier looking at the rocket launcher gently pull the trigger, and a rocket was ejected from the rocket launcher. The rocket with flames at the tail shot straight at the mutant zombie walking in the first place.

Before the mutant zombie made any defensive moves, the rocket directly hit the upper body of the mutant zombie. With a loud noise, the mutant zombie hit in the upper body was blown to pieces by the rocket, and even the ordinary zombies behind him suffered with it.

All the zombies within the explosion range of the rocket were directly pushed to the cliffs on both sides because of the shock wave of the rocket explosion.

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