My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 387 Arrival at the Base Camp

As for why Cai Wenjie concluded that these people were mercenaries rather than ordinary survivors, the main reason was because of the equipment they were wearing. Reading

These people were wearing neither domestic standard equipment nor civilian equipment, but a foreign brand, and these equipment are usually the favorite of mercenaries.

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Except for those mercenaries, regular troops would not wear these at all, because they already have better choices.

Soon these people, or mercenaries, were surrounded by Cai Wenjie's armored forces, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

"Tell me, who are you and what did you do within our border!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Calm down! Calm down! Don't shoot, tell your men to be restrained. We are not bad people. We just got lost and accidentally broke into here. We will leave soon, so don't point that thing at us anymore."

It is obvious that these people are very afraid of the weapons on the armored vehicles. They quickly said that they just accidentally broke into the border and were willing to leave immediately.

"You are foreigners. Do you think the border is your home? You can come and go as you please? Come on! Take off their weapons! Then escort them to the main force for interrogation!"


Soon, more than a dozen tall and strong soldiers came down from the armored vehicles surrounding them, and then they went up and captured several foreign mercenaries without saying a word, and pressed them to the ground and controlled them.

"Hey! Be gentle, you're hurting me"

"Stop talking nonsense! Cooperate obediently, or I'll knock you out"

A tall and strong northern soldier directly pressed the mercenary with his body, and then controlled his arms with both hands to prevent him from attacking and hurting others.

To be honest, even now, these mercenaries have not figured out the situation. They are only carrying out a simple mutual delivery mission this time, sending a few Z country people who are stranded abroad back to Z country, and now the escort mission has been completed. They are just on the way back. Unexpectedly, they encountered the armored forces of Z country directly, and the opponent seemed not very friendly.

At this time, after seeing these foreign mercenaries, Cai Wenjie immediately remembered that someone had reported that there was a foreign spy imprisoned in his gathering place. Cai Wenjie had reason to suspect that these mercenaries came to rescue the imprisoned spy, but they were controlled by him just after entering the country.

After controlling these foreign mercenaries, the soldiers confiscated the weapons and equipment they carried, tied them up with ropes, and then threw them into the back seat of an infantry fighting vehicle to be taken back to the main force.

"Keep alert, set off!"

The armored troops set off again. This time, there were no accidents or other things along the way, and they safely arrived at the fortress where the main force was doing the mopping-up work.

Although the main force had been stationed in the fortress for only a few hours, the outer defense forces had been arranged almost. A large number of heavy machine guns and various defensive weapons were arranged on the outer part of the fortress, relying on simple walls to completely surround the entire fortress, leaving only four passages for vehicles to enter and exit, and there were no other exits.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent mutant zombies from forcibly breaking through the walls and breaking into the interior of the fortress for destruction.

And several checkpoints were set up in each passage, mainly to prevent other accidents.

Cai Wenjie looked at the five-meter-high and two-meter-wide simple fence built in just a few hours, and couldn't help but sigh that more people are good, unlike what he wanted, which could only be purchased in the mall within the system by spending points.

Soon Cai Wenjie brought his armored vehicle troops directly to the first checkpoint.

"Hello, please show your officer's ID or any document that can prove your ID"

A sentry fulfilled his responsibilities conscientiously. Even if he saw that the armored vehicle behind him must be his friendly army, he still stopped the convoy and conducted a routine inspection.

Cai Wenjie had no opinion on this, but simply took out his officer's ID and handed it to the sentry in front of him.

"We are the guerrilla force that set out first. This time we are here to replenish ammunition and supplies. Can we come in?"

After the sentry carefully checked the officer's ID and found no problem, he immediately returned the ID to Cai Wenjie, and then saluted and replied.

"Please come in!"

The sentry waved to the other sentries behind him and said.

"No problem! Let them pass!"

After Cai Wenjie received the officer's certificate, he ordered the armored troops to continue moving forward. Now no one could stop them.

Soon, the armored troops led by Cai Wenjie passed through several checkpoints and came to the interior. This was the core area of ​​the entire fortress and the most heavily defended area. Unlike the simple walls outside, there were no walls or anything like that, but there were a large number of close-in defense guns and light prism towers.

Even if zombies broke through the outer defenses and entered the interior, it would be impossible to break through the defenses here. Apart from anything else, the terrifying shooting speed and dense barrage of close-in defense guns alone could block the attacks of most zombies, not to mention the light prism towers that were almost black technology. Although the attack speed of the light prism towers was relatively slow, they could scatter and attack the mutant birds in the sky and the zombies on the ground at the same time.

And the damage of the light prism tower increases with the number of light prism towers. For example, if the attack of one light prism tower can cause minor injuries to the alien fighting beast, then two light prism towers can cause serious injuries to the alien fighting beast, and three light prism towers can directly kill the alien fighting beast.

Of course, this is only possible under the state of concentrated fire.

Cai Wenjie looked at the light prism tower that kept spinning, and he was still a little envious in his heart, but there was also a design drawing of the magnetic storm coil in his system space. As long as he returned to his gathering place, he could build the magnetic storm coil. The attack capability of the magnetic storm coil was not worse than that of the light prism tower. Even if the two defense buildings were taken out separately for competition, the magnetic storm coil could directly paralyze the light prism tower at a time.

Soon, the armored troops came to the logistics department. All armored vehicles had to be maintained and repaired here, as well as ammunition and supplies were replenished. While the vehicles were being maintained, all the soldiers had to go to the temporary barracks to rest, and Cai Wenjie was no exception. However, because several foreign mercenaries were captured today, they had to deal with the mercenaries first before Cai Wenjie could rest.

"Get those captured mercenaries out, send them to the interrogation room, and hand them over to professionals for interrogation."


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