After giving instructions on how to deal with these mercenaries, Cai Wenjie took his adjutant Qin Feng to where General Yansong was to report.

After passing through dense guards and countless sentry posts, Cai Wenjie finally saw General Yansong half an hour later, who was processing a large amount of documents.

In fact, it is better to say that it is processing the document than stamping the document. As for the content of the document, it has been checked many times by the people below. Only when there is no problem will it be sent to Admiral Yansong for approval.


"Come in"

Cai Wenjie and Qin Feng first shouted a report at the door, and then entered General Yansong's office after receiving permission.

"It's Wenjie. How is everything going well?"

"Reporting to the general, our department successfully eliminated tens of thousands of zombies a few hours ago, and also captured overseas militants on the way back. They have been escorted to the interrogation room for interrogation..."

Cai Wenjie did not hide anything and reported everything he encountered along the way to General Yansong in detail.

By the way, I also talked about receiving the distress signal.

"That's all I want to report"

"I've made everything clear. Thank you for your hard work along the way. You go down and rest first. After all the armored vehicles are replenished tomorrow, let's set off."


"As for the rescue of Stronghold No. 52, I will arrange for people to go to the rescue. You just need to do a good job in the guerrilla mission."


Immediately after coming out of General Yansong's office, someone came to take Cai Wenjie to the temporary dormitory. As for Qin Feng, he stayed in the office to give a more detailed report, or to give a report after closely observing Cai Wenjie that day. Report it up.

Anyway, Cai Wenjie didn't care anymore. After all, they were all comrades in arms now. Apart from system matters, Cai Wenjie had nothing to hide, so he just let him go.

Under the leadership of the guard in front, Cai Wenjie came to his temporary residence, which is the so-called officer's dormitory. Only company-level officers can live in the officer's dormitory here. Each officer has his own single room, and the space is not large. It is only twenty square meters, and apart from a single bed, there is only a desk and chair for writing.

Fortunately, there is WiFi here to surf the Internet, otherwise it would really be a stretch.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cai, this is your room. Here is the door key. When you leave tomorrow, just hang it on a hook in front of the door."

"I understand, thank you, you can go back."

"Okay, please take your time and rest. I will go back to report first. By the way, dinner time is from 6 to 8 o'clock. Because there are a lot of people, you must go to the cafeteria early to get a meal so that you can have a seat. Otherwise, you can only Let’s eat standing up. As for the location of the canteen, I will come over and take you there later.”

"Okay, I understand, but I have a question. I want to ask you, where do my soldiers live?"

"Ah, are you talking about the soldiers you lead? Don't worry, they are arranged in a temporary military station not far away. Although the accommodation conditions will be a little worse, the various infrastructures are still intact, so you don't need to worry. If nothing happens to them, I will go back first and see you later."

This time Cai Wenjie didn't speak, but nodded to express his understanding.

After Cai Wenjie sent the guard away, he turned around and walked to the single bed, then took out a clothes hanger from the wall and hung his clothes on it.

"Is there still an hour and a half until dinner time? What should I do to kill the time?"

Because there was still some time, Cai Wenjie, who was a little idle and bored, decided to find something to kill the time. Of course, it was not about playing games, but using the system's satellite to start carefully observing the defense layout of the entire fortress, and then thinking about it in his mind. Simulate how to break through this well-defended fortress if you are the enemy.

"Well, unless the power supply inside the fortress is cut off and most of the defense system is in a blackout state, no matter how many people there are, there will be no way to break through the fortress."

While talking in a low voice, Cai Wenjie started a new experiment. This time, Cai Wenjie was preparing to mobilize artillery to carry out indiscriminate bombing of the fortress from a long distance.

In the simulation, the fort was targeted by several artillery emplacements and then fired volleys.

After the first round of shelling, most of the howitzer shells were intercepted by the light of the light prism tower, and the remaining shells were intercepted by the close-range defense artillery equipped with high-speed cameras. This is interesting. You must know that the shells can It's not a missile. It's understandable if the missile is intercepted, but it's very surprising if the artillery shell is intercepted.

"I really didn't expect that artillery shells can also be intercepted. I've learned a lot. But if artillery shells can't be intercepted, then..."

Soon a new simulation began. The main force of this attack was no longer artillery but intercontinental missiles with sub-warheads, which were the DF missiles, one of the ultimate weapons of country Z.

Although Cai Wenjie does not have the right to use this weapon yet, he may not in the future.

In the simulation screen, a DF intercontinental missile was launched from a secret military base thousands of kilometers away. With a thundering sound, a DF missile rose from the ground, slowly and firmly. Shot into the sky, when the rocket pushed the missile out of the atmosphere, the DF missile began to automatically correct its position and began to fly towards the target point.

After flying for a while, the missile flew to a height of thousands of meters above the fortress. The DF missile that confirmed the target quickly descended towards the fortress, and after reaching a certain height, the mother warhead quickly split into countless small warheads and accelerated to fall towards the fortress.

During this period, the light prism tower and close-in defense gun tried to stop the missile attack many times, but they could not intercept it at all. The speed of descent was too fast and there was no way to intercept it effectively.

The result was obvious. The fortress that could not intercept the missile was directly flattened by nuclear weapons. With the fortress as the center, the land within a radius of hundreds of kilometers also became a no-man's land due to nuclear pollution.

As for the fortress that was directly hit, it was blown up without even a slag left, and it evaporated directly.

"As expected, everything is vulnerable in the face of absolute justice."

"Although the fortress failed to withstand the DF missile, it still fully proves that, except for the ultimate weapon, any conventional-scale attack cannot harm the remaining zombies in the fortress."

Of course, the main opponent of mankind is still zombies, and zombies will not use human weapons, let alone nuclear weapons, so the defense force of the fortress is very safe unless it encounters a million-scale zombie tide.

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