My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 415 Red Alert

No matter what, everything that can be done is done now, and all that is left is to assemble the troops and go in for a battle. read

When Cai Wenjie returned to the room to clean up and then go to assemble the troops, Li Jianjun came over with his soldiers.

"Wenjie? It seems that you have finished the work, but I am still a step late. How can I find out where those mice came from?"

"The investigation has found out, but it's just another matter."

"What's up?"

"There is a Heart of Blood Plague in the sewers of our bunker!"

"What! Blood Plague Heart! That thing is here, and it's in the sewer! Are you sure?"

"I don't know why the blood plague heart appears here, but I am sure that there is a blood plague heart in the sewer, and there is probably more than one. It may be plural, or an enhanced version of the blood plague heart."

Li Jianjun's expression immediately changed when he heard this. As one of the Iron Triangle of YJ City, Li Jianjun, of course, also read the horror of the Blood Plague Heart and the report of the Blood Plague Heart that Zhou Weiguo encountered when he was in YJ. arrive,

After knowing that the blood energy of the Blood Plague Heart would affect people's visual nerves, he immediately realized the horror of this Blood Plague Heart.

So when he learned that there was also a Heart of Blood Plague in the sewers of this fortress, he was naturally surprised and a little panicked.

"I suggest that you should immediately prepare your troops for protection, put on gas masks and protective clothing, and inform other troops of what happened here. After all, not everyone knows the power of the heart to learn medicine. At this time, you must Someone needs to stand up and tell them the horrors of studying medicine and how to protect themselves.”

"I understand. I'll go back and notify other troops. Then I'll leave this place to you. If you need any help, tell me and I will do my best to help."

"Then thank you in advance, Brother Li, but it doesn't matter. I have my own way of dealing with the Heart of Blood Plague. You just need to lead other troops to block all the sewer entrances and prevent any fish from escaping."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie nodded, and then started running in the direction of his troops with his own weapons. There was no way he was pressed for time. After it was confirmed that he had the heart of the blood plague, every minute and every second was a An uncertain situation, because no one knows whether a blood plague creature will rush out of the ground through the sewers in the next second, causing huge damage to the unsuspecting troops.

After seeing Cai Wenjie running out, Li Jianjun led his troops to the broadcasting room in the bunker and forced the broadcaster to issue a first-level red alert.

"This chief! This is against the regulations!"

Although the announcer tried his best to explain that this was not in compliance with the regulations and wanted to stop Li Jianjun's next move, Li Jianjun now didn't care about the regulations at all and directly asked the soldiers behind him to press the announcer on the chair and force him. Have him push the panic button.

"I'm sorry, time is running out now. Every minute and second wasted, our bunker is more likely to fall into crisis. For the safety of all the soldiers and officers in the subsistence allowance, a level 1 red alert must be issued! As for someone to blame later Then I will take the responsibility alone, and I will never hurt you. I will do what I say!”

Under Li Jianjun's assurance, the broadcaster finally compromised, sighed helplessly and said.

"I understand, I'm issuing a red alert now"

"By the way, give me the microphone and I will personally explain the current situation."

The announcer didn't say anything else, but silently handed the microphone to Li Jianjun, and then reached out to a button on the console that was protected by a plastic cover. He first opened the protective cover with his hand, and then pressed it hard. red button.

Suddenly, the originally peaceful bunker was enveloped by a piercing siren. All the soldiers and staff in the passages and rooms inside the bunker were startled by the piercing alarm, and they immediately understood that this was... Red alert is also commonly known as emergency alert.

In an instant, all the soldiers stopped what they were doing no matter what they were doing, then returned to the room as quickly as possible to pick up their equipment and weapons, and hurried to the open space outside for an emergency assembly. The second officers also because This alarm sound immediately came to the unit in charge and began to command.

At this time, as the alarm sounded, Li Jianjun's voice also spread through the radio.

"Warning all troops, we found traces of Blood Plague Heart in the sewers of the bunker. Now it is very likely that our sewers contain multiple and enhanced versions of Blood Plague Hearts, so now all troops immediately leave the bunker and head outside. Emergency gathering in the open area, and then prepare for the precautions! Leave the bunker immediately and go to the open area to prepare for the precautions!”

Li Jianjun's words spread to the ears of all soldiers and officers through the radio. The soldiers and officers who knew the harm and power of the Blood Plague Heart immediately changed their faces, and then left with the troops as quickly as possible. The bunker went to the ground, and those officers and soldiers who did not know the horror of the Blood Plague Heart also understood what the Blood Plague Heart was from the dictation of other insiders.

"Heart of Blood Plague! Why is that thing here!"

"Okay! Stop talking! The most important thing now is to leave the bunker before the blood spreads!"

After knowing that the Heart of the Plague was in the sewer, the officers of each unit were a little panicked but still tried their best to maintain order and leave the bunker. In this situation, they should maintain an orderly evacuation, rather than rushing around in a panic and disorderly manner like ordinary people.

At this time, Admiral Yansong, who was still resting in the infirmary, and other officers in charge of the guard also heard the broadcast, and Feng Shu and Liu Zhi also brought soldiers to Admiral Yansong's lounge. Of course, they were stopped by the guards in charge of the door.

"Stop! Don't move! Put down your weapons!"

The guards pointed their weapons at Feng Shu and Liu Zhi who were leading the troops, and then warned loudly.

Because when the two came, for safety reasons, they made their soldiers ready for battle, and they were no exception, so this made the guards feel dangerous and stopped them.

In response, the two did not say anything nonsense, and immediately asked the soldiers to put down their weapons, and then guarded the periphery, while they threw their weapons aside, and then stood there with their hands raised and said loudly!

"We are Feng Shu and Liu Zhi from the XX Army. We are here to help protect Admiral Yansong. You should have heard about the current situation on the radio! The situation is urgent. I suggest you take the Admiral out of the bunker as soon as possible! This place could be covered by the blood energy emitted by the Heart of the Plague at any time."

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