My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 416 Entrance

It was obvious that the guards did not pay attention to Feng Shu and Liu Zhi's suggestions, and still pointed their weapons at the two. ReadМ

Their duty is to protect the safety of General Iwamatsu. Unless it is their immediate superior or General Iwamatsu's personal order, no other person or officer can order them.

The purpose of doing this is to protect the safety of Admiral Iwamatsu, because no one knows whether someone will assassinate Admiral Iwamatsu through this situation.

Seeing the motionless guards, Feng Shu and Liu Zhi were very anxious, but they had no choice but to fight with the guards for the safety of General Yansong.

"What should I do? Those wooden heads have no idea how dangerous the current situation is."

"I don't know what to do. If I take Admiral Yansong away by force, I have to fight with them."

Just when the two were at a loss, the door opened, and General Yansong walked out, followed by a group of guards and medical staff.

"Thank you for your hard work, please take me to the ground."

General Yansong's weak voice came from behind the guards, and the guards responsible for protecting General Yansong immediately put down their weapons and saluted General Yansong. →

When Feng Shu and Liu Zhi saw Admiral Yansong pushing the door open, they immediately saluted him and then replied loudly.

"Yes! Please come with me!"

The two commanders of the troops were surrounded by soldiers one after another. There was no gap. There were people on guard almost everywhere except above and on the ground. This was done to prevent any creatures from finding a sneak attack. Admiral Iwamatsu's opportunity, although zombies will not specifically pick people to attack, you still have to be vigilant.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie has already assembled his troops, which do not include the armored troops assigned to him by General Yansong behind him, but Cai Wenjie's own clone troops. The purpose of doing this has no other meaning, just because of himself The clone troop had already acquired knowledge about the blood plague heart and blood plague creatures as early as when they were at the New Light Gathering Area.

Therefore, instead of bringing soldiers who know nothing, it is better to directly bring the clone troops who understand the blood plague heart and blood plague creatures to eliminate them. This is not only easier but also safer.

As for the remaining soldiers, Cai Wenjie did not intend to leave them idle. Instead, he ordered them to help block the sewer entrance and prevent any creatures from escaping.

Now only Cai Wenjie and his clone troop soldiers were left in the stronghold. As usual, Cai Wenjie simply explained what he would do later.

"I believe you have learned how to deal with blood plague hearts and blood plague creatures in the New Light Gathering Ground. Today is your day to practice! There are at least two blood plague hearts in the sewers under our bunker. Breeding inside, if these blood plague hearts and blood plague creatures are not eliminated in time, we and our brother troops will be in danger, and now we are the vanguard to eliminate the blood plague hearts this time. We must rush to the front before the blood plague Stop it and completely destroy it before it releases blood energy on a large scale! Tell me if you have the confidence!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Very good! Everyone listen to my command! Target sewer, let's go!"

Under Cai Wenjie's command, all the clone soldiers put on protective equipment and immediately ran neatly towards the entrance to the bunker's sewer.

Although the soldiers were all wearing thick protective clothing, their movement speed did not slow down. Instead, they all began to rush to the entrance of the sewer as quickly as possible.

Because the sewer environment is complicated, Cai Wenjie obtained the sewer design drawings for building the bunker from somewhere early.

According to the instructions in the drawing, Cai Wenjie found the entrance to the sewer with some mistakes, and this entrance was not elsewhere, but in an abandoned warehouse less than fifty meters away from the canteen.

Before this warehouse was abandoned, it was actually a material warehouse, specializing in storing dry food and other food. However, because a new warehouse was built, this warehouse was naturally abandoned.

The goal of Cai Wenjie and others is this abandoned material warehouse.

When a group of people arrived at the warehouse in great force, someone was already on guard. After all, Cai Wenjie was not the only one who knew that there was a bunker sewer entrance in the abandoned warehouse.

Different from the sewer openings in urban residential buildings, the sewer system of the bunker is very wide. If it weren't for the sewage flowing inside, no one would believe it if it were said to be a maze.

When Cai Wenjie and his soldiers approached here, thousands of soldiers who had been standing guard here immediately stopped everyone.

"Stop! Behind is the entrance to the bunker's sewer. Leave quickly. There will be danger here at any time."

Because of Cai Wenjie's identity as Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, the soldier on guard did not dare to speak boldly. He could only gently remind everyone where this place was and then persuade everyone not to get close to it.

"I know, that's what I'm here for"

Looking at the guards standing guard, Cai Wenjie knew that he was not in the wrong place. Then Cai Wenjie blocked what the guard was going to say with one sentence, and then led the soldiers of the clone army to bypass the guards and walk straight into the abandoned warehouse. .

Looking at this well-armed army, the guard could only helplessly report the situation here to his superiors and let them make the decision. As for stopping them? You're kidding! The other side was obviously well prepared. How to stop them? Can they be stopped? It was obvious that he couldn't stop them by himself, so he just symbolically stretched out his arms and waved a few times and then quietly retreated to the back.

At this time, Cai Wenjie had entered the interior of the abandoned warehouse, and then walked to a hidden corner according to the instructions of the drawings. If you look closely, you will find that there is a red iron door sealed by wooden boards in the corner.

Cai Wenjie smelled the strong smell of blood behind the iron door from a long distance away.

Judging from the sense of smell, there must be a battle here, and the scale is not small. According to Cai Wenjie's own judgment, there were at least five people here at that time.

Obviously, these people must have all died, otherwise it would not be so quiet here.

"Everyone, pay attention. We have reached the entrance of the sewer. Listen to my orders! Put on your gas masks! As a unit, conduct reconnaissance in all directions of the sewer. If you encounter the heart of the blood plague, do not act rashly. Retreat to a safe place immediately and contact the main force for support. Do you understand?"


"Okay! Let's go!"


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