My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 489 Temporary Station

I don’t know why the return journey is so difficult. Reading

We have only been away from the border town for a few kilometers, but we have encountered no less than three attacks. It was safe when we came, but it was extremely difficult when we returned.

After these three battles, the convoy that had originally replenished its ammunition now only has about 30% of the usual amount. As long as there is a battle with more than a thousand people, this amount of ammunition will be exhausted.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie is a mobile ammunition depot. As long as there are points, there will be no shortage of ammunition.

This consumption is just a drizzle for him.

"I originally wanted to rush over before dark, but according to the current situation, the instability brought by the night really affects the safety of the convoy. There is no way. It seems that we can only find a place to spend today."

After thinking about it, Cai Wenjie decided to spend tonight first and then rush back, but it is not appropriate to turn back to the border town now, so he can only find a relatively safe place nearby to spend the night.

After making the decision, Cai Wenjie immediately took out the map he brought from the border town, spread it on a relatively flat ground, and then started looking with a flashlight.

This map is very large, almost the size of a double bed. This is not a map of a border city, but a self-made map that contains all the detailed information within the radius of the city and the surrounding 300 kilometers. ♚♞  ♦♦

That's why there is such a large area. Cai Wenjie's convoy happened to be in this range, so it can be used.

"Let me see, our location is here. The nearest place is a resort, then an abandoned water park, and a steel mill?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the three places marked on the map and began to think about where to spend the night. He couldn't decide for a while, so he decided to use the system satellite to explore the way.

First of all, the resort. Cai Wenjie found the location of the resort in less than a few seconds through the detailed map information. The resort is only 8 kilometers away from the convoy, which is the closest of the three places.

From the system satellite, it can be observed that this resort is not very large, that is, the size of a small village, because there is a large natural lake in the village, you can come to fish, swim, or barbecue and picnic around the lake, so in summer, a large number of tourists will drive here to escape the heat.

The houses in the resort were rebuilt from the houses of nearby villagers, so the scale is not very large. However, in order to meet the needs of tourists, there are many small supermarkets, small restaurants, small pharmacies, and service buildings such as swimsuit sales points in the resort. It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the necessary facilities.

However, one bad thing is that the resort is flat on all sides, which means that once it is surrounded by zombies from all sides, the defense of the convoy will be very difficult, and the presence of a lake means that the fish in the lake will also be infected by the virus. God knows how many mutant fish there are under this lake.

Now in the whole world, the only place where humans can no longer step into is the deep sea. When the virus spreads to the ocean, all kinds of strange creatures in the sea are infected by the virus and have undergone huge mutations. Even steel behemoths like warships are destroyed by monsters in the deep sea, and the crew and naval departments inside can't even resist.

The worst are the submarines of various countries. They originally dive deep into the depths of the ocean and are the first troops to encounter a large number of mutant creatures. It is conceivable how desperate the people inside the submarines were at that time.

Cai Wenjie gave up the resort and turned to the second place, the abandoned water park.

Unlike the natural lake in the previous resort, this abandoned water park is full of artificial reservoirs. Because no one has maintained these pools for a long time, each pool has dried up and has no water source. Moreover, because of its remote location, it seems that no one has taken over the abandoned water park, and it has been rotten in the original place.

A large number of entertainment equipment have been seriously aged due to long-term exposure to wind and rain. It would not be wrong to say that it will collapse in the next second.

Although this abandoned water park is a little more broken than the resort, it is also quite suitable for the convoy to stay in it. When building this water park, it should be focused on choosing the construction site. It is surrounded by mountains on both sides, and only the entrance and exit can pass through. Moreover, this intersection and the exit are not the same road, so whether entering or leaving, there will be no road congestion. This alone is much better than the resort.

However, there is a problem. This water park is too old. If it collapses when the convoy enters, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, Cai Wenjie is not very satisfied with this location.

There is no way, Cai Wenjie can only look at the last place, a steel mill.

Unlike the previous two places, the steel mill is located in a hidden mountain. There is no grass here. Looking around, it is all bare mountains. And most importantly, there is only one entrance and exit.

The continuous mountains are like a circling dragon. The terrain is high, the vision is good, there are no zombies, and it is easy to defend. It can be said that there are almost no disadvantages.

Cai Wenjie immediately took a fancy to this place.

"Let me see, the convoy is only 15 kilometers away from the steel mill. It's not bad. Let's go here"

After selecting the location, Cai Wenjie immediately called all the drivers to let them know the destination.

"This is a copy of this map. All drivers take one. Even if you fall behind, you must find the destination and drive over by yourself."


"Okay, everyone get in the car! Let's go!"

In less than three minutes, all the soldiers boarded their infantry fighting vehicles, and the convoy was on the road again, heading straight to the steel plant.

The 15-kilometer journey took less than ten minutes, but if you really want to get to the steel plant, you have to take a winding mountain road. Next to the mountain road is a cliff several dozen meters high, and the mountain road is relatively narrow, with a width of only five meters, which is a test of the driver's skills.

Fortunately, the drivers are all professionally trained car soldiers, so this kind of mountain road is not difficult for them. You know, it was not much more difficult than this when they were training.

When crossing the mountain road, Cai Wenjie had been using the system satellite to observe the surroundings. There were too many attacks in one night, which was really troublesome. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie was prepared to remain vigilant at all times until the convoy reached its destination to avoid being attacked by unknown things again.

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