My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 490 Steel Plant

After a steep mountain road, Cai Wenjie and his convoy finally arrived at the expected steelmaking plant. As expected, it was as deserted as the satellite showed. Not to mention zombies, not even a mouse was willing to come here, because there were only stones and various kinds of things here. Such rocky mountainous terrain, not even a shadow of a tree can be seen. ReadМ

You can't get any food at all in this place, so even animals don't want to step into this area, which makes it look very empty.

But for Cai Wenjie, this is the best place to station. The steelmaking plant is not far away. It is surrounded by flat land and has a good view. As long as a sentry tower is built around it, it can effectively prevent being attacked by something.

"This is it. Let's set up a temporary camp here. All units should be on alert. The combatants will check all the terrain within one kilometer nearby and beware of unknown zombies coming to attack."


"All transport trucks formed a defensive formation in a "0" shape and established temporary stations inside."


Soon, under the command of Cai Wenjie, the transport trucks without any firepower formed a circle formation in the open space, using the bodies of the transport trucks as a separation wall, and prepared to form a temporary station inside the wall.

A hundred meters away is a huge factory area. Inside, Cai Wenjie saw the steelmaking plant from the satellite. This steelmaking plant covers an area equivalent to ten football fields. It can be regarded as a giant steelmaking plant. Factory.

If it were before the apocalypse, there would have been thousands of workers in this factory area, but perhaps because they learned about the zombies in advance, the workers in the factory should have rushed back to their homes as soon as possible. home, otherwise this place wouldn’t be so empty.

Before the soldiers from the reconnaissance mission came back, the entire temporary camp was set up. Because there was a lot of space left, there was no need for more than a dozen people to squeeze into one tent. It was completely possible to have one small tent per person, but for safety reasons, Cai Wenjie decided to use a military tent, a large tent that can accommodate more than twenty beds.

After setting up several military tents, a huge fire was placed in the middle of the camp. From ancient times to the present, flames have always brought people a sense of security. To be precise, firelight will bring a sense of security, even in modern times. There was nothing wrong with it. Originally, Cai Wenjie only wanted to arrange a few spotlights to illuminate the nearby area, but he still chose to set up a fire, because this way he could create a special atmosphere.

Of course, what should be arranged still needs to be arranged. A fire can be set up in the middle of the camp, but spotlights must be arranged to shine on the outer areas responsible for security. After all, having more vision means more safety in the wild.

After a while, the soldiers who went out to investigate the safety of the surrounding areas returned to the temporary camp and reported the results of their investigation to Cai Wenjie. ♦♕ ♦ඏ

"Report to the chief! No abnormalities were found in the surrounding areas, and no zombies were found."

"I understand, you can go back and rest."


After reporting the situation, the soldiers saluted Cai Wenjie and turned around to leave. Cai Wenjie, on the other hand, once again used system satellites to survey the surrounding areas. He was frightened by the continuous attacks. , just after solving one wave, a new wave came, causing him to feel that something would jump out when he saw a hidden place.

That's why Cai Wenjie repeatedly used system satellites to observe whether the surrounding area was safe or not.

"There are no signs of biological activity around here. I just don't know if the factory area is safe or not."

Cai Wenjie thought for a while and decided to send a team of soldiers to check if there was anything abnormal in the steelmaking plant for safety reasons.

"Song Yichen!"


"Take a few people to see if there is anything unusual at the steelmaking plant!"

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!"



"I'm going to have a hard time tonight. From now on, you and your wolves will go out and circle our temporary base every half an hour. If you encounter any abnormalities or zombies, come and notify me as soon as possible. , do you know?"

"Yes, my lord"

Po Jun's huge wolf head nodded in a humane manner, and then led his wolf pack out to be on guard.

After finishing all this, Cai Wenjie looked at his watch and found that it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and it was time to have dinner. Originally, Cai Wenjie planned to just eat a little today, but he was rushing back in the motorcade. Thinking at that time, since the temporary station has been built, there is no need to make do with the food. Cai Wenjie immediately called for the cooking soldiers, and then took out the previously stored beef and mutton in the system space. These were all before the end. It was purchased by Cai Wenjie right after it was slaughtered and received in the system space, so it is very safe and there will be no problems even if it is eaten.

"Just in time, the bonfire in the middle will come in handy. You go and make the two cows, four pigs, and four goats here into roasted whole cows, roasted whole pigs, and roasted whole lambs and share them with everyone. Make sure they eat them. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task"

"By the way, I almost forgot about Pojun and the others. Let's do this. In addition to these, I will also give you two extra cows. You roast these two cows until they are half-cooked, and then feed them to Pojun and the others."


Just when Cai Wenjie was preparing the ingredients for dinner today, Song Yichen had already led the team to the steel mill. The gate inside the factory was locked tightly. It was obvious that the factory workers locked it when they left, because the lock of the gate was locked from the outside, not from the inside.

Song Yichen looked at the old-fashioned lock in front of him, thought about it for a while, and was ready to break it by force. Although the meaning of locking the door was that there was no one inside, in order to execute Cai Wenjie's order, he had to use his own eyes to confirm that there was no problem inside.

"Go and get the big hammer over there"


There happened to be a big hammer lying around nearby, and Song Yichen immediately thought of using the hammer to break the lock. Of course, the easiest way was to use the gun in his hand to shoot at the lock core, but this would definitely alarm the temporary station in the distance. In order not to worry Cai Wenjie, Song Yichen decided to solve the problem with brute force.

Soon, a soldier brought a big hammer. Seeing this, Song Yichen immediately handed his gun to the soldier next to him, and then picked up the big hammer and slammed it hard against the old-fashioned lock.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Song Yichen used all his strength to swing the big hammer and hit the old-fashioned lock three times in a row.

Although the sound of hitting the lock was also very loud, it was still much quieter than the sound of a gun. Unfortunately, after three times, although the lock had a huge damage, it still did not fall off. It must be said that the quality of things in the past was really good.

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