My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 508: The crisis is not over

""In less than a minute, the lane that was originally blocked by modified vehicles was cleared for the convoy to pass. →ReadМ

"Report to the chief! Passage is allowed!"

"I see"

After the road was cleared, soldiers immediately came to notify Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie didn't waste any time and just let the convoy pass through the newly cleared road. After all, the car contained various medical supplies and medical equipment and there was no room for carelessness.

The people on both sides couldn't help but start talking as they watched the motorcade slowly passing in front of them.

"Is this the army? It's so impressive! With so many armored vehicles, I guess I don't have to worry about zombies. It's great."

"What's all the fuss about? It's just a few infantry fighting vehicles. Let me tell you, the really powerful ones haven't come out yet. Tanks, rocket launcher vehicles, and missile vehicles. These are the most powerful weapons against zombies. One explosion will kill them all. Blockbuster, I have seen with my own eyes a five-meter-long rocket before, which directly blew the zombies within a hundred meters around into pieces. They were too dead to die. After joining the army this time, I must control it and kill a lot of them with my own hands. zombies to avenge my family!"

"Me too!"

"But, tell me, who is the young man who was talking to the soldiers guarding the gate just now? I saw that the soldiers were as cautious and respectful to him as if they were a kitten seeing a tiger, and they even went out of their way to do it for them. Let’s make a way, this is too arrogant.”

"What do you know? I clearly saw two stars hanging on that young man's shoulders. Two stars. Of course ordinary soldiers can't afford to offend him. You must know that he is a lieutenant colonel and a school-level officer! Ordinary troops have officers who can be battalion commanders or deputy regimental commanders. How could these soldiers not be respectful to him?"

"So that's how it is. It's great. I will also be a colonel in the future. No one will dare to yell at me then. Moreover, it will be safe and secure at that time. There will be unlimited supply of food and water. If possible, we will have a chance to meet each other. A beautiful woman..."

"Tch, can you stop daydreaming? Do you think being a lieutenant colonel is that easy? If an ordinary soldier has no serious accidents, he will probably only reach the level of sergeant in his lifetime. If he wants to continue to rise, You have to go to the military academy and graduate successfully. I guess you will only be a big-headed soldier for the rest of your life, and the kind who can die at any time."

"You don't need to remind me, I know it, I'm just thinking about it."

"Cut, melon is cowardly"

"If you're scared, just be scared. I don't expect anything. I just want to be alive now."

"There is no future. If you ask me, staying in the army is not a good way out in this situation. After I learn my skills, I will be the first to retire, and then I will drag a group of my brothers to my hometown to become a mountain king. I am short of food. Just go to the grain depot to grab it. If you're short of water, just occupy an underground water resource. If you're short of weapons, just ask for connections to get a group of them. And there will definitely be no shortage of women at night. I'll sleep with each one and lose the other one."

Perhaps because he was too immersed in what he was saying, he didn't notice that the soldier standing guard at the door had been staring at him for a long time, and all the words he said were listened to word for word.

"The one over there in yellow clothes, be quiet!"

After being yelled at by the soldiers standing guard, the two men who were handing over the building immediately booed and did not dare to speak louder.

However, they continued to discuss their better days in the future secretly.

On the other side, the convoy that directed the vehicles to move inside the fortress had already begun unloading the goods in the material warehouse, while Cai Wenjie himself went to General Yansong's command room alone, because just now General Yansong summoned Cai Wenjie through the guard to come up for an interview.

Cai Wenjie had no doubts about this. After arranging the troops and Xiang Xue and his party, he went to find General Yansong.


"Please come in"

After Cai Wenjie tidied his clothes a little, he opened the door to General Yansong's office and walked in.

"Report to the general! I have completed my mission and returned! Please give instructions!"

Compared to Cai Wenjie's spirit, Admiral Yansong didn't look very happy. After he saw Cai Wenjie come in, he immediately got up and came to Cai Wenjie, first patted him on the shoulder, and then said awkwardly.

"Thank you for bringing so much medical supplies back in such a short period of time. Most of the injuries in the base will be saved because of your medical supplies. I should have congratulated you personally, but now There is an urgent matter at the base, and troops must be dispatched immediately to solve it."

Hearing what General Yansong said, Cai Wenjie also understood why General Yansong looked bitter now. It seemed that this matter was not simple. Anyway, it was definitely more difficult than transporting medical supplies.

"I understand. May I ask what the chief's mission is this time? As long as it does not exceed my capabilities, I will do my best to complete this mission."

Cai Wenjie didn't say too much. After all, he still didn't know the specific content of the task. If it was a task beyond his ability, Cai Wenjie would immediately refuse it. After all, he was not a fool, and the most important thing was his life.

"It's good to have your words. In fact, the goal of this mission is to help us and support the distress sent by our air force. Their air base is now captured by a large number of zombies. A large number of pilots and air crews, Soldiers and civilians were trapped inside. Although they relied on buildings to block the zombies pouring into the airport, their ground firepower was completely paralyzed, so there was no way to deal with the influx of zombies on their own.

Therefore, they sent a distress signal to all the nearest military bases or garrisons capable of rescuing them. Among them, we are the closest troops to them, so of course this burden falls on us. Wenjie, although you I have just returned from the mission and I will definitely be very tired, but the situation is urgent and I can only order you to lead the troops to rescue them. Do you have the confidence? "

After listening to Admiral Yansong's explanation, Cai Wenjie did not answer immediately, but thought about the question for a while.

"I have a few questions I'd like to ask, okay?"

"Okay, just ask."

"The first one is, how far is the air force base from us?"

"This is a simple air force base that sent out a distress signal. It is 550 kilometers away from us. According to the normal driving speed of the convoy and the road conditions, it will take about 8 hours to arrive."

"Eight hours? Then the second question is, how many zombies have captured the airport now?"

"Well, according to their description, their number is about 50,000, otherwise they would not have captured the airport."

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