My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 509 Another wave

"Last question, how many survivors are there?"

"Because the evacuation was relatively timely, almost all people were not injured or killed, so the number of people was probably around 900, and it would not exceed a thousand anyway."

"Okay, I almost understand the basic situation. I will immediately command the troops to replenish ammunition, and then immediately go where to carry out rescue!"

"Okay! I did read you right. Don't worry, I won't let you go with the infantry fighting vehicles for this rescue. In addition to the ten infantry fighting vehicles you have now, I will support you with five additional Type 99 modified vehicles. , as well as two Type 191 box fire vehicles and matching rockets."

"Regarding this matter, Chief, I think it is necessary to report something to you. I was attacked no less than three times on the way back, two of which were attacked by living people from unknown forces. Therefore, my car The command vehicle was also destroyed during the battle. Now we can only temporarily establish a command system in a captured vehicle, which is very inconvenient."

"It doesn't matter. In that case, I'm allocating a special command vehicle for you."

“And there’s more”

Cai Wenjie reported everything he encountered on the road to General Yansong, and also reported the basic situation of Dr. Z and others to General Yansong.

"Wait a minute, did you just say Dr. Z?"

"Any questions?"

"Last night, our radio station received a public broadcast, and the content was related to the Dr. Z you mentioned. If nothing else, the Dr. Z you mentioned is the same person as the Dr. Z in the broadcast."

"Broadcast? Forget it. Although I don't know what the broadcast said, Dr. Z and his team have been captured by me anyway. I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie was about to resign. After all, there was still a mission to be done. The sooner he set off, the more likely it was that the people trapped in the airport would be rescued. To be honest, he still couldn't believe it. A military airport was actually occupied by just three people. Tens of thousands of zombies broke through and even fell, it was just like playing.

You must know that the defense power of a military airport is not inferior to that of ordinary military areas. In other words, the airport itself is a military area, so the defense power inside should not be weak.

In fact, what Cai Wenjie thought was not wrong. The defensive strength of this airport is actually a little worse than the fortress where it is now. But the problem is that there are too many zombies besieging the airport. The 30,000 zombies mentioned now are actually the remnants of the defensive battle. The number of zombies besieging the airport at that time even reached 200,000, which is almost the basic population of a fifth-tier small city. No matter how powerful the airport's defense force is, there is no way to defeat the 200,000 zombies surrounding it from all directions. Survive. ♦♦  ♦♦

Even though they used all their strength and firepower to eliminate about 90% of the zombies, the airport was still captured by the remaining zombies. Originally, the airport could have safely evacuated all the people to other airports through the transport planes inside, but it was too late. Because there are many mutated zombies that can sneak in through the loopholes in the defense force, and then specifically attack the air crew at the airport. This has also resulted in most of the fighter jets being unable to take off, and the air power of the airport cannot be used at all. This is also One of the important reasons for the collapse of the airport.

Even if a few fighter jets are lucky enough to take off, they will have to land because they have run out of ammunition, and there is no way to replenish ammunition under the constant harassment of mutated zombies.

The same is true for transport planes. Due to the attack of mutant zombies, civilians cannot move to the transport plane at all. Moreover, if they are infected by mutant zombies during the movement, the entire team will undergo great changes in an instant. After all, The rate of transformation from humans to zombies is too fast. If all mutant zombies cannot be eliminated in a short period of time, civilians will continue to be transformed into zombies, and by then the entire team will be dried and dyed into zombies.

Under this situation, after all the defense forces have exhausted their ammunition, the fall of the airport has become an inevitable result. The remaining soldiers and civilians have no choice but to retreat to the airport building and military camp, closing all entrances and exits. And sealing the doors and windows to prevent zombies from entering, and then sending distress signals to surrounding gathering places or strongholds with armed forces to wait for rescue. This is what happened.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to turn around and go out, General Yansong stopped Cai Wenjie.

"Wait a minute, don't leave in such a hurry, there is one more thing I haven't finished yet."

Hearing this, Cai Wenjie stopped stepping out and continued to listen to General Yansong's words.

"Although what I'm going to say next is a bit unusual, it did happen. Don't be surprised after hearing this. Moreover, this is the highest level of confidentiality, so you must not tell others."

Although he didn't know what Admiral Yansong was going to say next, what he just said successfully aroused Cai Wenjie's curiosity, so he nodded to indicate that he would not be surprised and would abide by the confidentiality agreement.

"This happened not long after you left the bunker, when..."

Admiral Iwamatsu began to talk seriously about the strange events that happened yesterday.

When he walked out of Admiral Yansong's office, it was already an hour later. Cai Wenjie's expression was solemn, as if he was troubled by some problem, but soon Cai Wenjie sighed and talked to himself.

"Oh, forget it, I can only take it one step at a time. I hope there won't be any big problems."

When Cai Wenjie returned to his garrison, all the soldiers were replenishing their ammunition. Although there was no official notification, they still got the news first. After all, the distress broadcast was not heard by only one person. Since they came back and saw the leader being called over by the general for a talk, they vaguely realized that a big war would start soon.

In addition, the sudden appearance of five tanks, two rocket launchers, a brand new command vehicle, and various supply trucks also confirmed their speculation.

And this time, not only their direct troops, but also the remaining troops originally left by Cai Wenjie to protect the fortress base began to prepare.

When Cai Wenjie appeared in front of everyone, all the soldiers stood up and saluted Cai Wenjie.

"Soldiers, we have been awarded important figures by the general. I guess the soldiers who stayed here have heard about it. This time we are going to rescue a military airport hundreds of kilometers away from us. It is now surrounded by zombies. 900 officers and soldiers and civilians are trapped there waiting for our rescue!"

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