My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 538: Beheading Mission Completed

When Cai Wenjie arrived outside the final target's room, both sides were ready. ♜ ♦ ♗♦

"Break the door!"

Following Cai Wenjie's order, the teams on both sides opened the door at the same time.

Cai Wenjie's side was still clean and tidy. After breaking in, the soldiers quickly raised their guns and shot at the armed men in the room. In an instant, all the people in the room except those who had no weapons in their hands were shot. The soldiers swept them away, leaving only corpses.

The Jackal, who was missing due to the sudden situation, was kicked to the ground by Cai Wenjie before he could react, and was quickly controlled by several soldiers.

In addition to the thugs who were shot to death and the jackals who were controlled, there were three people here. To be more precise, three beauties with well-endowed bodies and looks. One of them, Cai Wenjie, could also be said to be know.

Obviously these three people were brought here by Jackal. Judging from their appearance and Jackal's current appearance, it should be that when he was about to take action against these three people, Cai Wenjie happened to bump in with his men, causing Hu to The wolf failed to succeed.

"I remember your name is Gao Hongmei, right?"

Noticing that one of the three people was a bit familiar, Cai Wenjie thought for a moment and realized that this was one of the people he had personally escorted. Cai Wenjie still remembered the little guy who was with Gao Hongmei, who was timid and bold. , if he remembered his name correctly, it should be An Tangtang.

After Gao Hongmei heard someone calling her name, she raised her head tremblingly and looked in the direction of the sound. Then he saw a steel man wearing an exoskeleton talking to him, because the exoskeleton He brought his own mask, so Gao Hongmei couldn't see Cai Wenjie's face at all.

Cai Wenjie also noticed this, and then he took off his mask.

"Do you recognize me now?"

Gao Hongmei naturally recognized Cai Wenjie's appearance. After all, it was this man who rescued them from the university full of zombies and then escorted them all the way here.

As for the series of things that happened next, I can only say that no one expected it to come to this point, so it was not the fault of the person in front of me. Gao Hongmei is still very grateful to him.

Now after seeing Cai Wenjie again, in addition to more and more emotions in Gao Hongmei's heart, there was also a sudden uncontrollable sense of grievance and peace of mind.

These complex emotions were mixed together, and Gao Hongmei suddenly began to cry uncontrollably. Without warning, she stood up and hugged Cai Wenjie. She wanted to cry on Cai Wenjie to relieve her pain. The grievances and fears in my heart.

When Cai Wenjie saw Gao Hongmei suddenly crying and rushing towards him, he subconsciously moved a step to the side, just avoiding Gao Hongmei who was about to hug her.

Gao Hongmei, who failed to hug Cai Wenjie, was stunned for a moment. Also stunned were the other two beauties. After they saw Cai Wenjie, who was obviously the leader of the group, saying hello to Gao Hongmei, they were still a little bit confused. They were jealous and envious, but now that the development of things suddenly exceeded their understanding, they even forgot the fear just now, and stared at the two of them blankly, with an uncontrollable desire to laugh on their faces.

As for the other soldiers in the room, they turned their heads and looked elsewhere early, as if they didn't care about their business.

Even Cai Wenjie himself was embarrassed for a moment, but he quickly adjusted and said.

"There was blood all over me when I killed someone. It's best not to have close contact with me. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Obviously this is an excuse, because Cai Wenjie has never fought in close combat, and the blood will naturally not stick to his body. After Gao Hongmei experienced this kind of thing, the grievances and fears in Gao Hongmei's heart disappeared without a trace. She pretended to be natural and patted her clothes, then turned around with a stiff smile, stretched out her right hand to Cai Wenjie and said.

"Thank you. This is the second time you came to save us, right? If it had been in the past, I might have repaid your life-saving grace with my own life. All I can say now is thank you. "

"You're welcome, I already have a wife"


"By the way, I came here this time to avenge Comrade Zhou Weiguo."


Gao Hongmei felt very speechless now. The handsome man in front of her turned out to be a straight man. If the education she received did not allow her to curse, she would probably be unable to maintain even the most basic smile now.

But Cai Wenjie didn't care about this. After touching Gao Hongmei's outstretched right hand, he asked a soldier to protect their safety. Then he came to the dejected Jackal, looked at the Jackal for a while, and grabbed his hand. The hair lifted his head up.

"Are you one of the murderers who killed my brother Zhou? I think you should know very well what a serious crime it is to kill a state official. Don't worry, I won't let you die comfortably. I want you to get to know that man named Li Wei. It’s truly a life worse than death!”

other side

After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, Li Guang broke the door but did not go in to kill people immediately. Instead, he threw several flash bombs, stun bombs, and tear gas. After all the projectiles exploded, he led people into the room. At this time, everyone in the room had lost their basic ability to resist.

Unable to see, hear, dizzy, breathing difficulties, and uncontrollable tears, who can still resist in this situation, so when Li Guang led people in, there was no resistance, only a group of people rolling around on the ground in discomfort.

After seeing this scene, Li Guang quickly took the lead and began to handcuff the people on the ground. Because Li Guang and other soldiers wore the masks that came with the exoskeleton, these tear gases would not have any effect on them.

Through the photos, Li Guang recognized the leader of these people, Li Wei, who was coughing non-stop because of breathing difficulties. In order to prevent him from suffocating to death due to excessive breathing difficulties, Li Guang immediately took him out of the room. At the same time, Li Guang also received information that the other side had successfully captured the jackal.

"Quick! Release the signal flare to notify the troops outside to launch a strong attack!"


According to the plan, it was time to release the signal flare, so Li Guang immediately ordered his soldiers to go outside and launch the signal flare to notify the follow-up troops to launch a strong attack.

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