My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 539 Angry Soldiers

A fiery red flare appeared in the sky above the stadium gathering place, and the follow-up troops who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately noticed the flare. Read

"It's our flare! Start the attack!"

Relying on the mobility of the vehicle, the soldiers rushed to the stadium from three kilometers away in less than a minute, and then immediately launched a strong attack, which was actually a normal attack.

Because the gate of the stadium had long been firmly controlled by the soldiers left by Cai Wenjie, when the large troops arrived here, they directly entered the interior through the gate of the stadium.

The scattered thugs inside the stadium, no matter how slow they were, found something wrong at this moment. They panicked and started running around, because they knew in their hearts that with their strength, they would not even have the strength to resist, let alone fight back, against regular soldiers.

Of course, they didn't say that they had no way at all. Some smart thugs immediately took off their thugs' signs and equipment and quietly mixed into the team of ordinary people, while another group of people wanted to repeat the same trick, capture ordinary people as hostages, and negotiate with the army.

But when they really captured the hostages and wanted to negotiate with the other side, the snipers who had been lurking in four directions took action. The heads of the thugs who attacked the civilians instantly turned into smashed watermelons. Even the thugs who were about to blend into the crowd were not spared. They were either shot in the head or shot through the heart and killed.

"No! There is a sniper! Hurry..."

The thug who noticed the sniper was shot through the chest before he finished speaking, and fell to the spot forever in regret.

Unlike these desperate thugs, the ordinary survivors and civilians looked ecstatic. They knew that someone came to save them today, and they no longer had to be frightened by the oppression of these thugs.

"It's the army! It's the army who came to save us!"

"Great! Finally, the army rescued us!"

In addition to those who were surprised by the arrival of the army, some people focused their attention on the thugs who were desperately fleeing to avoid sniper shooting.

"Quick! Hold down these guys who bullied us! Avenge our family and friends! Go!"

"Yes! Everyone, help me to control these people!"

The men who were still strong immediately rushed to the fleeing thugs and directly held them down. Although these thugs were arrogant and domineering on weekdays, they were fleeing in a panic to avoid the sniper's sniper, so they were easily controlled by the men.

Of course, there were still some thugs who noticed something was wrong. They were shocked and angry, and then aimed their weapons at the men who rushed over. When they were about to pull the trigger, a bullet accurately hit his head or heart, killing the thugs who wanted to shoot on the spot.

Soon, the follow-up infantry also came here and took the thugs from the men.

"Thank you for your help, but it's very dangerous here. Go to the gate quickly. There is a temporary station we have set up. After we have dealt with the thugs here and ensure the safety here, you can come out again!"

"Okay, we'll go now!"

This scene happened in various places in the stadium gathering place. Every time the thugs in a place were dealt with, the soldiers would arrange the survivors nearby to the back to ensure the safety of the survivors.

At this time, a team of soldiers advanced to a dark corner, and this was where the police and special police were detained, that is, the prison.

After the soldiers approached here, their first reaction was to frown, because there was an unusual smell of blood. The squad leader in charge of this team immediately found something wrong. After making a few tactical gestures to other soldiers, he immediately approached the entrance of the prison quietly along the wall.

The squad leader near the entrance of the prison first took a deep breath, deliberately exposed half of his body, and then quickly retracted.

As expected by the squad leader, when he retracted his body, a series of gunshots suddenly broke out inside, and the bullets almost rubbed his body and flew out.

After confirming that there were people inside, several other soldiers who had been on standby immediately threw several flash bombs and stun bombs. After a series of strong lights, loud noises and screams erupted inside, the soldiers immediately rushed in.

Although it was dark inside, the soldiers were wearing night vision goggles, so no matter how dark it was, they could still see the situation inside clearly.

"This is it!"

The soldiers who saw the scene inside couldn't help but be surprised. They saw the corpses in the room through the night vision goggles. These corpses were not zombie corpses, but the corpses left after the death of living humans.

If it was just like this, the soldiers would not be surprised, but the problem was that these corpses were in fragments, and the limbs and heads of people were cut off artificially and piled up on one side. If it formed a pile of corpses, it would be a bit...

More importantly, the soldiers found many corpses wearing police uniforms among these corpses, and it was not just one or two, but almost all the corpses had police badges on their clothes.

"Fuck! These people are all policemen! Who was the crazy guy who did this!"

The soldier who said this paused for a moment, and then, as if reacting, he immediately looked at the only person in the space besides them.

"Fuck! This beast!"

The soldier's eyes were full of anger. He rushed to the beast who was still rolling on the ground in pain with an angry face, and kicked him hard with the power of the sprint.

The other soldiers also reacted at this time. They stepped forward quickly and started punching and kicking as if they had seen an enemy. Although they were just punching and kicking, under the amplification of the exoskeleton, each punch and kick had a thousand pounds of force.

Not to mention that each soldier was angry and showed no mercy. Under this circumstance, the beast on the ground was beaten to death by the soldiers. There was no good place on his body. Almost all the bones on his body were broken into pieces, not to mention that his internal organs were directly broken into pieces.

But even so, the soldiers were still furious, so they continued to swing their fists at the dead body, until they had completely beaten the body into pulp.

The squad leader in charge of this team could only do one thing when he saw the pile of bodies not far away.

"Everyone! Stand at attention! Salute the fallen police comrades!"

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