My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 541 Farewell to Zhou Weiguo

While briefly communicating with Song Yi, the second batch of convoys from the Xinguang gathering place also arrived here. ReadМ

"Okay, the vehicles are almost here. Song Yi, I now order you to be responsible for the entire transfer of personnel."

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!"

The first batch of more than 2,000 people now took their luggage and began to board the vehicle under the command of the soldiers. Because the vehicles transferred were all large vehicles such as cargo trucks and troop transport trucks, so the comfort can be said to be Not at all, but it can indeed transfer at least half a hundred people at once.

Of course, there are buses, but the number is limited, so Cai Wenjie decided that buses like this should only be used to transport the old, weak, sick and disabled. Generally speaking, the old, weak, sick and disabled are the laggards in the apocalypse. After all, ordinary people can do everything They can't do the work at all and can't create any effective value. In general, the old, weak, sick and disabled are the first people to be given up.

If the leader of the group is kind, he will probably give them a certain amount of food and water, and then banish the old, weak, sick and disabled, and let them fend for themselves. If the leader is cruel, he will probably drive them out. If If you encounter a leader who is not a human, he will probably be used as a living bait by him. For example, if you are chased by zombies when you go out to look for food, then push out these people who have broken legs and cannot escape. Don't think that this kind of thing won't happen if they die in exchange for their time to escape. Cai Wenjie, who has experience in the apocalypse in previous lives, understands this very well.

After Cai Wenjie became the person in charge of a gathering place, he did not give up the idea of ​​​​taking care of the old, weak, sick and disabled. After all, he had enough food to feed these people and it was not worth mentioning. Moreover, in this life, he was really A mid-to-high-level officer in the national army, of course, the most important thing is that his parents are still alive in this life, and they will definitely not want him to become cold-blooded. Of course, this situation will be different if they are enemies.

Besides, although these old, weak, sick and disabled people cannot do ordinary work, they can still do some easier tasks, such as simple assembly, or doing things like loading loose bullets into magazines. Anyway, there will always be some use for it.

To be honest, there are no more seriously ill and disabled people who can't move anymore. They have been eliminated from the beginning of the end of the world. No matter how hard the people's soldiers of this country rescue people, they can't move more sick and disabled people, such as in hospitals. People who can only rely on medical equipment to maintain their lives. In an emergency, even if the soldiers try their best to ensure their safety, they can't resist the attack of the zombie wave. In the end, they can only be forced to retreat, and they The only thing that can be done is to relieve these critically ill people before evacuation. This is the only thing that can be done.

The old, weak, sick and disabled people left behind at this time all have a certain ability to move, and at least they are all people who can barely maintain their own lives with the help of people around them. In the next period of time, some people will be naturally eliminated, and the remaining people will be eliminated naturally. Although those who come down are also old, weak, sick and disabled, at least they can get rid of the help of others and live on their own.

The old, weak, sick and disabled people left behind now are people who can live alone, so Cai Wenjie has no hesitation in accepting these people.

As the first batch of two thousand people boarded the vehicles one after another, a massive personnel transfer began.

After leaving the personnel transfer matter to Song Yi, Cai Wenjie returned to the former Zhou Weiguo's office on the highest floor of the stadium. Although this place was regarded as an indecent place by Jackals, Cai Wenjie still came here. He looked at the office next to the window. There was a jar placed on the cabinet, and I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Inside this jar was the precious tea he gave to Zhou Weiguo. Although the relationship between the two was not very good at the beginning, after getting along several times, he really He regarded Zhou Weiguo as his elder brother.

"Alas! Brother Zhou, why are you so stupid? Even if they take hostages, so what? There are tens of thousands of survivors behind you who need to be protected. To sacrifice yourself for those few people will undoubtedly destroy those who believe in you. Tens of thousands of people were pushed into the pit of fire."

Although Cai Wenjie scolded him for being stupid, what's the use of saying this now that the person is dead? If the body is still there, he can resurrect him as his own clone, but the problem is that Zhou Weiguo's body can no longer be found. , Zhou Weiguo can only become his own memory.

Cai Wenjie picked up the jar and placed it on the desk nearby, then reached out and took out the tea set that was also placed on the cabinet, and began to slowly brew the tea leaves, waiting for a series of complicated tea-making steps.

A pot of fine pumpkin tribute tea was brewed. Cai Wenjie naturally placed two tea cups, poured two cups of tea into each, and then quietly began to taste the tea.

enjoy? This is not something that can be felt. The only thing Cai Wenjie can feel now is loneliness.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhou. I will help you carry on your responsibilities during your lifetime. I hope you will not be born in this era in the next life."

After saying the last words, Cai Wenjie put down the tea cup in his hand and left Zhou Weiguo's office. After Cai Wenjie left, the smoke in the tea poured on the other side began to gradually disappear until the tea in the tea cup had completely cooled down.

After leaving the office, Cai Wenjie went straight to another place. He came to a temporary crematorium outside the stadium. The bodies left by the dead were being burned in the crematorium. At least three dozen people were killed tonight. Jackal and Li Wei's men, as well as hundreds of police officers who died, were all here.

The only difference was that the soldiers responsible for burning the bodies of the police were very serious. The soldiers would carefully look for the limbs and heads of the police before they died, and then simply fix them with lines before solemnly sending them into the temporary furnace. They would solemnly salute each body after burning it. After the bodies were burned, the ashes left would be stored in a box separately. These boxes of ashes would be taken back to the Xinguang gathering place by the soldiers, and then buried in the martyrs' cemetery to be established in the Xinguang gathering place. Everyone's police badge, police number and name would be engraved on a special stone tablet for future generations to worship.

As for the jackals and Li Wei's little brothers, they did not receive such treatment. They were simply piled in a small pit and then gasoline was poured on them. They were simply set on fire and no one cared about them. When only ashes were left, there were still special people who came to collect them and sprinkled them on the land as fertilizer in the spring. This was considered the last good thing they did.

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