My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 542 Mutated Rat Group

Originally, it would not matter if Cai Wenjie went back at this time, but in order to avoid any unexpected situation, he decided to wait until everyone was transferred before going back. Reading

Cai Wenjie saluted the policemen who died first, then turned around and left the crematorium. Because he had slept during the day, he did not feel tired now, so he did not need to rest.

"Just in time..."

Cai Wenjie walked towards the room where Jackal and Li Wei were temporarily imprisoned. He wanted to settle the account today. Cai Wenjie had already made plans for the treatment of these two people. He planned to torture them well and then take them to the Xinguang gathering place for public execution.

Let all those who were oppressed by these two people take turns to come up and chop them until they die.

Cai Wenjie did not come out of the house where the two were imprisoned until the sun appeared again in the sky. The end of Jackal and Li Wei could only be said to be very miserable, so miserable that it was almost impossible to tell that these two people were human beings.

Of course, Cai Wenjie did not kill them. After all, they would have to go to the Xinguang gathering place for public execution later. It would be too easy for them to kill these two people now.

After a night of hard work, the entire stadium gathering place had moved half of the people. Two more times would be enough to move all of them.

But just when Cai Wenjie thought that the matter was stable, a gunshot suddenly broke Cai Wenjie's calm.

"What's going on!"

And the answer to him was more and more gunshots. At this time, a soldier quickly ran to Cai Wenjie and reported.

"Report to the chief! A large number of mutant rats were found outside the stadium! They are rushing here quickly, and the soldiers in charge of security have gone to encircle and suppress the rats!"

"Mutated rats? These rats haven't disappeared yet? So! You take people to evacuate the crowd now, and let the survivors return to their rooms temporarily and don't come out! As for the mutant rats, I will deal with them personally"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, the soldier immediately ran to find someone to evacuate the crowd, while Cai Wenjie hurried to the direction where the mutant rats appeared.

In a sewer 300 meters away from the stadium, dense mutant rats are pouring out continuously. The sentinels who discovered this place at the first time and the soldiers who came to support one after another are now shooting at the mutant rats that are pouring out continuously. Unfortunately, there are too many rats, and the firepower of these few soldiers alone cannot cause any effective damage to the mutant rats.

The soldiers can only delay the speed of the mutant rats rushing out as much as possible, and then wait for follow-up support.

"No! If this goes on, we can't stop this group of rats at all! Grenade! Throw a grenade quickly!"

The soldier immediately took out one of his high-explosive bombs, pulled the safety and smashed it hard into the sewer where mutant rats were pouring out continuously. Other soldiers also took out their high-explosive bombs at his suggestion and threw them into the sewer. As time passed, a violent explosion occurred in the sewer.

The powerful force of the explosion directly blew a hole in the sewer, and a large number of rat corpses fell from the sky, directly dyeing the nearby road of more than ten meters into blood red. Seeing this situation, before the soldiers could be happy, more mutant rats poured out from the hole.

They were all wrong. The number of these mutant rats definitely exceeded four digits. Their current firepower alone could not resist the attack of the mutant rats. Soon the first soldier was knocked to the ground by the rats that kept pouring out. A large group of rats lay on the soldier and began to gnaw, then the second, the third, until the last soldier was drowned in the mutant rats in less than a minute.

However, fortunately, these soldiers were wearing exoskeleton armor and matching full-coverage helmets, so although they were pressed to the ground by the mutant rats, they were not eaten by the rats at the first time, because even if the rats were mutated, it would not be an easy task to gnaw off the exoskeleton armor.

When Cai Wenjie and other soldiers arrived here, they saw a scene like this: a large group of mutant rats were lying on the soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor, gnawing the armor desperately. Even if countless rats broke their teeth, they could only leave a small tooth mark on the exoskeleton armor, and then nothing happened.

The soldiers who were suppressed on the ground wanted to resist with their guns after they stood up again, but these mutant rats actually broke their weapons when they couldn't bite the exoskeleton. A soldier's gun is equivalent to his wife or a life. Now the soldiers who were originally a little panicked immediately became furious, and they didn't care about the guns. They clenched their fists and swung an angry blow at the dense mutant rats.

These soldiers began to swing their fists and feet in the dense rat swarm. Although each blow could kill several rats, their physical strength was also rapidly consumed. In addition, because these rats were lying on their faces, their vision was limited and they could not see the surrounding situation clearly. They could only punch and kick randomly. This led to Cai Wenjie and other soldiers who came to support them to see that these soldiers were actually dancing a weird dance in the rat swarm, and they almost laughed.

"Exoskeleton armor can prevent burns from flames to a certain extent, so don't worry about them! Just throw incendiary bombs!"

Cai Wenjie did not laugh, but gave the order directly. Under Cai Wenjie's order, the other soldiers had no choice but to ignore the soldiers who were randomly punching and threw incendiary bombs at the dense group of mutant rats. As the incendiary bombs exploded, a large area of ​​fire appeared in the dense group of rats.

The boxing soldiers were not spared either. To be more precise, the rats lying on the soldiers were not spared either. They were all covered by a large area of ​​fire. The rats screamed sharply and fell off the soldiers in large pieces. At this time, the trapped soldiers also rushed out of the fire at the first time and joined Cai Wenjie's people. After these soldiers rushed out, someone immediately took the water source that had been prepared long ago and threw it on the soldiers to cool them down.

"Put gasoline! Help them with the fire!"

As the order was issued, barrels of gasoline were thrown directly into the fiercely burning sea of ​​fire. The flames became more and more fierce, and the scope of burning was gradually expanding.

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