My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 554 Inspection

Soon, Cai Wenjie came to the place where the soldiers were training and began to watch. Reading

These recruits were selected through layers of screening, and their physical values ​​such as strength, speed, endurance, and vision are all top-notch.

Of course, this is the top in the Xinguang gathering area, but if you look at the country, it is at most the top of the second-rate, or the end of the first-rate.

But it is enough, these people have good brains, and after simple theoretical knowledge, they can all perform auxiliary flight with the help of veterans.

"Look! The leader is here!"

"Where is he! Where is he!"

"You are blind! You are in front!"

"Hello, leader!"

Looking at the mess of recruits, Cai Wenjie shook his head secretly. These recruits still need to be trained, at least to the point where they will not get excited when encountering any major events.

However, they were just new recruits, so Cai Wenjie would not point out their shortcomings to their faces. Instead, he smiled and began to ask about their well-being one by one, caring about his subordinates. There was no way these new recruits were natural people, not 100% loyal clones, so he still had to win people's hearts frequently to avoid betrayal in the future.

"How is it? Is the training hard? Is your family okay? If you have any difficulties, please tell me..."

All 33 new recruits were greeted by Cai Wenjie, and it was not a false greeting, but a real inquiry about whether there were any difficulties, which made the new recruits feel very moved and warm.

After receiving the enthusiastic eyes of a group of new recruits, Cai Wenjie left the small airport and went to the military camps around the airport along the way. There were also new recruits in it, all of whom were young and strong men around 18-30 years old. Because the selection of infantry is much easier than the selection of pilots, the number of new recruits in the army is also much larger than that of the air force.

There are 120 new recruits this time, just enough for a company. In Cai Wenjie's plan, the army will be expanded to a regiment by this summer. Although he is only a battalion commander, who says a battalion has hundreds of people? Even if it is expanded to thousands of people, it is a reinforced battalion, and a reinforced battalion is also a battalion, without breaking the command line.

Similarly, the new recruits of these army units have also started training, and today is the first day for these new recruits to touch guns, that is, live-fire training.

Generally speaking, the live-fire training of new recruits is carried out with obsolete weapons, but Cai Wenjie did not do so. Instead, he directly gave them the weapons used by active soldiers for training.

Instead of training with obsolete weapons, it is better to train directly with active equipment. The advantage of doing so is that the new recruits do not need to be proficient in new weapons again. As long as they pick up the gun, they can be put into new battles at any time.

In addition, the recruits were trained to shoot at headshots and knee joints. The former was to kill with one shot, and the latter was to deal with speed-type mutant zombies. After breaking the knee joints, the mutant zombies with speed advantage became lambs to be slaughtered.

In short, these recruits were trained to become anti-zombie troops that could better deal with zombies and mutant zombies, rather than ordinary troops.

Cai Wenjie never thought of using these recruits to deal with the extremely brutal human army.

"The people behind, keep up! One, two, one! Come on! There's one lap left!"

"Try to aim at the target when shooting, and shoot a little earlier. The bullet is fast, but it will also fall sharply at a distance, so you have to learn to shoot a little earlier!"

"Hold on! One more! One for the squad leader! One for yourself! One more for the future, the last one, the last one, the last one..."

On the military camp playground, Cai Wenjie saw the recruits who were divided into different echelons for training. In order to make the soldiers master combat skills faster, the instructors used all their skills to teach these recruits. It was inevitable that there would be swearing during the period, but the recruits knew very well that although the instructors treated them so harshly, it was all for their own good. Everyone knows the truth that more sweat in training means less blood in war, and the recruits are the same, so no matter how strict the instructors are, the recruits will firmly execute orders.

When Cai Wenjie stepped into the training ground, the instructors found Cai Wenjie at the first time, and then immediately reorganized the team and saluted Cai Wenjie together.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hello, you've worked hard in training."

"Not hard!"

Even the recruits who had just joined the army were in high spirits, looking at Cai Wenjie with sharp eyes. They knew that the person in front of them was the person in charge of the entire Xinguang Gathering Area and the commander-in-chief of the Xinguang Gathering Area troops, and they were their top existence.

Cai Wenjie never tired of talking and interacting with the recruits one by one, making sure to say at least three sentences to each recruit, and then silently remembering the names of these recruits. Although this small move seems insignificant, think about it from another perspective. A leader at least at the provincial level has the honor of communicating with you for a while. When you meet again in the future, how will you feel when this leader suddenly says your name?

And what Cai Wenjie is doing now is this behavior. This seemingly insignificant behavior will make people desperately work for him in the future.

After talking to all the recruits, at least an hour had passed. In order not to affect the training of the recruits, Cai Wenjie left here. However, Cai Wenjie did not stop at this time. He was going to the surrounding mountains to see if the isolation belt on the mountain was damaged.

The isolation belt area on the mountain will be patrolled by a patrol team every two hours to check if there is any damage or other accidents.

Then check if there are any biological invasions. Once found, they will be killed without mercy. The bodies left after shooting will be dragged back to Pojun and other wolf packs for extra meals.

After all, Pojun and his wolf pack have been officially granted military status, and their treatment is no worse than that of ordinary people, and even better than that of ordinary soldiers.

After all, they are wolves, and their staple food is meat, not grains.

Back to business, Cai Wenjie met a patrol team on patrol as soon as he went up the mountain. Each patrol team will form a team of two soldiers to go up the mountain. After patrolling once and going down the mountain, another team will go up the mountain again for patrol. The whole cycle takes exactly two hours.

And since the arrival of the wolf pack, the ordinary wolves in the wolf pack have acted as military dogs. In the past, there were two people in a team, but now there are two people and one wolf in a team.

"Hello, Chief!"


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