My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 555 Points System

Cai Wenjie didn't say much, just nodded and asked. ReadМ

"How's it going? Is there anything strange?"

"Reporting to the chief, we found a ground rat in the D3 area. It has been killed and the hole has been filled."

Cai Wenjie immediately became on high alert when he heard the word rat.

"Marmot? Are you talking about a marmot or some other kind of rat?"

"It's a groundhog"

"Besides that one, have you found any other prairie dogs?"

"No other rats were found, and Liang didn't react at all."

This Liang is actually the name of this wolf, which was chosen by them. Besides Liang, other wolves also have their own names, but they are all chosen by themselves and are not registered in the military register.

The only thing registered on the military registration is the serial number. For example, Pojun's military registration registered last year was L1, which is Lang 1. The rest of the military registration information registered by Lang is the same, without exception.

Cai Wenjie still has some trust in the noses of these military wolves. After all, Pojun's nose is very good. He can smell the smell of blood within a few kilometers of Fang Wei and can accurately determine its location.

As Pojun's younger brothers, they naturally have a good sense of smell.

"You have done a good job, but don't let your guard down. After you go down the mountain, report this matter to the residents' center and ask them to take people to loosen all the land nearby and then compact it."


"You guys go, I'll go shopping by myself"


After the patrol disappeared from Cai Wenjie's sight, Cai Wenjie went directly to the separation wall and installed the exchanged magnetic storm coil here.

Then Cai Wenjie looked for the separation wall, kept walking and pressing on it, and only stopped after he had installed all the surrounding areas around the Xinguang Gathering Area.

At this point, the entire New Light gathering place has been surrounded by magnetic storm coils. The security will be greatly improved. With the existing defensive weapons, unless it is a large mutated creature like an alien fighting beast that cannot be stopped, other Mutated zombies shouldn't even try to break through here.

By the time Cai Wenjie came down the mountain, it was already noon. It happened that the nearest place when he came down was a general residential area, so Cai Wenjie was going to make a so-called private visit incognito. No, it should be said to investigate the public sentiment.

The general residential area is also the residential area for ordinary people. All the ordinary people who have come to Xinguang Gathering Area in the past are gathered here. They are guided by the staff of the resident center to equally allocate residences to everyone and distribute daily necessities.

Because a large number of survivors suddenly arrived yesterday, the houses here are obviously not enough. After settling almost most of the new survivors, that is, 4,500 people, there are still about 500 people who have no place to live, so we are New houses were urgently built to provide shelter.

However, before the new houses are built, the remaining survivors of more than 500 people can only be temporarily arranged to live in temporary houses like converted containers or directly set up huge military tents with beds inside.

Anyway, in the end, no one slept outside in the ice and snow, which also reflects the strong temporary response ability of the community center.

Of course, the resident center also provides additional compensation for those living in temporary camps. In addition to the same dietary treatment as other survivors, these people can receive a compensation item every day, such as a can of canned meat or canned fruit. canned items, or desserts like chocolates and candies, and of course cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. However, because cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are rare items, if you choose cigarettes or alcoholic beverages, you can only get them every day. A cigarette or a small glass of liquor.

Even so, there are still many people who are willing to take cigarettes and drinks, especially cigarettes. You must know that the number of smokers in the country accounts for a large share. These people will feel uncomfortable if they don't smoke for a day. Simply put, it is very uncomfortable if they are addicted to cigarettes. , so even if these people give up the opportunity to get canned meat or canned fruit every day, they still choose a cigarette without hesitation. When they are addicted to cigarettes, they take a puff, then quickly put out the cigarette and put it in their pockets to save smoking. .

And among those who have been allocated residences and want to smoke cigarettes, there is only one way, and that is to go to the market to buy them or go directly to the redemption center to use their points to redeem cigarettes.

The market that originally had only a dozen stalls more than ten days ago has gradually evolved into a medium-sized market with hundreds of stalls under the impact of a large population. Various things are sold in the market. , including various commodities such as food, clothing, electrical appliances, furniture, tools, etc.

The market basically uses two payment methods: bartering and point purchase.

Needless to say, everyone knows how to exchange things for things. As for the purchase of points, it also benefits from a complete transaction system developed by the Resident Center a few days ago. Simply put, it is similar to Zhifubao. Or something like a prestige wallet.

When paying, just take out the points card and hand it to the boss, and then the boss inserts the points card into a machine, and the corresponding points will be automatically deducted.

Of course, this is only applicable to ordinary residents. If you have an X1 communication device, you don’t need a points card. The boss only needs to use the machine’s built-in scanner to scan the QR code to directly access the information from the X1 communication device. The corresponding points will be deducted.

This machine that can insert cards and scan codes is a deduction, conversion and calculation device. As long as the boss inserts his points card into the machine, he can perform the conversion operation and transfer other people's points to his own points card.

These machines need to be taken back after going to the resident center to obtain the merchant level, and the machine must be returned when closing the stall every day, and then a new machine can be collected when setting up the stall tomorrow. Of course, this is free, there is no so-called storage fee or rental fee. Even ordinary people can come to the resident center for face-to-face transactions, which is equivalent to transfers.

Although this is a bit troublesome, it also eliminates a lot of problems, such as forced buying and selling, secretly raising prices, tax evasion and other problems.

Yes, every transaction is taxed, and the tax is not high, only one percent of the transaction amount, and the tax collected will be used for the wages of the staff of the resident center, the living allowances of the residents, the construction of new houses, the improvement of the living environment or the development of business.

Of course, in order to avoid any financial crisis or currency depreciation in the future, Cai Wenjie even specially exchanged corresponding talents for management and control. There are strict requirements for the issuance of points and market share. In order to prevent anyone from violently obstructing or interfering with the market, Cai Wenjie even delegated power to these people to mobilize a certain scale of military force. Of course, a detailed report must be submitted to him afterwards to prevent anyone from abusing their power for their own benefit.

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