My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 562: No way to escape death

The people running in the front saw everything that happened behind them, but they kept silent and even thought that the soldier was right. Even the other people in the same tank crew, no one asked for justice for him, but just kept their heads down and continued to run.

Finally, after a few minutes of running, they returned to the original place, and then saw the officer who was waiting anxiously.

And the officer naturally saw the people who were panting.

"Why are you back? Where is the tank? Where is Abu!"

For the officer's questions, they could only answer with silence. Soon the officer realized something and stopped asking questions, but asked other questions.

"Can we still get through the garage?"

"I'm sorry, sir. The garage is now occupied by a large number of zombies, and Chief Abu was also ambushed by the mutant zombies inside and died."

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Just when the officer was about to ask other questions, a gap appeared in the front fire defense line, and a large number of zombies broke through the gap. At the same time, the invulnerable alien fighting beast also released his skills or abilities, shock waves, and shook down all the nearby soldiers' weapons and equipment.

Although the soldiers quickly picked up their weapons again, more and more zombies poured in during this gap, and then a large-scale massacre began. ♦♦  ♦♦

The soldiers who were approached by the zombies used things like gun butts or daggers to defend themselves, but facing the tide of zombies, this was just a futile resistance. Soon, the first soldier was knocked down by the zombies. This was like a signal, and more and more soldiers were knocked down to the ground by the zombies and could not move.

Without fire suppression, the alien fighting beasts were like ancient warriors, treating all the human soldiers around them as weeds and fiddling with them at will.

Soon, the entire defense line was breached, and almost all the soldiers were dismembered and eaten by zombies. Even the few soldiers who survived were infected by the virus and would become new zombies in a few hours at most.

Now, the only intact people in the military base, besides this officer, are the few people who just came back from the garage.

But now they have lost confidence. No matter how powerful they are, they are just humans. In this case, there is no chance of breaking out.

"Alas, it seems that we have come to an end, but I don't want to become that kind of monster even if I die."

After the officer muttered to himself, he decisively picked up his pistol and pulled the trigger at his temple.

But the other soldiers did not interrupt and gave up.

"No! I can't die here! I want to go back alive to see my family!"

"Me too! I won't give up hope of living until the last moment!"

"Take me with you, I don't want to die"

After briefly exchanging their reasons for a while, several people immediately ran away.

"Let's go back to the garage. As long as we can drive out the armored vehicles or tanks inside, we will have hope of survival. Since we are going to die anyway, why not give it a try!"

The few people whose desire to survive reached the climax immediately changed direction and ran wildly towards the garage. Some of the zombies behind them were now lying on the officers who had committed suicide, eating their flesh and blood, while the other part continued to chase them, hoping to eat the freshest human flesh.

If this were in a novel or a movie, these people might really be able to escape, but unfortunately reality is not a novel or a movie, and these people are not the protagonists.

As soon as they opened the back door they had just entered, they were discovered by a large number of zombies who had been waiting for a long time at the back door, and then they rushed in directly like the Black Friday mall unique to the United States.

As for the outcome of these people, there is no need to say more. Anyway, none of them survived, and one of the few military bases in India disappeared.

However, these are not the main points. The main point is that after the zombies in India could not find any living people, they began to migrate to several neighboring countries that have borders with India.

Among them is Country Z.

Similarly, where the border is connected, there will be border troops guarding here.

It is more difficult to defend the southern border than the northern one, because the terrain here is special, the population is large, and the weather and climate are very suitable for animal survival. This also means that once the animals here mutate due to the virus, the situation here will become very serious. The border soldiers must not only be on guard against illegal entry of zombies from other countries at all times, but also divide their energy to block the attacks of mutant animals.

And unfortunately, these two things happened at the same time today.

"It's bad, squad leader! A large number of zombies have gathered in the country of Asan and are coming towards us! And those mutant animals have also come out."

A border soldier holding a telescope and wearing the latest exoskeleton armor hurriedly ran to their squad leader and began to report the situation of the border and the forest.

The place where they are now is a secret sentry hidden on a cliff. It has a good view and high concealment. It can also observe the border and the deep forest at the same time. The most important thing is that ordinary zombies can't climb up to this place, so it can be regarded as a relatively safe shelter.

Because of the special environment here and in order to observe the situation on the other side in real time, a squad of people is stationed in this secret post. On weekdays, each person takes turns to conduct reconnaissance for about two hours a day. Once they find anything, they will report it to the regiment headquarters immediately so that the large troops can have time to prepare.

"How many zombies are gathered at the border? If there are no more than one thousand, use the old method to lead those zombies back, and the same goes for the animals in the deep forest"

"No, squad leader! The number of zombies gathered at the border this time has exceeded five digits, and they are still increasing. I have used bait to lead them back, but this time the bait was eaten up and I couldn't lead them back. Now the group of zombies is moving here, and they will cross over in half an hour. Report to the regiment headquarters quickly, squad leader"

The squad leader who heard this immediately became alert. After confirming that he had not exaggerated the facts, the squad leader contacted the regiment headquarters directly and reported to the regiment headquarters truthfully what the border guards had just said.

"What! Large-scale migration! Is that true? Okay, I get it. You continue to observe the situation and report to me at any time. Be careful to hide and don't let the zombies find you. If there is anything wrong, you should withdraw immediately to save your lives! Do you understand?"

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