My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 563 Situation of various countries

After the call ended, the regiment commander immediately summoned the troops to rush to the border. Read М

It just so happened that the latest weapons and equipment were obtained from the war zone recently, but they have not been officially put into battle yet. Take this opportunity to test the power of the new weapons.

Although the border troops stationed on the border are one of the few troops that can not participate in the counterattack plan, the importance of the border is self-evident, so when distributing equipment, the border troops naturally have a share.

Fifteen minutes later, except for a company guarding the regiment headquarters, the whole regiment was ready to go and left the regiment headquarters to the border.

In fact, not only here, but now other borders have begun to have large-scale zombie invasions.

This is normal. It has been almost a month since the end of the world. It is very difficult for the surrounding small countries to support it until now. Now most of the people in the small countries are dead or injured. Those who are left are all survivors hiding in bunkers or on high mountain cliffs where zombies can't go up. The armies of these small countries can't resist the attack of zombies at all, so when the disaster started, their army's only task was to hide.

Until the surrounding big countries solve the disaster in their own country, they hope to help eliminate the zombies in their own country because they are all neighbors. Although doing so is tantamount to giving their own national defense to other countries, who makes them so weak?

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Weakness is the original sin, not to mention the end of the world.

Because the people of small countries died or hid, the zombies of those small countries can only focus on the big countries, that is, Country Z where Cai Wenjie is.

You know, now in the world, there are only so many survivors and human gathering places in Country Z. In the case of nuclear strikes in other big countries, there are not many humans who survived, and a large part of these people will die painfully due to nuclear pollution. The rest of the people can only leave their homes and look for land that has not been contaminated by nuclear pollution. After all, no one wants to die.

The country with the most serious nuclear pollution in the world is M. Since M launched nuclear bombs at all countries in the world, it has also received nuclear bombs from all over the world.

Although there are few countries that have the ability to drop nuclear bombs on M's mainland, M's mainland has still been hit by a large number of nuclear attacks. Even if there are more anti-aircraft missiles, they cannot completely resist the attack of nuclear bombs.

Moreover, after the first nuclear bomb landed on the mainland and exploded, the missile interception was completely useless. The successive nuclear attacks were simply not something that human power could stop.

The same is true for several other major countries. Because of the nuclear attack, a large amount of land was infected and could not grow food. At the same time, under the influence of nuclear pollution, a large number of nuclear mutant zombies also appeared.

In order to cope with these difficulties, the governments of various countries have no time to fight internally or fight with other countries. The current situation is that all countries have sent troops to guard the border to prevent zombies from other countries from crossing the border to enter their own countries for destruction. At the same time, they are also secretly sending zombies from their own countries to other countries. This is a common method used by those small countries.

Of course, like what happened in India this time, although it seems that this is what their government would do, it is completely the autonomous behavior of the zombies. After all, India's population is very small, and the number of zombies has exceeded more than one billion. In order to survive, the zombies can only migrate, otherwise they will starve to death sooner or later.

As mentioned earlier, this large migration not only happened in the south, but also in the north, such as the Russian side and the northern CX side.

It can be said that as long as it is a country bordering Z, there is no exception, and all have zombies of different sizes entering the border.

This problem now directly affects tomorrow's counterattack plan, but the central government is still prepared to insist on the counterattack. The border problem will be solved by each border force on its own. No matter what method is used, these zombies who are preparing to illegally immigrate must be kept out.

After the counterattack is successful, troops can be withdrawn to support the border.


At seven o'clock in the evening, Cai Wenjie gathered all the soldiers and officers in the Xinguang gathering place, held a banquet, and ate and drank together. Even the soldiers at the train station and the stadium were not left behind. Cai Wenjie prepared airdrop boxes, put the prepared food in the airdrop boxes, and then sent helicopters to these two places for airdrop.

Let the soldiers at the train station and the stadium also enjoy the rare delicacy.

The reason why Cai Wenjie did this was actually nothing, just to let them relax before the battle and improve their morale to avoid the psychological fear of fighting tomorrow. Of course, the clone soldiers have no psychological burden at all. The purpose of their existence is to fight, or everything is for Cai Wenjie, so naturally there will be no fear of fighting.

But those natural human soldiers are different, especially the newly recruited soldiers. They have received very short training time and their ideological work has not been done well. So when they go to the real battlefield, they will inevitably have emotions such as fear of fighting. This is normal. No one knows whether they will die in the next second on the battlefield. As long as they are a person, they will be afraid, afraid of being injured, afraid of death. In this case, it is Cai Wenjie's job to prepare the soldiers mentally and appease their emotions.

So Cai Wenjie will hold a banquet today to relax the tense emotions of the soldiers.

"Today, except for wine, everything else is free, eat as much as you want! Drink as much as you want! Don't be polite"


Except for wine, everything else is unlimited at the banquet, and Cai Wenjie also arranged a literary and artistic competition. Anyway, according to the principle of who has talent, whoever is not a troublemaker can go up and perform their talents.

Of course, there are rewards. For example, the first place in the talent competition can get 5,000 points and a week's leave note plus a brand new motorcycle. The second place is 3,000 points plus a three-day leave note, and the third place is 1,000 points plus a one-day leave note.

Although these rewards don't look very good, they are indeed the best rewards for the soldiers, especially the one-week leave note. For the soldiers, points are not necessary, but the leave note must be obtained!

"That leave slip is mine!"

"Don't even think about it! Old bastard!"

The reason why leave slips are so popular is very simple. In addition to being able to apply for leave, leave slips also have a hidden benefit. If you accumulate enough leave slips, you can exchange them for a chance to go out from the quartermaster, which means you can leave the Xinguang gathering place and move freely. During the time you are out, you can carry weapons and equipment normally, and even rent a means of transportation.

After going out, all the supplies you get outside belong to you and do not need to be handed in. As for how to use these supplies, it depends on your personal preference.

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