My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 612 Parasites

[Recite the URL three times silently. Do you remember it? If not, I will ask again in the next chapter. ░▒▓█►─═  ═─◄█▓▒░Better share it on Facebook for me]

Cai Wenjie took some time to walk around this place out of curiosity. It must be said that the underground space is really large. Cai Wenjie thinks that it can not only store vehicles such as armored vehicles and tanks, but also aircraft and cannons, which is not a big problem.

Or it can be said that there is such a function here, but if you want to store vehicles such as aircraft, you must drag it to the airport when you use it, which is too time-consuming.

Another point is that the earthquake and explosion resistance of this warehouse is the top level, only in this way can it be worth its price.

After a round of feeling satisfied, Cai Wenjie contacted the administrator in the barracks through the communication device and asked them to bring the tanks to his side quickly.

To be on the safe side, Cai Wenjie asked a soldier from the patrol team outside the valley to guide the armored vehicles and tanks here.

As for the appearance of such a large building out of thin air, will it be discovered by ordinary people?

To be honest, this kind of place will definitely be a military base in the future. Not to mention ordinary people, ordinary officers and soldiers cannot enter without approval, and these soldiers and officers are all clones of Cai Wenjie, so there is no need to worry about whether ordinary people will discover such a situation.

And even if they are discovered, so what?

Will someone make trouble for a parking lot?


Soon, all the armored vehicles and tanks in the Xinguang gathering place came to the fully automatic warehouse. In addition to these armored vehicles, Cai Wenjie's Black Knight and War Gun, two veteran-level vehicles, were also pulled here.

Cai Wenjie had already thought about it. For example, ordinary armored vehicles will be placed on the first underground floor, heavy vehicles such as tanks will be placed on the second underground floor, and strategic vehicles such as missile launchers that may be obtained in the future, such as the mecha vehicles of the Tianbing mecha type, will be placed on the third floor. As for the first floor above ground, ordinary military trucks or transport vehicles will be placed.

The automatic warehouse has a total of fifty elevators, which can mobilize fifty armored vehicles and tanks at a time for rapid attack, so there is no need to worry about time.

Moreover, this automatic has a backup power supply and a self-contained engine. Even if the entire Xinguang gathering place is out of power, it will not affect the automatic warehouse at all.

Cai Wenjie commanded the armored vehicles and tanks to enter the underground first and underground second floors of the automatic warehouse.

After all the armored vehicles and tanks were in place, Cai Wenjie contacted the logistics department and asked them to send the extra transport trucks and military trucks here. (っ◔◡◔)っ

When needed, come and drive the car away, so that a lot of space can be saved.

Soon, the logistics department also drove the truck to the automatic warehouse.

In addition to these vehicles, Cai Wenjie also transferred all the military engineers in the Xinguang gathering place here, and specially arranged small dormitories for them here. In the future, vehicle modification or maintenance will be carried out here.

After doing all this, Cai Wenjie looked at the time and it was almost time for the report to appear, so he hurried back to the institute.

As soon as Cai Wenjie entered the institute, he saw a large group of people looking at a paper document, looking serious as if facing a great enemy, and still discussing something fiercely.

Seeing this situation, Cai Wenjie did not hesitate to ask directly.

"How is it, have you found anything?"

"Report to the chief, the research report is out, but this matter is a bit tricky, you take a look at this first"

The director of the institute immediately handed over a report with a serious expression after seeing Cai Wenjie come in.

After Cai Wenjie took the report, the director continued.

"This is the result of our analysis using the blood samples and physical materials of these unidentified creatures, and then we found that the DNA of this unidentified creature is different from all creatures on the earth, they don't have..."

Cai Wenjie listened to the explanation of the director of the institute while looking at the report, and came to a conclusion that this thing is a bit bad. The way this thing survives is to seize other people's bodies and control other people's brains.

In other words, this thing is actually a parasite. Its current appearance is just the initial form. As long as it seizes the opportunity, it will abandon its body and parasitize other creatures.

And every time it parasitizes another creature, it can consume all the energy of the parasitized creature to split itself, thereby creating more parasites.

The most troublesome thing is that this splitting speed is very fast and the number is very large. Almost at least ten parasites can be split at a time, and each splitting and forming a new parasite takes at most half an hour.

In addition to splitting more parasites after being parasitized, the parasitized creature will also have various symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, fever, etc. The biggest feature is that the appetite increases greatly, which is no different from being infected with the zombie virus.

The biggest difference is that if you are infected with the zombie virus, you will eventually become a zombie or a mutant creature, but if you are parasitized by this parasite, you will only become a dried corpse that has been drained of energy, and you will not even have the chance to become a zombie.

"The biggest problem now is that we found that these parasites were originally in pairs, but now we have one less"

"What! One is missing!"

"Yes! According to their habit of being in pairs, there should be exactly plural numbers, but if you count the dead parasite, there are exactly four pairs here, which means there is still one parasite that has not been caught..."

Cai Wenjie now understood why these people were so serious. Once this parasite parasitizes a zombie, it will definitely be infected by the virus and become a new mutant. Coupled with this unique self-splitting mode, you can imagine how much disaster it will bring.

"Commander, the biggest problem now is to find the remaining parasite immediately, and kill or capture it before it parasitizes other creatures."

"I know, I will capture the parasite, but you must be prepared, at least find a way to eliminate these parasites."

"Please rest assured, I believe in the principle of all things counteracting each other, and I will start researching drugs to deal with parasites now."

"Okay! Sorry for bothering you, everyone else follow me!"


Cai Wenjie summoned the other soldiers, and then notified the automatic warehouse to transfer two infantry fighting vehicles and a transport helicopter, ready to return to the original place to continue searching. If they just didn't find the remaining meteorite egg, this matter would be easy to handle, but if not, then the problem would be big.

[Remember when I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? There may be surprises when sharing on Facebook]

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