My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 613 Black Bear dismantles the plane

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

When Cai Wenjie led his troops to the crater, he immediately began to dig three feet into the ground and turned the entire crater upside down.

"Report! Eggshells were found two meters underground!"

A soldier holding a shovel discovered the eggshell fragments and immediately reported it to Cai Wenjie.

This was tragic. Since the eggshell was found, it meant that they had indeed missed a parasite.

"Quick! Look around for any traces!"

"Report! Numerous small holes were found here!"

After hearing the soldier's report, Cai Wenjie immediately came to the soldier's side and began to observe the densely packed holes.

After seeing dense holes on the ground that seemed to have been poked by some kind of sharp weapon, Cai Wenjie immediately recognized that these holes must have been left by the parasite.

"Everyone get in the car! Follow the traces and we'll catch up!"

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie jumped on the transport helicopter not far away, then launched an unmanned reconnaissance drone and chased him along the traces on the ground.

The high-definition camera of the unmanned reconnaissance drone can clearly see the traces left by the parasite. The unmanned reconnaissance drone followed the traces first. Cai Wenjie's transport helicopter followed the drone in the sky, and the two on the ground An infantry fighting vehicle also moved forward following the drone. ♦♦  ♦♦

An hour had passed since the crater was discovered. Based on the parasite's movement speed, Cai Wenjie estimated that the parasite should be within fifteen kilometers of the center of the crater.

The infantry fighting vehicles, transport helicopters, and unmanned reconnaissance drones moved very quickly. Following the traces left by the parasite, they quickly arrived at an abandoned gas station.

Because the parasite's legs are very sharp and can poke a little bit out of even a cement road, the clues were not lost because of the cement road.

"Report! The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft circled here and found no new traces. It is estimated that the parasite is hiding here."

"Okay, let the soldiers surround this gas station and don't let the parasite escape. The others will follow me in to catch the parasite!"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, a platoon of soldiers directly surrounded the gas station, with such a density that not even a cockroach could escape.

The transport helicopter stopped almost two hundred meters behind the gas station, and Cai Wenjie and several fully armed soldiers jumped out.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to lead a few soldiers in to catch the parasite, he suddenly noticed that something seemed wrong inside the gas station.

Sensing something was wrong, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered everyone to prepare for battle, and then wanted to use an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to carefully observe the situation inside. With the sound of shattering glass, dozens of black figures suddenly rushed out of the gas station. come out.

And these black shadows are none other than parasites.

The soldiers had rich combat experience and launched an attack directly the moment the parasites jumped out. Because they knew that ordinary light weapons had no great effect on these parasites, this time the soldiers used all caliber 7 weapons. The millimeter anti-mutant zombie automatic rifle, although it cannot kill a parasite with one shot, can indeed cause effective damage.

The momentum of the parasite's charge was blocked by the storm of large-caliber bullets. Even the dozen parasites at the front were beaten into a hornet's nest by the bullets and died.

Unlike zombies, these parasites seem to be in control of their own emotions. When they saw a dozen of the same kind in front of them, they were instantly beaten into a hornet's nest and could no longer die. The parasites behind them suddenly lost the courage to fight. Originally, The parasites that rushed towards Cai Wenjie began to retrace their steps, trying to escape. Some even wanted to change direction and prepare to break out to a less crowded place, trying to find a chance to survive.

It's a pity that there are Cai Wenjie's people around, how could he let them leave.

No matter which direction, there will always be one or two soldiers blocking the front, and the large-caliber rifles in their hands are firing bullets for free.

The parasites that finally escaped from the abandoned gas station were all dead and injured. Only less than five or six parasites managed to escape back into the gas station.

Naturally, Cai Wenjie had no reason to let these parasites escape. Just when he was about to order a strong attack, a roar suddenly appeared behind him.

Everyone who heard the sound immediately turned around and looked behind them, only to see several black bears appearing next to the transport helicopter, and they were dismantling the aircraft with their bare hands.

You don't need to think about it to know that these black bears have been infected and mutated, otherwise it would be impossible to dismantle a transport helicopter.

"Stop! Blanch!"

Cai Wenjie loves aerial vehicles like helicopters very much. Now, suddenly, a few blind men came out to dismantle his helicopter. How could he not be angry?

Fortunately, when the helicopter pilot saw several black bears, he quietly walked from the cockpit to the rear cabin, and then ran out towards Cai Wenjie while the black bears were not paying attention to them.

Cai Wenjie, now free from worries, immediately ordered the soldiers to target these blind men and beat them hard!

"You even dare to use my helicopter, you don't want to live, right? Then I will meet your requirements."

As mentioned before, the weapons in the soldiers' hands are all 7mm large-caliber automatic rifles, so even when facing thick-skinned blind bears, they can cause considerable damage.

A large number of bullets hit these blind bears, hurting them directly. These blind bears roared and ran away, trying to escape from this ghost place.

Run? Can they run? Cai Wenjie looked at the mutant black bears running farther and farther, and directly took out the rocket launcher, and it was not a single-shot rocket launcher, but a quadruple rocket launcher. After simply aiming at the approximate position, Cai Wenjie pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a loud bang, four rockets flew straight towards the black bears. In less than a few seconds, the four rockets caught up with the black bears and then exploded.

No matter how strong these mutant black bears are, or how thick their skin and flesh are, they can't withstand the bombing of rockets. Several mutant black bears were blown to pieces by rockets, and their entire bodies were blown into several pieces. One black bear was lucky enough to escape the attack of the rocket, but the shock wave of the rocket's close-range explosion still made him fall several times.

His head hit the stone on the side of the road and broke into pieces. There was no hope at all.

However, while Cai Wenjie was dealing with several black bears, the parasite hiding in the gas station felt that he had done it again.

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and there may be a surprise]

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