My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 617: People from the War Zone

It was already noon when the convoy returned to the Xinguang gathering place.

After asking other soldiers to send all the captured parasites and parasite corpses to the research institute, Cai Wenjie took Qi Liyue back to his home. Cai's father and mother were now working in the arsenal, so Xiang Xue was alone at home. No, Nangong Yao should have returned by now.

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Sure enough, after Cai Wenjie opened the door, he found Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue making lunch for them.

Xiang Xue, who was sharp-eared, was the first to find Cai Wenjie standing at the gate, and then excitedly ran towards him, opened her arms and threw herself on Cai Wenjie.

After naturally removing the impact brought by Xiang Xue, Cai Wenjie gently stroked Xiang Xue's back and said.

"Be good, come down quickly, I will introduce our new family members"

Seeing this, Xiang Xue showed one eye from Cai Wenjie's arms and looked at Qi Liyue. She was innocent and did not show any jealousy or other emotions. She just looked at Qi Liyue's unbelievably white skin and the thin dress she was wearing with curiosity.

"Sister, aren't you cold?"

At this time, Nangong Yao also came out of the kitchen and saw Cai Wenjie who was tightly hugged by Xiang Xue.

"You are back, come and have lunch quickly, who is this?"

Nangong Yao also saw the woman behind Cai Wenjie, wearing a thin dress in the middle of winter, and her skin was a little pale. All of these told her that there was something wrong with this woman, but she was embarrassed to say anything when she saw that she was brought by her husband.

"Let me introduce her. From today on, Qi Liyue will be our nanny. She will help with cleaning, cooking, and other housework. Her appetite is about the same as Xiang Xue's, so don't make things difficult for her. Just feed her."

After Cai Wenjie briefly explained Qi Liyue's situation, he arranged for her to live in the guest room on the second floor. Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao did not feel jealous or have other negative emotions because of the third person in the family. They were just a little curious about how Qi Liyue could wear a dress in winter without feeling cold, and what was going on with her pale skin.

However, the most important thing now is to have lunch!

Fortunately, Qi Liyue had just eaten a lot on the infantry fighting vehicle, so she didn't eat too much this time. At most, she had the same appetite as Nangong Yao. She put down her chopsticks after eating a small bowl.

This made Xiang Xue, who was eating a lot next to her, feel a little strange.

"Sister Liyue, what's wrong? Is the food not to your liking? Why are you eating so little?"

She clearly remembered that Cai Wenjie seemed to have said that Sister Liyue's appetite was about the same as hers, but now Sister Liyue only ate one bowl of rice and stopped eating, which made her think that the food was not to her liking. Hearing this, Nangong Yao next to her also looked at Qi Liyue with a caring look.

"No, I actually ate a lot on the way here, so I couldn't eat much. It's not that the food is not to my liking. The food is delicious. I haven't had hot food for a long time, so I am very satisfied now."

"I prove that she is right. She just ate 14 compressed biscuits, 2 kilograms of beef jerky, and five bottles of water in the car. It's good that she didn't eat too much. Now she can eat a bowl of rice. Isn't this about the same as Xiang Xue's appetite?"

Cai Wenjie said this lightly, which made Qi Liyue blush and rolled her eyes unconsciously.

After hearing the explanation, Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue nodded. It was indeed normal that even if Xiang Xue ate so much before dinner, she would only feel full after eating one bowl of rice.

Cai Wenjie's family had already gotten used to Xiang Xue's appetite, so they were not surprised by the addition of Qi Liyue, but they still marveled at the wonders of the world.

After lunch, Cai Wenjie left Qi Liyue at home and asked the two to take care of her, and then came to the research institute to see how the soldiers arranged the parasites.

When he arrived at the research institute, the soldier in charge of security here came to Cai Wenjie and reported the situation.

It was probably very safe here, and all the parasites were detained in a safe isolation area, and the parasites to be sent to the war zone had been packed.

In fact, according to the time, it was estimated that it was almost time.

Just when Cai Wenjie was thinking about the time, there was a sound of propellers outside. He looked up and saw that it was the transport helicopter sent by the war zone.

The transport helicopter, following the instructions from the ground, began to land at the small airport in the valley.

After seeing the real owner coming, Cai Wenjie asked the soldiers to pull out all the packed parasites and parasite corpses and transport them to the airport.

Because a few more parasites and a lot of parasite corpses were caught this time, Cai Wenjie packed up more than half of the parasites and parasite corpses and prepared to send them to the war zone, leaving only two live parasites and ten parasite corpses.

Cai Wenjie personally escorted these packed parasites and took a few soldiers to the airport. As for the research institute data, it had been placed in his system space for a long time, so he just needed to take it out.

Among the three helicopters that landed at the airport, two were responsible for protecting the transport helicopters, which shows how much attention the war zone paid to this matter.

A group of people quickly walked out of the transport helicopter. They first saluted the air crew on the ground and then asked.

"Hello, we are the transportation team of the northern theater. Where is the cargo?"

"Please wait a moment, I will contact our leader immediately"

"No, I'm here"

Cai Wenjie also arrived at the airport at this time. In addition to the wrapped parasites, behind him was a container pulled by a truck. After all, there was so much cargo that it was not suitable for transportation, so he could only choose to use a container to transport these. Parasites.

"Hello, Chief!"

When the members of the transportation team saw Cai Wenjie, they immediately saluted. They all knew how powerful Cai Wenjie was, so they did not dare to have any disrespectful attitude. After all, a ruthless man who could capture an alien fighting beast alive should be respected accordingly.

Cai Wenjie waved his hand and asked them to put down their arms, then pointed to the thing behind and said.

"There are too many of these things. I have prepared a container for you. Transporting them in a container should save a lot of trouble. Have you prepared any steel cables? If not, I will have someone bring them over and install them for you."

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