My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 618 Public Toilet

There were no accidents during the entire handover process. The transport helicopter quickly left the Xinguang gathering place and began to rush back.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie also got interesting information from these people, that is, there will be a big action in the war zone recently. Now the entire war zone has entered a state of war preparation. Although it has been in a state of war readiness since before the end of the world, Obviously there will be bigger moves this time.

As for what kind of action it is, it's not clear, but the movement is definitely not small.

Cai Wenjie shook his head, put the matter behind him, and prepared to return to the research institute to observe the parasite experiments.


At this time, almost a few hundred kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place, a group of people were fighting a group of mutated zombies.

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’

And these people were none other than Kusuo Saiki and others who were sent out by Cai Wenjie. After marching for a day and night, they arrived at a supply point not far from their headquarters.

The supply point here was originally set up secretly by their headquarters so that they could replenish supplies at any time. In order to hide it, the surface of this supply point is actually a public toilet. And for safety reasons, this toilet is a real public toilet and is used every day. It can be opened at regular times and at fixed points for people to use.

If you want to enter the real supply room, you have to go to the utility room to find a secret door and enter the password to enter the real supply point.

Originally, they were planning to stop here to rest and replenish supplies, but they didn't expect that this place was already occupied by a group of mutated zombies who appeared out of nowhere.

There was no way, Qi Kusuo could only be forced to have an encounter with the mutated zombies here.

Although Kusuo Saiki and others did not have exoskeleton armor, they were all experienced warriors, so the battle did not last long.

After paying the price of hundreds of bullets, everyone worked together to eliminate the mutated zombies here, and entered the storage room in the public toilet and entered the real supply point before the ordinary zombies came to surround them.

What's funny is that this supply point is actually set up underground, separated from the septic tank by a cement wall. You can imagine if something goes wrong with this wall, then...

Maybe it was a mental problem. After Saiki Kusuo and others entered this place, they felt a strange smell inexplicably. It felt like it was terrible, but when they smelled it carefully, they felt that there was no smell at all.

"Captain, let's get out quickly, I don't want to stay here."

"Yes, Captain, this place really stinks. I would rather face zombies than stay here."

"Do you think I want to stay? There are zombies outside. We can only be other people's dinner when we go out. If you don't want to die, just shut up and stay here honestly. Everyone should keep quiet. We will continue our journey until night before leaving. It’s only two hundred kilometers to the headquarters. Just hold on.”


There was nothing else to do. In order not to be discovered by the zombies outside, everyone remained silent. A few team members leaned against the wall and nonchalantly picked up the dry food inside the supply point and ate it with bottled water.

Not everyone dislikes this environment, so it doesn't matter if some people should eat or drink.

"I really envy you, Takagi, you can actually still eat in this environment, unlike me, who feels like I'm going to vomit."

One of the team members said something complicated as he looked at his teammates who were eating and drinking.

"You are still too young. I remember when I was in the peacekeeping force, I was captured by a group of indigenous people in Africa. I was locked in a pig pen all day long and ate rotten rice every day. I was locked up with the pigs covered in mud for half a year. A lot, but I still survived in the end. Compared to that time, this is nothing now, it’s just a paradise.”

The team member named Takagi said lightly that he was not lying. It was true that he was imprisoned in a pig pen and that he lived with pigs. However, what he did not say was that he was not rescued by the peacekeeping force in the end. But one night, when the entire African tribe was holding some kind of carnival ceremony, when everyone was sleeping, he secretly crawled out of the pigsty and secretly killed the guard responsible for guarding him with a sharpened piece of wood. , ran out secretly.

After finding the large army, they took modern firearms and other comrades and returned to the tribe for revenge and carried out a massacre. Of course, this action was not reported to the headquarters, and naturally no one knew about it.

After listening to Takagi's words, the team member just extended his thumb to express his admiration, hesitated for a while and then started to eat.

β€œNot to mention, it has quite a flavor.”

It was evening, and six hours had passed since they entered here. During these six hours, they had been replenishing their strength and replenished a lot of food and supplies at this supply point.

Saiki Kusuo saw that time had almost passed, so he stood up, picked up his weapon and quietly came to the ground, observing the surrounding situation through the observation window.

Fortunately, maybe it was because the zombies didn't find any living people. They had all left the public toilet area. Anyway, he didn't find any zombies.

"Takagi, Yamashita, you two come with me to take a look. Remember not to shoot at will. If you encounter lone zombies, use cold weapons to deal with them as much as possible."


After saying that, Saiki Kusuo led the two of them, carefully opened the door of the utility room, and walked out quietly.

After the three of them came outside, they quickly checked the surroundings and found that there were no other zombies except for a few motionless corpses on the ground.

For safety reasons, Saiki Kusuo decided to give those corpses a finishing blow. After pointing at the corpses through sign language, the three of them each drew out their own daggers, quietly approached the corpses, and when they were a certain distance away, they directly stabbed the back of the corpses with their daggers to complete the finishing blow.

After all the corpses were stabbed with daggers, the three of them relaxed, but at this moment, a series of noises began to come from the ground.

The three of them immediately hid in the shadows nearby and lurked. On the road in the distance, there were several power-type mutant zombies chasing a group of survivors who came out of nowhere and were running towards the public toilet.

Saiki Kusuo observed with a telescope and found that the power-type mutant zombies were chasing a standard family of three. The couple was at most in their thirties, and the child was definitely no more than fifteen years old, at most thirteen years old.

Now the family is running towards the public toilet in a panic, and it seems that they want to hide in the public toilet.

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