My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 619 A Critical Moment

"Captain, what should we do?"

"Prepare to shoot!"

Kusuo Saiki knew that the three of them could not save the family of three, and even if they continued to let the family get closer, even their lives would be in danger.

After all, the weapons in their hands alone had no effect on those power-type mutant zombies.

So, for safety reasons, they had to sacrifice the family of three, and it would be better to die as humans than to become food for zombies.

But just as Kusuo Saiki and others raised their weapons and prepared to shoot the family of three, suddenly there was a rumble in the sky, accompanied by a burst of air-breaking sound, and the power-type mutant zombies behind the family of three were directly blown into pieces.

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ】

I don’t know since when, there was an unmanned bomber hovering in the sky. When the power-type mutant zombies were about to catch the family of three, it directly launched a missile and blew the power-type mutant zombies behind into pieces.

Saiki Kusuo and others also put down their weapons when they saw this. After looking at each other, Saiki Kusuo immediately gave an order.

“Quick! Save them!”

Although the family of three got rid of the threat of the mutant zombies, they were also blown away by the shock wave of the missile for several meters and fell heavily to the ground.

Under the situation that the danger has disappeared, Saiki Kusuo and the other two no longer regard the family of three as a threat, and naturally they are willing to lend a hand.

Saiki Kusuo and the other two quickly came to the family of three, carried the three people and left here. They were afraid that the explosion would attract nearby zombies, and then there would be no rescue.

The unmanned bomber in the sky also left after confirming that the mutant zombies below had been eliminated and seeing the family of three being rescued.

Not long after Saiki Kusuo and others left the place, zombies began to gather around one after another, and soon surrounded the place where the missile exploded.

Saiki Kusuo and his three companions carried the family of three to their supply point and began to check their injuries.

"It's just a slight concussion, plus multiple abrasions, it's not a big problem, I guess they will wake up soon."

Kimura Yoshi, who was in charge of medical treatment in the team, saw the captain Saiki Kusuo and his three companions carrying three people who came out of nowhere, and went forward to check the situation without saying a word.

After finding that the three people only had a slight concussion and multiple abrasions, he was relieved.

"Captain, who are they?"

"This is... this is the situation."

After briefly explaining what happened, Saiki Kusuo began to think about how to deal with the family of three. They all had missions, so they couldn't leave with them. If they were just left here, they would probably die.

"There's no other way. Let's quickly check the nearest gathering place nearby and send them there. I don't think the commander would want us to give up the family of three."

"Yes! I'll check it out right away!"

Yamashita, who was beside him, immediately answered, then took out his smartphone and started to check where the nearest gathering place was.

At this time, the three people who were briefly dizzy by the missile shock wave also woke up.

"Are you awake? Have a drink of water first."

Saiki Kusuo personally opened three bottles of mineral water and handed them to the three people one by one. After watching them drink water like cows, he continued to talk.

"You don't need to ask about our identities, because I won't tell you. I don't want to know about your affairs. After you have rested and the zombies outside have dispersed, I will take you to the nearest gathering place. Do you understand?"

"Okay, thank you! Thank you for saving my family, thank you"

The man and his wife kept thanking Saiki Kusuo and others.

"You don't need to thank me. It was not us who destroyed the mutant zombies behind you, but a drone in the sky. We just dragged you here, so if you want to thank someone, thank your army."

After saying this, Saiki Kusuo closed his mouth and didn't say anything more. He just waited quietly for the zombies outside to disperse. Seeing this, the man stopped thanking them and just squatted in the corner with his wife and children, trying not to disturb others.

At this time, the person who rescued them came to the family of three with a few cans, biscuits and mineral water.

"Come and eat something, don't starve the children"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Yamashita didn't want to chat for a few more words, just handed them food and water, and then walked to the side to identify nearby gathering places.

Almost an hour later, the zombies outside finally left here, and Yamashita also found a suitable gathering place. The distance was not very far, only about ten kilometers, but it would still take an hour to walk. Considering that the family of three in the team had no combat ability, they could only find an extra new vehicle to travel.

"Yamashita, Kuga, Kimura, Kurosaki, the four of you go find a car and go to the gathering place you just found to wait, and the others follow me!"


To be on the safe side, Saiki Kusuo divided the team into two teams, one team was responsible for finding a car, and the other team took the car they came in and went directly to the nearest destination to send the family of three there safely.

"Come with me, I will send you to the gathering place as soon as possible"

"Thank you, I am really grateful to you"

Saiki Kusuo just nodded, and took his team and the family of three to a temporary parking spot, where there were two off-road vehicles, which could just accommodate all of them, but after the family of three joined, it was obvious that there was not enough space, so Saiki Kusuo divided four people and let them find a car to catch up with them.

The group bent over and observed the surrounding situation vigilantly. After confirming that there was no problem, they quickly came to the off-road vehicle and lurked.

The driver in charge of driving the vehicle immediately opened the door and sat on it, and began to check the status of the vehicle.

The other team members continued to be alert to the surrounding situation and were ready to shoot at any time. Two of them opened the trunk and took out the gasoline barrel, opened the tank and started to refuel.

Almost a minute later, the driver of the vehicle opened the door and whispered to Saiki Kusuo beside him

"Captain, it's okay! Get in!"

"Okay, everyone get in the car!"

After hearing that there was no problem, Saiki Kusuo began to order others to get in the car quickly.

After everyone, including the family of three, got on the two off-road vehicles, the driver immediately started the vehicle and quickly left the place.

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