My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 620 Huang

On the other side.

In the Xinguang gathering place, the transport convoy of the northern theater, which was originally scheduled to arrive around tonight, has not arrived at the Xinguang gathering place for some unknown reason.

Feeling a little uneasy, Cai Wenjie immediately used the phone to contact Zhao Yunpeng, but for some reason Zhao Yunpeng's phone was always disconnected.

Feeling more and more wrong, Cai Wenjie had no choice but to send out an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to start investigating the nearby roads for hundreds of kilometers, and contacted the soldiers of the third company who had just changed guards to see if there were any problems along the railway.

This afternoon, Cai Wenjie replaced the soldiers of the first company who were responsible for guarding the railway station with soldiers from the third company who were responsible for guarding the railway station.

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Among them, Deng Jun also found his biological sister. The two siblings happily gathered together and spent a huge amount of money to buy a lot of wine and snacks, and went to celebrate together.

At this time, in a mountain tunnel about 250 kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place, Zhao Yunpeng, who led a large transport convoy, was commanding the convoy to turn around with a helpless look on his face.

Because of the previous earthquake, the original tunnel collapsed. Now the entire convoy is blocked here and can't move forward at all. And because there is no signal in the tunnel, there is no way to call for rescue. They can only rely on them to retreat to the outside of the tunnel little by little.

"Alas, I should have used trains to transport these equipment earlier."

Zhao Yunpeng said regretfully, but the incident had already happened, and he had nothing to say. The convoy didn't suffer any losses, but the large trucks were retreating very slowly, and it was estimated that they would not be able to reach the Xinguang gathering place within today.

"I almost forgot, I have to contact Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie quickly."

Thinking that he couldn't hand in the task today, Zhao Yunpeng remembered that he didn't seem to explain the current situation to Cai Wenjie. Thinking of this, Zhao Yunpeng could only run back with all his strength. After running for about five minutes, he ran out of the half-collapsed unit tunnel and began to contact Cai Wenjie.

On the other side, in the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie, who was about to take the team on a trip, received a call from Zhao Yunpeng.

"... This is the situation. I guess I can't send it today. I will send these equipment by train around tomorrow."

"Really? I see. If you can help me, just ask."

"It doesn't matter. Although it takes some time for us, it's not dangerous. That's it. See you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

After confirming that there was nothing serious on Zhao Yunpeng's side, Cai Wenjie also put down his hanging heart and hung up the phone. At the same time, he also called back the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and the three companies stationed at the railway station.

In addition, the three companies stationed at the city bridge also returned to their stadium station. Since the earthquake, the whole city has become empty. Their original mission had to be cancelled, so they could only return to the stadium to continue to station and wait for the next order.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie had left enough supplies and weapons and ammunition at the stadium, so there was no need to worry about any shortage of supplies in the short term.

There were originally four official gathering places in YJ City, but now, except for Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place, two of the leaders of the other three official gathering places went to different borders, and the other was killed by a group of scoundrels, so it can be said that now in the entire YJ City, only Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place can still operate normally.

At the same time, the Xinguang gathering place also gathered almost 80% of the survivors in this area, and the remaining 20% ​​still lived in the airport gathering place and the military camp.

When the two zombie leaders went to the border, they did not take all the troops with them, so the group that stayed behind naturally continued to protect the operation of the two official gathering places. Fortunately, there are no more threats in YJ City now. Although the two official gathering places do not have much firepower, they are enough to protect themselves.

However, while the external threats disappeared, the internal threats quietly appeared.

In a military camp about dozens of kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place, a group of civilians with weapons were attacking the dormitory building of the military camp, or the dormitory building where the soldiers lived.

The soldiers in the dormitory building, watching the ordinary civilians constantly attacking the dormitory gate, although they also had weapons in their hands, did not raise their weapons at all, but kept shouting out with a loud speaker.

"Comrades, don't be impulsive, put down your weapons, we are all living people, there is no need to kill each other, anything can be discussed, so don't be impulsive!"

At this time, a person who looked like a representative appeared in the group of people below, and appeared in front of everyone. He first asked people to stop their work for a while, and then also took a loud speaker and said.

"I am their representative, I ask the army to meet our demands! Suddenly we will continue to make trouble until you agree to our conditions!"

"You talk first, we will do our best"

"First! We demand that the daily meals must not be deducted, and each meal must have three dishes and one soup, and we must be full

Second! We need our own weapons! All matching weapons and equipment are required!

Third! We are fair and just! There can no longer be a military family in the barracks who have the final say, all matters must be decided by all of us by voting

Fourth! ..."

This man proudly stated more than a dozen conditions, each more unreasonable than the last. It seemed that he regarded himself as a big shot, and kept making excessive demands.

The officer who originally wanted to keep things quiet became angrier and angrier. At the end, he almost couldn't help but draw his gun and shoot this villain.

Listen to what this is. Three dishes and one soup for every meal every day. In this time of scarcity of supplies, if you really eat like this, you will eat all the food in the barracks in less than a month, and you will have to starve.

Not to mention the other conditions, there is no consideration of the current situation, nor how to survive in the future.

"Huang! Do you know what you are doing now! You are rebelling! Ask yourself! In the past month, when have we treated you badly? Our soldiers eat on time and in quantity every day, just to save more for you. Even in danger, we go out for patrol every day, just to prevent zombies from threatening your safety, but what are you doing now! Ants can still be grateful, what about you! You are just a bunch of ungrateful people! "

The officer was cursing loudly upstairs, but the man surnamed Huang downstairs, instead of showing any remorse or gratitude, said bluntly.

"Aren't these what you should do? When did I ask you to protect me?"

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