My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 627 Coming Back Soon

At this time, people from other sects also noticed the situation at the gate. They quickly ran back to their sects and gathered a large number of people to start moving towards the gate.

Chang Wei also discovered the gathering crowd. Feeling something was wrong, he immediately summoned the surrounding soldiers and set up a defensive formation using four off-road vehicles as bunkers.

Soon the two waves of people stopped less than fifty meters away. Although the people in the film and television city did not have effective long-range attack methods, they had a great advantage in the number of people. Within fifty meters At such a distance, just one charge can cause effective damage to Chang Wei and others.

But so far, both waves of people have been calm. After all, Chang Wei and others hold the trump card of human technology, with guns and without guns.

"People on the other side, listen! I am the defense force of Xinguang Gathering Area. I am here just to complete a mission. I have no ill intentions towards you, so don't be impulsive!"

Chang Wei didn't want to kill the defenseless people, so he ignored the danger and stood up and loudly explained his purpose to the crowd on the opposite side.

After hearing Chang Wei's explanation, people began to discuss in whispers. After a while, the crowd automatically dispersed to both sides, revealing a road for three people to walk together.

At this time, the master of the Changjian Sect, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, and the head of the Jade Girl Sect slowly walked over from the middle road and came to the front of the crowd.

Among them, Xiang Yu, the head of the Jade Girl Sect, saw her parents through the windshield of the car, then her expression changed, she pulled out her long sword, pointed it at Chang Wei and the others and shouted loudly.

"Thieves! Let my parents go!"

Chang Wei, who was called a thief, not only did not get angry, but breathed a sigh of relief because he finally found the target of this mission.

"Are you Xiang Yu? Please rest assured that we did not kidnap your parents. If you don't believe it, you can ask your parents yourself."

Chang Wei then opened the back door of the second off-road vehicle and asked Xiang Yu's parents to explain the current situation to their daughter in person.

Seeing his parents intact, Xiang Yu relaxed a little, but did not completely believe Chang Wei and others.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu's parents understood their daughter's character and called Xiang Yu aside, and the three of them began to communicate quietly.

After Xiang Yu figured out the current situation, he asked in disbelief.

"Are you saying that my sister, who is as strong as a chimpanzee, actually married a powerful military officer? Mom, you are definitely not joking. You understand my sister's character, right? That thing is not a woman at all, at most It’s just a chimpanzee with an exquisite face. Would anyone really like this kind of thing?”

As Xiang Xue's sister, she is very familiar with her younger sister. When she was in junior high school, her younger sister was invincible in the school. Even high school students were no match for her. Even once in high school, There was a rich second generation who appeared out of nowhere and wanted to use money to get Xiang Xue's body. He even brought a group of strong men in black suits to embolden him.

The result of this was that this rich second generation was sent directly to the ICU by Xiang Xue. Those strong men in black suits and sunglasses either had broken legs or broken arms. Anyway, none of them were decent.

Since then, Xiang Xue has lost her right to choose a spouse forever in school. When boys see her as if she is at the end of the world, they are afraid to avoid her, so how can they have any communication with her.

Perhaps due to the influence of her younger sister, she, the elder sister, also began to show violent tendencies. Although her strength is not as strong as her younger sister, she is still much stronger than ordinary people. Beating an ordinary man is like beating a glutinous rice cake. Simple.

Therefore, the two sisters spent their time in elementary school, junior high school, high school, and even college with a violent image. Even after they left society, no one was willing to pursue them. It was simply unreasonable.

But now someone told her that her sister was actually with an army officer and would even officially get married in a few days. How could this not make her feel jealous (cross out) and shocked.

"Okay Xiaoyu, please quickly pack your luggage and come with us. Our son-in-law promised us to protect the lives of our family and is willing to give us a villa to settle in and..."

The more Xiang Yu listened, the more shocked he became, the more envious he became, and in the end he even couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, it's so irritating that people are so different from each other. Why can that gorilla get married, but I still have to be single here? It's not fair!"

"Stop screaming, this is life. By the way, I also heard that the army officer wanted to marry two brides at once in this drama. In addition to our Xiaoxue, I heard that there is also a little girl named Nangong Yao. There will be a wedding at the same time, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"What! Are there such shameless people in the world! No! Xiaoxue will definitely be bullied by other women if she is so simple. I don't agree with this."

After all, Xiang Xue is her sister after all. As a sister, she naturally cannot leave her sister alone, so after hearing that Xiang Xue will marry that army officer with another girl, Xiang Yu's first reaction is to pull Xiang Xue Snow comes home.

Although she envied Xiang Xue just now, this was a matter of principle, so she absolutely could not agree!

Originally, she didn't want to abandon her sect and go somewhere else, but now, not only did she have to go, she even had to snatch her sister to live with her.

Thinking of it, Xiang Yu immediately returned to his sect, and then handed over the identity of the head to the deputy head of the sect, then picked up a long sword and started running towards Chang Wei.

"I am Xiang Yu, let's go"

"Have you figured it out? Great, please get in the car, we'll set off immediately, and it's estimated that we will arrive at the Xinguang gathering place tonight. By then, your family reunion will not be in vain. The chief's painstaking efforts will not be in vain."

After Chang Wei finished speaking, he opened the door of an off-road vehicle and let Xiang Yu and Xiang Yu's parents get in the off-road vehicle. Then he personally pressed the button of the city gate, opened the huge city gate and commanded the convoy to retreat.

As for those messy other people, Chang Wei ignored them. Even if they cursed at him, Chang Wei was indifferent. The most important thing in his heart was to complete the task, so he didn't care about the verbal abuse of these people at all.

Unless, they attack them with bows and arrows.

But the bows and arrows in the film and television city are just for show, and they can't shoot arrows at all.

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