My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 628 Transport Train

When I thought this matter would pass in such a muddle, some people refused to do it.

"What do you mean! Do you think this is a hotel? You can come and go as you please? Who do you think you are? I tell you that if you don't pay a price today, you can't leave today! I said it!"

A man who exuded a ruffian's aura came to the front of the team with a group of hooligans who also exuded a ruffian's aura.

This little scoundrel who thought he was very handsome came to Chang Wei with a step that didn't recognize his relatives, and then raised his right hand to pat Chang Wei's face, but before he could do anything, Chang Wei directly punched him in the stomach.

Imagine how powerful a warrior wearing an exoskeleton armor would be if he punched with the power of the exoskeleton and the explosive power of the inch punch.

The little jerk who was hit in the stomach by Chang Wei was in unbearable pain. He fell to the ground and struggled constantly. Because of the excessive pain, the little jerk couldn't even breathe on his own. When his younger brothers saw their boss being beaten, they rushed up very righteously and wanted to avenge him.


With the sound of a gunshot, the younger brothers who originally wanted to avenge their boss immediately stopped and retreated several steps back in an orderly manner, as if there was a peerless beast in front of them and they couldn't avoid it.

"This is the first warning and the last warning. If there are still people making trouble, we will seriously fight back!"

After that, Chang Wei made a gesture to the crowd behind him, asking them to take Xiang Yu's family away quickly.

Soon, three off-road vehicles carrying Xiang Yu's family left the film and television city. After the three off-road vehicles successfully left, Chang Wei left here with the remaining soldiers.

The group of gangsters and people from other sects didn't say a word, and there was no one to keep Xiang Yu. They just watched the four off-road vehicles leave silently.

If someone in the crowd wanted to follow Chang Wei and his group, Chang Wei would not refuse, but there was no one in the group who had such an idea.

Because they felt that this place, that is, the film and television city, had food and drink. Although zombies would sneak in from time to time, they would be dealt with by other sects, so they did not feel that it was unsafe here.

If they chose to go to the so-called Xinguang gathering place with Chang Wei and others, who would bear the risks along the way? This was not a monetary investment, but a bet on life, so no one would give up their current life for the unknown Xinguang gathering place.

On the off-road vehicle, Xiang Yu's family continued to discuss Xiang Xue's affairs, especially Xiang Yu. From the previous rage to the current calmness, it was all the result of Xiang Yu's family handing over the building.

Although as modern people, they were somewhat unacceptable to polygamy, but now there were zombies and mutant creatures. In this doomsday situation, they could only accept reality.

Now they only hoped that their future son-in-law would treat their daughter well and not bully her.

If Cai Wenjie could hear what they said, he would definitely be very upset, because Xiang Xue's strength was the strongest person except for the one he thought, and she could fight a black bear with her bare hands. Who could bully such a person? It was good enough that she didn't bully others.

At this time, the Xinguang gathering place was ready to attack, because Cai Wenjie received a call from Zhao Yunpeng, saying that they would arrive at the YJ City Railway Station soon and asked Cai Wenjie to be prepared.

As for what preparations, of course, they were prepared to transport mechas.

And Cai Wenjie directly lifted all the transport vehicles out without saying a word, and drove at full speed towards the direction of the railway station.

The transport train, which was still an hour away from the YJ City Railway Station, was also rushing to the YJ City Railway Station. Zhao Yunpeng spent a lot of effort to borrow this train from other troops. Thinking of the large amount of treasures spent on this, Zhao Yunpeng felt very painful.

Of course, these so-called treasures are not gold, silver, jewelry or anything else, but a box of beef jerky from their hometown. This is the only thing that can comfort Zhao Yunpeng's heart and stomach when he is homesick. Now, in order to borrow this train, there is less than one-tenth of the box of jerky left. How can he not feel distressed?

In addition, this train must be sent back within today, because other places also need this train. Now all parts of the country are fighting zombies, and a lot of bullets and shells are spent every minute and every second. This train must be used to deliver bullets and supplies to the front line on time.

Fortunately, railways are always more reliable than roads, so as long as they reach the destination and keep unloading without stopping, they should be able to get back before the evening.

Almost half an hour later, Cai Wenjie came to the train station with a large number of transport trucks and transport helicopters, ready to welcome Zhao Yunpeng's transport train.

However, at this time, there will always be unexpected accidents.

On the railway fifteen kilometers away from the train station, Zhao Yunpeng's transport train was running at full speed, but the driver of the train suddenly found a pothole in the railway ahead, and this pothole appeared right under the railroad.

Although the rails did not break at this time and were still suspended in the air, once the train passed, the rails would definitely break. At that time, let alone passing through this area, it is estimated that the entire train would have a huge accident.

There was no other way, the driver could only pull the brakes suddenly. What would happen if the brakes were pulled during high-speed driving? Needless to say.

Fortunately, the driver of the train had rich driving skills. Although he pulled the brakes, he did not pull them all the way to the bottom, but slowly increased the braking force, while paying attention to the balance of the locomotive to prevent accidents such as the locomotive rolling over.

However, no matter how hard the driver tried, he could not change the outcome, because the driver discovered the pothole too slowly, and the distance between the train and the pothole was only 500 meters, which was not enough to stop the train.

In the desperate eyes of the driver, the train, which was still maintaining a certain speed, fell directly from the pothole.

The other carriages pulled also fell directly into the pothole due to inertia.

A quarter of the 20 train carriages fell into the pit, and the remaining trains were basically derailed and could not move forward.

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