My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 636 Old Man

After watching such a big show, Saiki Kusuo and others were overjoyed immediately after coming back to their senses. They had already planned to sacrifice the lives of several people, but they did not expect that the development of things was beyond their imagination. ♦♦  ♦♦

Seeing this, Saiki Kusuo and his party rushed directly towards their destination. After all, no one knew whether a second mutant tiger or a mutant snake would appear so late.

The entrance to the headquarters base is a camouflaged century-old tree that is large enough to accommodate a car.

Under the leadership of Saiki Kusuo, a group of team members went directly to a secluded place, which was a hidden entrance. They took the freight elevator inside and entered the underground base.

There was no one holding a hand at the entrance of the base, but after entering the base, a group of heavily armed personnel surrounded Saiki Kusuo and others.

"Stop! Who are you!"

Facing the gun pointed at him, Saiki Kusuo did not panic. He spoke calmly.

"I'm Kusuo Saiki, why don't you recognize me?"

"Could it be that you are the one with the title of Shadow of the Empire, Mr. Saiki Kusuo! I'm sorry! I'm so blind that I didn't recognize you right away. Please forgive me for my rudeness."

"Forget it, now that you know me, it's easy to handle. Hurry up and inform the president. Just say that I have brought important information and you must report it to the president in person."

"Okay! Please follow me! I will take you to see the president now"

Saiki Kusuo nodded, and then used his eyes to signal the team members behind him not to act rashly, and then followed the militants in front of him deeper into the underground base.

About fifty meters above the ground is the location of the underground base, and about thirty meters further down is the laboratory of this underground base. After passing the laboratory, twenty meters further down is where the leadership of the base is. The president's office is also here.

When Kusuo Saiki took the elevator, he passed by the laboratory. Through the glass of the elevator, Kusuo Saiki clearly saw the inhumane experiments going on in the laboratory.

They captured various wild animals, injected them with high-quality virus samples, and then observed the infection and mutation of the virus in the animals. It seemed that they wanted to find a perfect way to mutate.

That is to say, after being infected with the virus, you will not turn into a zombie, but into a creature like the mutant tiger or mutant snake.

The speed of the elevator was very fast. Before Saiki Kusuo could observe the laboratory more carefully, he arrived at a place almost a hundred meters underground. As mentioned before, this is the office area where high-level executives are located. Their president is also here now. . ♙♕ ♦ ♦

The armed man who led the way stopped leading the way after arriving here, and instead spoke to Saiki Kusuo.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kusuo Saiki, my rank can only take you here. You need to take care of the rest of the way on your own. Look, the red door over there is the president's office."

"I understand, thank you"

"You're welcome"

After saying hello, Saiki Kusuo left the elevator entrance and walked towards the red door, while the armed man took the elevator and left this floor.

As Kusuo Saiki walked, he observed the situation of the dead walk. He found that although this place was not big, there were cameras everywhere, and there were at least two cameras monitoring every place.

Fortunately, he has no intention of attacking these high-level officials now, so he will not panic no matter how many cameras there are.

Arriving in front of the red door, Kusuo Saiki raised his hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, an old but majestic voice came from behind the door.

"Come in"

After Kusuo Saiki opened the red door, he immediately saw an old man in his seventies or eighties. The old man was wearing a hospital gown. There was a woman dressed as a nurse beside him, who was changing the dropper on the old man.

The office is about 80 square meters. There are antiques, calligraphy and paintings and other things around it. It looks unique. It is obvious that this old man likes this kind of things.

After Kusuo Saiki came to the room, he immediately bowed to the old man in front of him and said.

"President, I am Kusuo Saiki from the YJ City Underground Research Institute. I am very sorry. The research institute we set up in YJ City was discovered by the army of country Z. Although we tried our best to cover the doctor's escape, we were eventually captured by those People caught up and took away the doctor and research materials..."

Saiki Kusuo never thought of hiding anything and told everything that happened. The old man did not speak and listened carefully to Saiki Kusuo's explanation of what happened.

After Saiki Kusuo finished telling what happened, the old man fell into a brief silence, and then waved his hand to signal the nurse beside him to leave first.

After the nurse left the office, the old man asked.

"What a pity. I remember that the doctor is a real genius. As long as there is enough time and materials, she will definitely be able to complete her research... Forget it, since it is dead, it will be useless. Instead, it is you, you are How did you escape from being surrounded by those soldiers? "

"Actually, not only are we below, our team has almost no losses. Since the doctor was captured, a group of us hid in XZ and battled wits with them. Finally, we took advantage of the negligence of the opposite party to break through their encirclement..."

When Saiki Kusuo said this, his face did not turn red, his heart did not beat, and his expression did not change at all, so the old man finally believed Saiki Kusuo's lie.

"Really, that's really hard work for you. In this case, you can live here with your men first. As for your treatment, please pay twice the normal rate..."

In this way, Saiki Kusuo and others finally settled here, and fortunately, Saiki Kusuo also obtained a piece of gold worth 500 grams from the old man. In fact, all means of payment in this place have disappeared. So now they have to trade in gold.

The headquarters base is like other gathering places. From a distance, it is just a secret base, but according to the current situation outside, it looks like a large private villa.

Everyone works and lives here. Over time, this place has turned into a small society, with all kinds of shops and goods. Everything here is the same as the takeout before the apocalypse, except that the currency has turned into gold. No different.

After chatting for a while, Saiki Kusuo left here and started walking to the upper floor.

This place is basically very good, except that the entire headquarters is buried underground resulting in insufficient lighting, and there are no other complaints.

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