My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 637 Misunderstanding

After returning to the upper level to join his team members, Kusuo Saiki shared what he saw with the team members, especially the situation in the laboratory.

"The situation here is more complicated than we imagined. For the sake of safety, no one is allowed to act without authorization from now on, and we will try our best to communicate with people here. Maybe we can get some information..."

Saiki Kusuo and others who have just arrived can only lurk and wait until they gain the trust of these people before they can proceed with their next plan.

On the other side, after a night of hard work, Cai Wenjie finally filled the pothole. Now he only needs to pull the rails over and pave them, and it can be reopened to traffic.

"Finally, it's not easy."

Looking at the sun that was about to rise, Cai Wenjie sighed. This time was really an unforeseen disaster. Not only did he lose more than a dozen precious tanks for no reason, but he also had to fill potholes and repair rail tracks. If it weren't for Cai Wenjie's family's great business Big, otherwise there is really no way to deal with this matter.

Cai Wenjie, who had not slept a wink all night, shook his sleepy head, refocused his attention, and continued directing everyone to work.

In order to reduce the weight, Cai Wenjie planned to use a vehicle to pull the mecha behind him directly. It would be too time-consuming to wait until the train reopened.

In order to remove these mechas and tanks, Cai Wenjie even contacted the Xinguang gathering place and sent transport helicopters to transport these mechas and tanks.

By the time the transport helicopter arrived, it was already bright and the day had just begun.

Cooperating with the transport helicopter, most of the tanks and mechas have been transported away in just one morning. It is expected that they will all be transported back in the afternoon.

At the same time, a new rail was also transported. With the efforts of the staff, it is estimated that the rail should be installed before noon. By then, a new locomotive will be dispatched from YJ Railway Station to install the rail here. Carriage away.

Cai Wenjie didn't need to keep an eye on the rest of the matter, so he naturally said goodbye to Zhao Yunpeng and took a transport helicopter back to the Xinguang gathering place.

Not long after the transport helicopter parked at the airport, Cai Wenjie received a big news from home.

"What! Have Xiang Xue's parents been found? Are they resting at my house now?"

After hearing the guard's report, Cai Wenjie's originally groggy head suddenly sobered up. Now Xiang Xue's parents have been found. Nangong Yao's parents had already settled in Xinguang Gathering Area a long time ago. In this way, both families have gathered together. It’s time to make arrangements for the major events in his life.

"Let's go! Go back quickly"


The guards came in a car, so Cai Wenjie took a ride directly back to his home. ♦♦  ♦♦

The guard parked the car at the gate. Cai Wenjie couldn't wait to get out of the car. After responding to the salutes of the two sentries, he pushed the door directly and entered, wanting to meet Xiang Xue's parents.

But when Cai Wenjie opened the door, he bumped into a tall beauty whose appearance was 70% similar to Xiang Xue's, and she was Xiang Xue's sister Xiang Yu.

For a moment, neither Cai Wenjie nor Xiang Yu reacted. Cai Wenjie even thought that the Xiang Yu in front of him was his Xiang Xue. Without thinking much, he took advantage of the situation and held Xiang Yu in his arms with a princess hug, and then said excitedly arrive.

"Quick! Xiaoxue, let me meet your parents. Our business can finally be put on the agenda. Are you happy?"

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie wanted to lower his head and kiss Xiang Xue as before, but just when Cai Wenjie was about to get it, Xiang Yu finally reacted. Xiang Yu's face suddenly turned red, and he used his own embarrassment to express anger. His forehead slammed towards Cai Wenjie.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie reacted very quickly. When Xiang Yu was about to hit him, he straightened his head and avoided Xiang Yu's embarrassing blow.

At this time, Cai Wenjie also discovered something was wrong. First, it was the body scent, then the weight, and finally the body feel. Everything was wrong.

How should I put it, in terms of smell, Xiang Xue basically doesn't wear makeup, but the person in her arms has a very obvious smell of cosmetics and perfume on her body.

Then as for weight, although Xiang Xue is extremely powerful and can fight a black bear alone, her weight is only about 60 at most, and the one in her arms is obviously a little lighter than Xiang Yu. Looking at Xiang Yu's Cai Wenjie nodded with understanding.

Finally, there is the physical touch. Xiang Xue's body is very strong, but the muscles are not very obvious. If you don't use force deliberately, Xiang Xue's figure looks very slim from the outside, but if you get in close contact, you will find that although Xiang Xue It looks like he doesn't have much muscle, but if you touch his body carefully, you will find that Xiang Xue has a soft yet hard body, soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

Although the person in her arms looks like she has no muscles, if you feel her carefully, you will find that her muscles are in a stiff state whether they are relaxed or exerting force, and they do not feel very good to the touch.

After discovering the problem, Cai Wenjie immediately put down the beauty in his arms, then straightened his clothes and said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, young lady, you look too much like my wife. If my behavior just now offended you, I sincerely apologize to you..."

Before he finished speaking, a little head popped out of the window on the second floor, seemingly wanting to see why it was so noisy outside.


When she found out that the man outside was her man, Xiang Xue waved excitedly in the direction of Cai Wenjie, then jumped down from the second-floor window, ran towards Cai Wenjie, and hugged him.

Looking at Xiang Xue who was hugging him tightly, Cai Wenjie showed a doting smile, then naturally hugged Xiang Xue and gave her a French kiss.

Xiang Yu beside her was frightened and shivered. It seemed that if she hadn't struggled to break free just now, her fate would have been exactly the same as the current scene.

Perhaps because there were outsiders here, the two quickly ended this intimate exchange.

Xiang Xue blushed and lay in Cai Wenjie's arms, revealing one eye to look at Xiang Yu, and then asked in confusion.

"Sister, what are you doing here? Let me make it clear, I will not give up my husband, so you better give up on this idea."

"Who, who cares about your man! If it weren't for my wit, your man almost took my virginity just now... Bah! Anyway, I have no interest in your man at all!"

Looking at Xiang Yu's overreaction, Xiang Xue narrowed her eyes and felt something was wrong.

"So suspicious..."

Looking at Xiang Xue's appearance, Xiang Yu couldn't help but want to teach this little girl a lesson, but seeing that her future brother-in-law was right next to her, she held back.

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