My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 638 Announcement

Fortunately, after figuring out what happened, Xiang Yu also forgave Cai Wenjie. The three of them returned to the house to meet their parents and got to know each other. Then Cai Wenjie sent someone to pick up Nangong Yao's parents. .

After about half an hour, all three families arrived. The three families sat in the living room on the second floor. The family members on both sides vaguely guessed Cai Wenjie's intention.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Cai Wenjie to stand up first. He first saluted Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao's parents, and then said.

"Today I am looking for all the elders, not for other things, but for the marriage of Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao. The New Year is coming soon. Everyone can see what happened this year. Because of the emergence of zombies, most people have lost their preciousness. life, or friends, relatives, family..."

Cai Wenjie first talked about a series of things that started to happen this year. After letting everyone here understand the current situation, he suddenly changed the topic and focused on the upcoming New Year and wedding.

"It is precisely because of this that I think we should have a good New Year celebration. At the same time, I think the wedding can also be scheduled during the New Year. It will add happiness to happiness and double happiness. This will not only make the Shin Kong Gathering Place lively , and it can also bring joy, what do you elders think?"

Originally, Cai Wenjie shouldn't be the one to talk about this kind of thing, but in the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie can be said to be the absolute leader. Even in this situation, no one can match Cai Wenjie's status, so he can only speak in person I will chair this meeting next time.

After a series of exchanges, Cai Wenjie, Xiang Xue, and Nangong Yao's wedding was scheduled for the day before the New Year, which is February 11th, and today is February 4th, which means they only have six days to prepare.

This time may not be long or short, but it is enough for preparation.

A few hours later, everyone in the Xinguang gathering place knew that Chief Cai Wenjie would get married on February 11th, and would marry two brides at once. Although some singles shouted that it was unfair, it was definitely not fair. Most people sent their blessings and were happy.

Now, all the tanks and mechas on those trains have been received at the warehouse, and there is no big danger in the surrounding area. Therefore, in addition to the necessary defense, everyone in the Xinguang Gathering Area is preparing for the upcoming wedding. .

At the same time, Cai Wenjie also produced a large number of wedding invitations and sent them to everyone in the Xinguang gathering place. He also invited Zhao Yunpeng and his party who were still stranded here. As for acquaintances from other places, Cai Wenjie did not send them. Invitations were given in the past. After all, this is not a peaceful world. It would be too unfair if someone were attacked and killed by zombies on the way here.

The venue for Cai Wenjie to host the wedding has also been decided. There are only two places in the Xinguang gathering place that are spacious and atmospheric. One is a warehouse and the other is an airport. Cai Wenjie has chosen a small airport. Hundreds or even thousands of tables will be set up to entertain guests.

For this matter, the logistics department has been working overtime desperately. Recently, all tasks have been changed to collecting food and wedding supplies, so that all the teams that go out to explore can bring back more.

I forgot to mention that various recycling groups have been established in Xinguang Gathering Area. These groups are basically composed of people who have not yet found jobs. The smallest group has only five people, and the largest group is more than one person. Hundreds of People, as the name suggests, the job of these groups is to leave the Xinguang gathering place to collect some useful things outside, leave the items they need according to their needs, and then sell them all to the logistics department in exchange for points.

The logistics department will also adjust the exchange of points every day according to needs to avoid things like inflation. Even if inflation occurs, bugs like Cai Wenjie can be suppressed quickly.

The time now is around 4:30 in the afternoon. Various groups that went out to look for useful supplies in the morning are also rushing back one after another at this time. Looking at the various large and small fully loaded vehicles, it is estimated that these people should be able to make a profit this time. A lot of points.

While queuing up to enter the Xinguang gathering place, a driver named Lao Zhao was chatting with other drivers on the radio.

"Have you heard, Old Zhao, our leader Cai Wenjie is going to marry a wife in a few days, and he will marry two at once. Both of them are beautiful and beautiful people in the country. I am so envious."

"I have also heard about this matter, and I also heard that because of this matter, the logistics department will issue special rewards on wedding supplies in the past few days, as well as on various foods, grains, and alcohol. Such bounties, if we work hard these days, we will probably make a lot of money before the end of the year."

"Really or not?"

"It should be true, because I also heard that this wedding will invite everyone living in the Xinguang gathering place. The supplies needed by tens of thousands of people are not a small number, otherwise the logistics department would not issue such a reward mission. "

"Good guy, that means we can also attend this wedding? That's great! I must go and eat till I die! I won't leave the party until I'm full."

"Zhou Cao, you have some brains..."

Just when the driver, Lao Zhao, was about to scold this villainous colleague, the vehicle in front slowly moved forward. In order not to be cut in by other cars, Lao Zhao could only turn off the curse words and follow him honestly. .

There is only one road for the entrance and exit of the Xinguang gathering place, which can only accommodate two cars side by side at most, and more than one cannot, so you must be quick to find a good position, otherwise you will probably have to queue until the sun sets.

In fact, Cai Wenjie also discovered this drawback and ordered the construction of a new road for military use. If a military convoy needs to be dispatched at this time, but the road is occupied by a group of civilian vehicles, no one can bear the responsibility for the delay in dispatching.

It takes a certain amount of time to build a new road, so in order not to delay the military, the original route has a set of detailed rules.

These rules are not very complicated. To put it simply, there are fixed opening hours in the morning and afternoon. You can only go out in the morning and only go in in the afternoon. Military vehicles are not bound by this rule and can go in and out as much as they want.

Those who violate this rule will be fined and towed away at the least, and shot directly at the worst. It is so simple and crude.

However, the advantage of this is obvious, that is, as long as you do not violate the rules, the speed of entering and exiting the Xinguang gathering place is still very fast.

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