My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 651: Continued Fighting

As for the boy who was no longer breathing, Cai Wenjie did not let him go and directly used points to transform his body into a clone soldier. ♦♦  ☞♦

"Tell me who sent you here and what it means to avenge your parents."

"No one sent me, it was..."

After hearing the boy's explanation, Cai Wenjie realized that the boy's name was Hu Hong, and he was originally from the stadium gathering place. As for the revenge thing, it was even more outrageous, because he felt that if they hadn't arrived a day late, he would have 's parents would not have been murdered by the mob that took over the stadium.

Because all those thugs had been executed, the young man Hu Hong put all his hatred on the Xinguang gathering place, which is why today's scene occurred.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie acted in time, and a new power plant stood next to the original power plant to replace the original power plant for power generation tasks.

"By the way, where did your explosives come from? I remember that in the rules of the New Light Gathering Area, civilians should be explicitly prohibited from possessing any high-damage weapons, and explosives are among them."

"Report to the chief! My explosives came from Lao Litou. I had no money to buy them, so I had to steal them."

"Old Li Tou? You mean Li Tian, ​​the owner of the department store at Kimi Market?"

"Yes, sir, Li Tian secretly purchased those fireworks and firecrackers, took out the flames inside, and then made some homemade explosives to sell to others... Also, in addition to explosives, Li Tian also secretly released firearms acquisition information, and there have been rumors that he has successfully acquired several long guns and short guns, but I am not sure whether it is true.”

After saying that, Hu Hong closed her mouth and stood motionless.

After hearing what happened, Cai Wenjie thought for a moment and then said.

"In this case, Hu Hong, I order you to immediately take a few soldiers to the so-called Lao Li's shop and carefully search for the presence of contraband. If not, forget it. If there is, let it be adjudicated on the spot. "

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task"

After sending Hu Hong away, Cai Wenjie put the damaged power plant into his system space with a wave of his hand. After thinking for a while, he decided to build a second power plant for power supply. If such an accident happens again, at least it will not happen. Put all the new light gathering places into a blackout.

As for Hu Hong, he is already dead. Now he only lives as a clone soldier with malicious intent. He will not hold any responsibility for his own Cai Wenjie.

After confirming that the two power plants were working, Cai Wenjie rushed to the gate without stopping.

Although the power outage only lasted for more than ten minutes, for the entire gate, it was like stepping into the gate of hell and wandering back and forth around it.

Because, after the power supply was gone, the defense towers in the entire New Light Gathering Area fell into a ceasefire state, and the soldiers could only go into battle in person.

Although there are mortars and various heavy weapons for support, they are no match for the corpse group that exceeds hundreds of thousands.

Fortunately, the soldiers used a large number of heavy weapons and mortar support to successfully hold off the corpses for more than ten minutes. They waited until the power supply was restored, otherwise they would probably have to confess here.

The group of corpses that were originally a few hundred meters away quickly pushed within 200 meters within ten minutes of the power outage, almost reaching the gate.

As soon as the power was restored, the defense tower that had been in a misfire state came to life again. Countless currents and lights hit the corpses like raindrops.

Often an electric current or light can cause a large number of zombies to die on the spot, especially the first zombie hit by the electric current or light will directly turn into a piece of charcoal, and they will never die again.

The fierce counterattack directly pushed the zombies back more than a hundred meters. With the mortar fire, a large number of zombies successfully turned into corpses.

At the same time, the eleventh batch of unmanned bombers appeared in the sky again. The power outage just now also delayed these unmanned bombers for a while. The unmanned bombers that were supposed to appear within five minutes after the power outage were now ten minutes late. minutes or so.

There is no way, the automatic loading machine can only go on strike when encountering a power outage, and even the unmanned bomber group can only stay in place and wait for the power to be restored.

The battle at the gate of the New Light Gathering Area has reached a stalemate. Although the human side has strong firepower, there are not many people. The opposite is true for the zombies. The zombies number in the hundreds of thousands and there is no advantage at all in the face of modern intensive firepower.

And their numbers are rapidly consumed every moment, from the initial level of millions to hundreds of thousands now. During this period, a total of at least 150,000 zombies were killed, and this number continues to rise.

If ordinary troops were stationed in the Xinguang Gathering Area, zombies would probably attack the gathering place sooner or later due to ammunition problems, but Cai Wenjie did not have such difficulties.

After all, if you hit a shell worth 500 points, you can gain at least about 3,000 points. If this continues, let alone ammunition, as long as Cai Wenjie has an idea, he can directly mobilize an army of tens of thousands of clones to fight against zombies. kill.

The most important point is that his armored troops and mecha troops have not been used yet. In Cai Wenjie's plan, the armored troops have other tasks to complete, or they can use their own armored troops to take over when the gate is breached. Go up and consume it slowly.

Just when Cai Wenjie thought things were stable, bad news came from his radio.

"Report to the chief! Zombies and mutant zombies are beginning to appear in the mountain on the left side of the gathering place. Request support!"

"Report to the chief! Zombies are also appearing on the right side of the gathering place"

"Report to the chief, there is a riot in the shelter, requesting permission to shoot!"

The successive news directly messed up Cai Wenjie's mood, but he still tried to overcome his emotions and quickly issued corresponding orders.

"Let the second and third companies that are resting go to the left to defend against the enemy, the fourth and fifth companies go to the right to defend against the enemy, and the sixth company immediately go to the shelter to help the security team inside maintain order. If anyone makes trouble, just shoot them without asking me"


After quickly issuing various orders, Cai Wenjie was not idle, but continuously exchanged weapons and ammunition to send support to the front line.

At the same time, let the medical team be prepared to receive injured soldiers at any time.

Although ordinary zombies pose no threat to the soldiers, mutant zombies like those still have the opportunity to cause certain damage to the soldiers on the city wall. For example, a power-type mutant zombie will directly grab everything he can get his hands on and throw it hard onto the wall of the Xinguang gathering place.

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