My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 652 Shelter Riot

This method is equivalent to the ancient catapult, except that it throws zombies instead of stones. Google search reading

The full force of the power-type mutant zombie throws it, but the distance it throws is not very far, at most a few dozen meters. Even if there are examples of extraordinary performance, it can only add a human blood shadow on the city wall, which brings more work to the later cleaning work.

The battle continued, and the number of zombies decreased rapidly with more and more explosions. At the same time, the only road leading to the outside world was cut off by two meters.

A large number of corpses and corpse fragments dyed this road dark red. It is estimated that ordinary people would faint at a glance.

The gate entered a stalemate, and the other three directions also started to exchange fire. Although other places are cliffs and densely packed mountains, there are still zombies who are not afraid of death attacking the new light gathering place from these three sides.

Ordinary zombies can't climb up the cliffs. Only those clawed zombies can climb up the cliffs step by step, using claws as a fulcrum to climb the mountain little by little. I have to admire the perseverance of these mutant zombies.

But it was useless, because Cai Wenjie had already pulled a wire cordon around the entire Xinguang gathering place, and connected high voltage electricity to the wire. The wire was originally used to drive away animals and birds, and it also had a certain suppressive effect on these mutant zombies.

In addition, Cai Wenjie sent his troops in three directions in time, so these mutant zombies who wanted to attack from the side not only failed to succeed, but also left their lives behind.

Of course, if this was the case, Cai Wenjie would not send out precious troops.

In addition to these mutant zombies who attempted to sneak attack, there were also a large number of mutant bird flocks attacking from the air. This time, the mutant bird flocks were more numerous than the mutant bird flocks seen before, and they looked stronger.

For this group of mutant bird flocks, the soldiers also had their own ways to deal with them.

In addition to using flamethrowers and launching bird-catching nets, the soldiers also pulled the previous anti-aircraft guns, and all the shells were replaced with special shells specifically for dense bird flocks.

This kind of shell, after exploding in the air, can instantly strangle the flock of birds within a radius of five meters, and the height of the shell explosion can be adjusted, with a minimum of 20 meters and a maximum of 600 meters.

"Anti-aircraft guns ready! Fire!"

"Don't let these mutant birds run away! Don't leave any alive!"

"Another mutant zombie is coming! Fire!"

"Reload! Reload quickly!"

For a while, the battlefield was full of various officers. Although it looked messy, they all successfully blocked the attacks of mutant zombies and mutant birds. ♦♦  ♦♦

Of course, this does not mean that no one was injured. Although each soldier was wearing a full-body sealed individual exoskeleton to avoid being infected by zombie attacks, if these mutant birds lifted the soldiers up and flew into the sky and deliberately dropped them from high altitude, even the soldiers wearing exoskeletons would inevitably be injured.

After such a long time, these mutant birds have also developed a little wisdom. Although most of the time they still like death charge, when they find that their special skills are useless, they will change their attack methods.

For example, the incident of throwing people is happening now.

Even though the soldiers used fire and bullets to block most of the mutant birds, there were still a few mutant birds that broke through the defense line, came to the soldiers' sky, grabbed the soldiers and flew into the sky.

Since the mutation, an ordinary mutant bird can completely grab prey that is dozens of times heavier than itself and take off. If multiple birds work together, they can lift heavier prey.

When more than a dozen mutant birds as big as big yellow dogs grab soldiers wearing exoskeletons weighing up to 150 kilograms and fly, the surrounding soldiers will naturally not watch their comrades being captured.

"Don't let them fly away! Shoot! Shoot them down!"

The soldiers drew their weapons and fired freely at the flocks of birds in the sky, especially those flocks of birds that tried to capture a soldier, which were hit hard.

The dense bullets shot these mutant birds into sieves. As for the captured soldier, he could not escape the fate of being shot by bullets, or he was the one who was shot the most.

However, with the defense capability of the exoskeleton, these bullets cannot cause any effective damage. At most, they will be sent back for repair after the battle.

This is the battle on the left and right sides. As for the rear shelter, the troops sent by Cai Wenjie have arrived here.

"Let me go! I just told the truth! You can't do this to me!"

"Shut up! The leader is personally directing the battle outside to protect you, but you deliberately spread false information and try to disintegrate people's hopes. It is simply unforgivable!"

"What! Did I say something wrong! That Cai guy only has a few broken guns and broken cars. Why should he manage our freedom! Have we asked him to protect us!"

"Yes! Yes"

A group of people wearing white clothes and a black scarf tied on their arms gathered together, holding various slogans and portraits of Cai Wenjie with a big red cross in their hands, and loudly promoted Cai Wenjie's dictatorial behavior in the open space of the shelter.

These people are basically opponents of various policies issued by Cai Wenjie. Before the end of the world, they were almost all idle people who stole and cheated. After the end of the world, they were scattered in various gathering points and lived a miserable life. After being moved from various gathering points by Cai Wenjie more than ten days ago, they began to gather together and set up a guild, thinking about how to extort money from the Civil Affairs Center every day.

Now that the Xinguang gathering place is in a crisis of zombie siege, these people jumped out and began to spread all kinds of bad things about the Xinguang gathering place, or Cai Wenjie, saying that the Xinguang gathering place oppresses the working people, has a dictatorial rule, or forcibly robs women and so on. As long as they can be labeled, they will use them.

And they have only one purpose for doing this, that is, to seize power, or to seize part of the power, to support their lives.

Under the hard work of these people's false propaganda, some people who have just joined the Xinguang gathering place have also voiced opposition to Cai Wenjie's dictatorship, and the scale is expanding. Soon there are hundreds of people standing beside these people to boycott Cai Wenjie together.

However, these people did not realize that the residents who originally lived in the Xinguang gathering place were looking at these people jumping up and down with eyes like they were looking at dead people.

As the first batch of residents of the Xinguang gathering place, they naturally knew what kind of person Cai Wenjie was, and they also knew what measures Cai Wenjie would take in the face of such a situation, so they immediately distanced themselves from these noisy people to avoid being affected later.

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