My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 653 The Fearful Mutated Zombie

Sure enough, when the real troops entered the shelter, the troublemakers were all isolated separately, and the most violent ones were captured, pulled out of the shelter and shot directly. Google search reading

After such a commotion, those who were just following along and joining in the fun also calmed down and stayed where they were, not daring to act like monsters.

The shelter must not be messy! Even if force is used, order must be maintained.

Because Cai Wenjie's family and wife are also in the shelter, even if it is to protect them, the shelter cannot be allowed to riot.

Cai's father and Cai's mother felt a little unbearable when they saw the people being pulled out and shot, but they did not stop them. After all, the soldiers outside were also their son's subordinates. As parents, they would not interfere with their son's decision.

"Hey, why do you think these people are so... irrational? They are still thinking about fighting among themselves after all this time. They are really stupid."

"Who says otherwise? If it hadn't been for Chief Cai Wenjie taking us in, we wouldn't be living like this, right? And they said that Chief Cai Wenjie was squeezing us, which is really ridiculous. They didn't even think about it. If they didn't work, would they have to wait to starve? Die?"

"That's right, these people are just greedy. I think it's too cheap to just shoot a few of them. They should all be hired as coolies to make some contribution to our new light gathering place."


The residents of the original Xinguang gathering place who had been watching with cold eyes applauded when they saw that the situation was under control. They did not feel that the soldiers had done anything wrong. Instead, they felt that they were a little too merciful.

Cai Wenjie's family, Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue's family were all arranged in an underground space of almost 200 square meters. It was very spacious and there was no problem in accommodating them. The most important thing was that this place was separated from other residents by a block. Blocking a three-meter-thick concrete wall can protect their safety well.

Moreover, Cai Wenjie also specially arranged at least thirty heavily armed elites to protect his family. Even if something unexpected happens in this shelter, these elite soldiers can take Cai Wenjie's family out.

After the riots in the rear shelter were forcibly suppressed by Cai Wenjie's troops, news came one after another from troops from other directions that they had successfully suppressed the zombies coming from the side.

"Ha, that's good. Send an order to them to stay where they are to avoid any further accidents. I will lead people to guard the front so they don't worry."


The communications soldier who was responsible for contacting other troops responded immediately and then went to issue new orders.

Cai Wenjie, who had no worries, turned to look at the battlefield outside the gate. It was more like hell than a battlefield. It was so bloody that even a person like him couldn't help but think when he saw the scene outside. To frown.

There are stumps and broken arms everywhere, visceral fat is flying everywhere, the flames are burning, and there are waves of disgusting burning smell. If bombings were not carried out regularly, otherwise the entire road would be covered by corpses. When the time comes, wait When the corpses accumulate to a certain height, the gate can no longer be defended.

"No, if this continues, it will get dark soon, and the zombies will be even more difficult to deal with. In the end, I will be the only one who suffers. The battle must be ended before dark."

Cai Wenjie knew that if the battle could not be ended before dark, the difficulty of the next battle would increase exponentially. If something unexpected happened...

After several hours of non-stop fighting and countless bombings, one-fifth of the zombies outside have been eliminated, but even so, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate the remaining zombies before dark. , so he must find a way to temporarily stop the fighting, or find a way to prevent the zombies from continuing to attack the New Light Gathering Area.

When this kind of battle enters a fierce stage, it is impossible to use noise to lure away the zombies. Then there is only one way left, and that is to use flames to block the zombies, or to create a firestorm that is enough to turn the zombies into ashes. A sea of ​​fire, and a sea of ​​fire that lasts for a very long time.

As it happens, the shopping malls within Cai Wenjie's system also sell this kind of weapon, but the price is very expensive. A special incendiary bomb that can burn for several hours and has a flame coverage of hundreds of meters costs 50,000 points. If you want to To cover the entire battlefield in front of the New Light Gathering Area, at least fifty such incendiary bombs are needed, which is 2.5 million points, which is almost equivalent to the points obtained by killing 25,000 zombies.

And in order to ensure safety throughout the night, two incendiary bombs of this size must be dropped in one night, which means that it will cost five million points per night to ensure safety.

It can be said that almost all the points earned today were spent on this night. It would be false to say that he did not feel distressed. However, Cai Wenjie also knew that this expense was unavoidable, so he took a taxi directly to the airport without any ink. The next batch of unmanned bombers were specially exchanged for hundreds of special incendiary bombs.

And he specifically ordered that coverage bombing be carried out at six o'clock in the afternoon and twelve o'clock in the evening, covering the entire road and valley with a sea of ​​fire, leaving no place for the zombies to put their feet.

The battle lasted from morning to 6 pm. When the time came to 6 pm, the unmanned bomber formation loaded with fifty special incendiary bombs took off again and began to fly towards the gate of Xinguang Gathering Area.

When the drone bomber flew to the designated location, it began to change its flight formation and began to drop special incendiary bombs at the designated location.

The zombies below were already numb to the aircraft that appeared every hour. They continued to rush towards the gate one after another, stepping on the corpses of their own kind. They did not look at the aircraft in the sky, even though these aircraft could destroy a large number of their own kind as soon as they appeared.

But the only difference was that after seeing the drone bomber in the sky, the faces of the mutant zombies changed obviously, and then they turned around and ran away in panic. Even if they did not run, they would try their best to push away the zombies around them and move to the side of the zombie group to avoid staying in the middle where there were the most zombies.

These mutated zombies have a certain degree of intelligence and judgment, and are extremely wary of the unmanned bombers that drop large numbers of bombs in the sky. They have witnessed with their own eyes a large number of their own kind being killed by such things. They could ignore it once or twice, but after three, four, nine or ten consecutive bombings, even they began to get scared. Especially the mutated zombies who have experienced fifteen or sixteen bombings, they are extremely afraid of that kind of aircraft, and when they see those aircraft, they instinctively turn around and run away in a panic.

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