My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 657 New Mutated Zombies

The appearance of the Devil's Son was just the beginning. Soon, another group of unique mutant zombies appeared in the sight of many soldiers. Google search reading

The first is the mutant zombie that looks like a large meatball. This mutant zombie is covered with all kinds of fat. If it were just this, it wouldn't be a big deal. The problem is that in addition to its own fat, this mutant zombie's body is also covered with various limbs, as if a dozen or dozens of zombies were forced into a small space to create a stitched monster.

This stitched meatball zombie is swollen and almost as tall as a two-story building. If compared horizontally, it is almost like a tank made of flesh and blood.

Because the body is too swollen, the two legs can't support the weight of this meatball zombie at all, so this mutant zombie moves in a very special way, just like a rolling meatball, rolling forward.

As mentioned earlier, this mutant zombie has various limbs of other zombies all over its body, so every time it rolls, these limbs will always have a few arms or legs forcibly broken and left in place.

At the same time, a stream of dark red thick blood also formed a particularly strange blood path as the mutant zombie moved.

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When dense bullets hit the meat ball, the bullets can easily drill into the body of the meat ball, rolling irregularly, forming cavities.

But this kind of attack is no different from tickling for zombies. Even with powerful heavy machine guns or anti-aircraft machine guns, it is impossible to kill this kind of meat ball in a short time.

Even if the bullets of heavy machine guns or anti-aircraft machine guns can make basketball-sized holes in the body of this meat ball zombie every time, it is useless.

After all, this thing is so fat that you can't find its head, so naturally there is no way to stop it with bullets.

But the uselessness of bullets does not mean that artillery shells are useless, or rockets are useless.

Because the reminder is too large, and the moving speed is so so, it is easy for soldiers to use rocket launchers or recoilless guns as a fixed target to attack.

Rocket launchers and recoilless guns have a natural restraint on this kind of zombie. Often, only one rocket or one recoilless gun shell can directly blow this meat ball into countless pieces of meat, or directly penetrate it.

Or you can directly aim at this meat ball and fire a incendiary bomb. So much fat is enough to make the meat ball zombie burn for three days and three nights without extinguishing.

Another point is that this meat ball-shaped mutant zombie can devour the surrounding zombies to make up for its own incomplete body. For example, this meat ball zombie was pierced through the entire upper body by a recoilless gun, so he can rely on swallowing the surrounding zombies to make up for the empty body.

It is not recovery, but a simple supplement, just like a house has a hole, and the workers just take something around to fill the hole, simple and crude.

Of course, if the meatball zombie swallows other zombies into its stomach in this way, it will also suffer some backlash. For example, the zombies that are not completely dead will turn over and over in its stomach, and use sharp bones to pierce the stomach. This is the main reason why the meatball zombie has so many limbs.

In addition to this meatball zombie, there is also a bloated zombie. Unlike the meatball zombie, this bloated mutant zombie is not tall, and is even a little short, about 1.5 meters tall, but its body is bloated like a balloon, especially on the back and neck. There is a tumor emitting green light.

This tumor emitting green light will also undergo alternative changes as its host mutant zombie breathes, just like leaking alveoli.

When the bullet hits this mutant zombie, the whole mutant zombie explodes directly on the spot like a burst balloon. The green liquid in the tumor spreads around with the explosion. Once it is stuck with this green liquid, it is like being splashed with high-strength concentrated acid. The flesh tissue will completely melt within tens of seconds, and even the bones will be eroded.

If these zombies run to the bottom of the wall in groups and explode, the consequences will definitely be unimaginable. Of course, it is hard to say if the wall of the special metal wall at the gate of the Xinguang gathering place is as thick as five or six meters.

Because of the explosive characteristics of this mutant zombie, the soldiers arbitrarily gave this mutant zombie a nickname called self-explosive corpse, which has to be said to be very appropriate.

However, this self-explosive corpse is very harmful, but at a sufficiently long distance, these self-explosive corpses not only cannot cause any damage to the Xinguang gathering place, but even because of their self-explosive characteristics, as long as you shoot at the self-explosive corpse at a long distance, you can instantly send the self-explosive corpse and the zombies around it within a dozen meters into hell.

One bullet can take away dozens of zombies and mutant zombies. Who would refuse such a deal? Therefore, as long as they find a self-exploding corpse, the soldiers will rush to shoot at it. After all, these zombies are all military merits.

Before the battle began, Cai Wenjie clearly stated that the person who made the greatest contribution in this battle would be promoted three levels and rewarded with 50,000 points.

The second to tenth place will be promoted one level and rewarded with 10,000 points.

The eleventh to the hundredth place will be directly rewarded with 5,000 points.

The rest of the people can also get 1,000 points reward.

Although they are all clones, they also have their own honor, so they are all very serious without exception.

In addition to these three mutant zombies, there is another mutant zombie that also threatens the gate of the Xinguang gathering place.

This mutant zombie looks very ordinary, no different from ordinary zombies, but this mutant zombie is the only mutant zombie that can attack remotely.

The mutant zombie, which looks no different from ordinary zombies, will spit out something with an extremely bad smell from its stomach when attacking, and then throw it with both arms. Even if ordinary people throw grenades, they can only reach 70 or 80 meters unless they have undergone special training, but this mutant zombie can throw hundreds of meters at random, and the farthest can be thrown 150 meters.

This is due to the zombie's strange power and the fact that this mutant zombie has an arm that is almost one meter long. Only in this way can it throw something that weighs about one kilogram so far.

Once hit by this thing, it will be like being hit by a stink bomb. It will emit yellow gas in an instant and cover a certain area around it. The stench in the area is so strong that even with a filter, you will still smell a very unpleasant odor.

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