My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 658 Bridge

If you smell it for too long, you may even feel dizzy, have a swollen brain, feel nauseous, vomit, and finally fall to the ground in a daze and pass out. Google search reading

This is still the case when wearing a filter. If you don't wear any filter or gas mask, you will probably die on the spot the moment you smell the smell.

And most importantly, this stench is also contagious. If you smell it for too long, it may even mutate.

Fortunately, the wind direction is very good today. Even if it hits the wall in front of the Xinguang gathering place, the stench will be blown back because of the wind direction.

It can be said that God is helping them.

The battle fell into a stalemate again. As time went by, the firepower of the human side remained the same, still so sharp, while on the other hand, the zombie side, the originally dense group of zombies, now visibly burned less than half.

"Almost done"

After looking at the density of the zombies, Cai Wenjie immediately made up his mind to use the killer.

"Hello? Is this Zhao Yunpeng? Immediately launch a DF missile to the predetermined coordinates and destroy the target building."

"Got it, I'll do it right away."

After about a minute and a half, Cai Wenjie saw a huge meteor streaking across the sky, and then there was a sudden muffled sound in the distance, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared more than ten kilometers away.

Of course, this is definitely not a nuclear bomb, but just a conventional warhead. Mushroom clouds are not something that can only be produced by nuclear bombs. Even conventional warheads can produce a mushroom cloud as long as the firepower is sufficient.

The abandoned hospital that was originally used as a nest by zombies is now only a ruin. The zombies that originally lived here were blown up along with most of the buildings.

This time, at least hundreds of zombies were killed and crushed, and they were all mutant zombies.

When these zombies developed a certain degree of wisdom and judgment, the mutant zombies that originally appeared at the front of the zombie group retreated behind the ordinary zombies and bent down to mix in the zombie group.

The only goal of doing this is to avoid human ammunition attacks and avoid dying in vain.

After two days of fighting, the mutant zombies that survived have become smarter. They know that they cannot fight against fully armed humans, and they know how to use the zombies around them to block their guns.

It can be said that the entire mutant zombie group has already acquired considerable wisdom. If it continues like this, it will definitely become more and more like ordinary beasts.

Why beasts instead of humans? This question is very simple. Even if these mutant zombies know how to use the zombies around them and how to improve their wisdom, they cannot become humans because they do not have the most important thing for humans.

That is emotion! This emotion does not refer to the universal family affection between animals, but something more complicated. To be honest, even humans nowadays have figured out this kind of thing, but it does exist.

No matter how powerful the mutant zombies become, or how intelligent they are, they can't do anything in the face of human guns and cannons. Even if they finally get close, facing soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor, it will only take a little more effort.

After all, exoskeletons can increase strength and physical strength. Wearing exoskeletons and swinging a fist, its strength can easily break through one thousand kilograms. If it hits a person, it can directly show what it means to kill a kid with one punch.

The battle continued, but the number of zombies was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the end of the battle, the soldiers saw the end of the zombies for the first time. It was expected that the invading zombies would be completely eliminated after more than 5,000 zombies were eliminated.

By this time, the number of zombies eliminated in the Xinguang gathering place had exceeded 600,000. It stands to reason that even if 600,000 zombies were eliminated, there should be at least 400,000 zombies. However, there were indeed only a few thousand zombies outside the Xinguang gathering place. After all, seeing the tail of the zombie group meant that the battle was almost over.

The reason for this phenomenon was that the DF15 bombed the abandoned hospital just now, causing the rear of the zombie group to fail to catch up with the front in time, resulting in a fault.

Cai Wenjie knew that the opportunity was rare, so he directly ordered fire coverage on the remaining zombies and wiped out the remaining zombies in one fell swoop.

Unmanned bombers, mortars, and howitzers took turns to bomb the zombies outside the Xinguang gathering place in just five minutes.

No zombies can stand up and continue to attack the Xinguang gathering place.

"Quick! Everyone gather urgently! Go to the rear garage and board the armored vehicles. We will go out to fight guerrilla warfare with them! Engineering team! Build a bridge immediately!"


At the same time, the unmanned bomber formation took off again. This time, the bombing place was not the periphery of the Xinguang gathering place, but the group of zombies in the abandoned hospital.

The group of zombies composed of 400,000 zombies must be cleared.

If we don't find a way to reduce their number in advance, then the gate of the Xinguang gathering place will suffer.

This is also the main reason why Cai Wenjie did not guard the Xinguang gathering place well, but chose to attack.

After two days of fighting, the number of unmanned bombers has increased from 36 to 144, which is four times the original number.

Moreover, after the transformation, the bomb load and range of this batch of unmanned bombers have been greatly increased. Now almost every unmanned bomber can carry 16 100-kilogram bombs, and its range has also increased to 1,000 kilometers.

This is no less powerful than some third-rate bombers, especially this kind of unmanned bomber. If it is based on actual combat, this unmanned bomber is more practical than the mainstream bomber. After all, it is an unmanned bomber and there is no need to take a driver.

When 144 unmanned bombers flew over the ground troops in an orderly manner, all the soldiers cheered unconsciously, even if they were clones.

"Okay, stop looking! Hurry up and build the bridge, don't let the main force fall behind too much!"

"Yes! Company commander! Ensure the completion of the task!"

The company commander of the engineering company was directing the engineering company to build the bridge. The periphery of the Xinguang gathering place was blown up by a large number of bombs. The whole road seemed to have no good place. It was either bumpy or there was no bridge. If there was no bridge, even the cheetah could not run away, let alone people.

Fortunately, the engineering company used retractable and foldable retractable bridges, which were laid very quickly. Basically, hundreds of meters could be completed in ten minutes, and a bridge that could support tens of tons of weight could be built in less than half an hour.

When the bridge was almost built, the drone bomber fleet returned. They had plowed the entire abandoned hospital and its surrounding area over and over again to ensure that the zombies could not get close to the Xinguang gathering place in a short time.

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