My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 659: Continuous Blocking Battles

Cai Wenjie led the ground armored troops and quickly passed the temporary bridge, advancing at full speed towards the abandoned hospital. Google search reading

Although the road leading to the outside world was paved with a bridge, it could only be paved on the severely damaged ground due to the rush of time. Some small potholes and the like could not be repaired. The armored troops on the ground were vehicles such as infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. They could still pass through this kind of road surface, and the speed of passing was not slow.

However, every time they passed through this kind of ground full of small potholes and small holes, it was okay to use tracked tanks, but the infantry fighting vehicles with wheels could still clearly feel the astringent sound when the tires passed the zombie corpses.

This was especially true for the drivers of the infantry fighting vehicles. After all, they had to observe the road ahead and control the infantry fighting vehicles, so some bloody and violent scenes were unavoidable for them.

After more than ten minutes of driving, Cai Wenjie's armored troops arrived at a place 500 meters away from the abandoned hospital.

"That's it, all tank crews, pay attention, immediately cover the abandoned hospital ahead with firepower, and retreat immediately after firing a base number of shells! Whether the opponent has the ability to counterattack or not, you must evacuate!"


"All infantry fighting vehicle crews, with three infantry fighting vehicles as a group, disperse immediately! Protect the safety of the tanks, and don't let any mutant zombies or anything else rush here!"


"The mecha troops are on standby, waiting for my orders!"


Cai Wenjie's series of orders directly made this armored unit move quickly. After all the vehicles arrived at the predetermined destination, the bombing group consisting of 12 tanks immediately carried out saturation bombing on the abandoned hospital 500 meters away.

Even though it was bombed by 144 unmanned bombers in turn, there were still many zombies pouring into the abandoned hospital. After the bombing ended, within just over ten minutes, the abandoned hospital was once again occupied by countless zombies. This is also the main reason why Cai Wenjie ordered the bombing of the abandoned hospital.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

With the sound of artillery fire, the abandoned hospital, which had been bombed with few buildings, was bombed again.

The mutant zombies and ordinary zombies staying in the dark were all blown to pieces by tank shells without exception. A large number of zombies turned into piles of minced meat before they could react.

However, after the first round of volleys, the zombies also reacted, and they rushed towards Cai Wenjie's armored forces.

The infantry fighting vehicles parked around the tanks began to play their role when they found that the zombies were approaching the position.

The dense barrage of vehicle-mounted weapons such as heavy machine guns and Gatling guns effectively stopped the attack of the zombies. The charging zombies seemed to be blocked by an invisible transparent wall and could not move forward even one meter.

At the same time, the tank troops continued to bombard the zombies, covering the zombies.

Soon, all the tanks fired a basic number of shells. The tanks, who were not interested in fighting at all, immediately obeyed Cai Wenjie's order and returned along the original route. The infantry fighting vehicles stayed behind to cover the tanks and waited for them to evacuate to a safe distance before the infantry fighting vehicles quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

In order to cover the safe evacuation of the infantry fighting vehicles, Cai Wenjie temporarily arranged an unmanned bomber to bomb.

Soon, the tanks took the lead in evacuating to a place two kilometers away and reconstructed their positions. The terrain here is very suitable for artillery bombing, which has a considerable terrain bonus for tanks.

After the tanks constructed a new line of defense, the infantry fighting vehicles also began to slowly evacuate the battlefield. At the same time, 144 unmanned bombers, which had been prepared for a long time, appeared in the sky again to cover the evacuation of the infantry fighting vehicles on the ground.

There were no accidents during the evacuation process. The infantry fighting vehicles fought and retreated, and soon arrived at the second line of defense.

In Cai Wenjie's plan, there are six such lines of defense. After firing a certain number of shells each time, they must retreat to the next line of defense. If everything goes well, after six blocking battles, at least one tenth of the zombies can be consumed, which is about 30,000.

In short, the more zombies consumed in the six blocking battles, the easier it will be to fight in the future.

In this way, Cai Wenjie led his armored forces, fighting and retreating all the way, and occasionally dispatched 144 unmanned bombers for coverage bombing.

After all six blocking battles were fought, the zombies eliminated were a little more than expected, and about 50,000 zombies were eliminated. So far, there have been no real casualties on Cai Wenjie's side. At most, the guns sometimes malfunctioned, which was because the firing time was too long, so the barrel burned red and melted, causing the gun to explode.

It can be said that there were no casualties in the two days of fighting, but the broken barrels and other parts could be piled up into a small mountain.

Among them, the barrels that were consumed the most were 6,000 in the past two days. The other parts combined did not consume as many barrels as the barrels.

Of course, these barrels were recycled, broken down into various materials, and then passed through the arsenal to recast new barrels or other parts to continue to shine for the revival of mankind.

When Cai Wenjie led the armored troops back to the Xinguang gathering place, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon. Without taking time to eat lunch, all the soldiers returned to their combat positions and waited for the arrival of the zombies.

Now there are a lot of time bombs installed in the bridge outside. As long as the zombies come over, they will be detonated directly, and the bridge and the zombies will be blown into pieces.

About three kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place, dozens of Tianbing Mecha X are holding two high-frequency vibration knives, or high-frequency war knives, and fighting with the zombies at close range. Basically, facing ordinary zombies, just a casual chop can cut the zombies in half, even mutant zombies.

These dozens of Tianbing Mecha X were used by Cai Wenjie as the rear guard of the large army to give Cai Wenjie's armored troops time to evacuate safely. With the large-scale bombing of 144 unmanned bombers, 26 Tianbing Mecha X are like hungry wolves breaking into the sheepfold, chopping anyone they see, which is too violent.

However, the pilots of Tianbing Mecha X also know that they must not go deep into the center of the zombie group. You must know that once the number of sheep reaches a certain level, they can also kill the hungry wolves that break in.

Therefore, the 26 Sky Soldier MechaXs will only be on the periphery of the zombie horde, hunting zombies, especially mutated zombies. Once they feel that they have accidentally gone deep into the zombie horde, they will immediately withdraw from the battle and get rid of the encirclement of the zombie horde. Even if they don't realize that they are surrounded for a while, the teammates around them will remind them or even directly pull them back.

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