My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 708 Rich Mine

Xun Yu walked in front, followed by a small group of soldiers. They were now at the entrance of the ancient tomb. Google search reading

The entrance to this ancient tomb was just at the deepest part of the excavated mine, about 15 meters underground. Because it was a place Xun Yu discovered by chance, there was no lighting equipment here, not even a decent tool.

So the soldiers could only turn on the flashlight and dive into the dark entrance of the ancient tomb.

At the same time, in order to prevent poisoning or inhalation of harmful gases, the soldiers directly pulled down the masks on the exoskeleton. As for Xun Yu, he was given a gas mask and an oxygen cylinder and forced to wear them.

"Don't blame us. This is the only way to ensure that there will be no accidents. You don't want your wife and children to be widowed, do you?"

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In response, Xun Yu just smiled. Because he was wearing a gas mask, other people couldn't see Xun Yu's expression at all.

"Let's go. Let's finish the work and go back quickly."


It must be said that the scale of this ancient tomb is extremely huge. Ten minutes have passed since they entered the ancient tomb, and they still haven't been able to fully explore the ancient tomb.

"It seems that the tomb owner is really some ancient prince or nobleman. The scale is almost as large as four football fields."

"Isn't this better? It seems that this trip should not be small."

"Please rest assured, a tomb of this size will have a lot of gold and silver treasures buried with it. Although antiques are not valuable now, there should be a lot of precious metals like gold."

After a simple exchange, Xun Yu knew that these soldiers seemed to have a certain obsession with precious metals such as gold. Although this obsession was not very obvious, Xun Yu could still see something.

Xun Yu naturally didn't know that Cai Wenjie, who was far away in the Xinguang gathering place, immediately ordered the second company to be on guard in the valley after learning that there was a gold mine of a certain scale in this valley. He would come here in person to confirm the veins here.

Although the system's recycling price for gold is 500 points/1kg, it seems that five ordinary zombies can earn such points, but the quantity here is too large. Cai Wenjie can directly recycle gold ore without refining. The system will automatically decompose gold and other metals or stones. After the gold is recycled, the remaining waste will also be recycled at a very low price.


When Cai Wenjie came to this valley, the team that originally went to explore the ancient tomb also came back. They found a lot of ancient bronzes, gold, brass, and various jades, diamonds, and various armors and weapons in the ancient tomb.

In order to avoid harming these treasures, they did not start directly, but prepared to notify the Xinguang gathering place to send professional personnel to recycle.

However, when they saw Cai Wenjie coming in person, they immediately came to Cai Wenjie and saluted.

"You did a good job today and deserve praise"

"Thank you for the compliment, Chief"

"Take me to the gold mine first. This is the first time I have had the opportunity to visit a gold mine since I was a child. I can't wait"

"No problem, please follow me, I will lead the way for you"

The second company commander stood up and began to lead Cai Wenjie to the gold mine.

During this time, Cai Wenjie looked at Xun Yu, who looked a little unfamiliar, and asked in confusion.

"You are not my soldier, are you?"

"Yes, my name is Xun Yu and I was originally a miner here"

Hearing the name called from the opposite side, Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked at the second company commander. The second company commander nodded to prove that his name was indeed Xun Yu, and then he turned back and continued.

"It's a good name. I heard that you found an ancient tomb?"

"Yes, I found the ancient tomb, and there are indeed a lot of precious burial objects in the ancient tomb, but we lack the corresponding talents here, so we dare not move the things inside. Only by finding professionals related to the ancient tomb can we move the things inside out."

"No, no, I need gold. Don't move other valuables. After collecting the gold inside, bury this tomb and don't disturb the ancestors' eternal sleep."


After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he focused on the gold mine that was about to arrive. Originally, it was dim here, but with the arrival of the warriors, a high-power strong light was activated here to illuminate the place. Although it is now night, it is like daytime here.

Because it is a newly discovered gold mine, and there is no way to get professional equipment in the end times, everything here is done by the miners' bodies. Mining, mining, ore transportation, and the final refining are also done by them.

With such limited manpower, the daily gold output of this mine can reach 5kg. Note that this is only the output when using pure manpower. If all this is handed over to the most advanced mining machines, its daily output can be increased by at least a hundred times! Even more than a hundred times is not impossible.

Cai Wenjie looked at the gold-bearing ore, that is, gold ore, which was placed aside and waiting for refining, and couldn't help but pick it up and observe it carefully.

On such an ostrich egg-sized gold ore, there are golden lines all over it, and it seems that the gold content is definitely not less.

Cai Wenjie weighed the ore in his hand and estimated that it was only about one kilogram.

"How much gold can be refined from such a piece of gold ore?"

"About 0.1 grams"

"That means one ton can extract 10 grams of gold, right?"

In fact, this value is already very good. You know, the rich gold mines in Africa can only extract about 15 grams per ton, but the small gold mines here can extract 10 grams, which is already very good.

Cai Wenjie was also very satisfied with this. He directly decided to build a mine here and arrange a platoon of soldiers to guard here. With the terrain here, as long as there are no more than 100,000 zombies, there will be no danger.

This is also a good job opportunity. Cai Wenjie does not intend to secretly mine without telling others, but directly report to his superiors, and then strive for a right to handle it on his own, to mine legally and reasonably, and at the same time let those people who have no work to do in the Xinguang gathering place come here to mine.

Cai Wenjie will naturally not treat these people unfairly. The salary and benefits must meet the standards, as long as they do not exceed the treatment of the soldiers. Other arrangements will be made as much as possible. No one will make trouble because of the salary and benefits, although making trouble will not have any effect.

Another option is to open a direct channel from the Xinguang gathering place to this place to transport ore and materials, and by the way, let people return to the Xinguang gathering place regularly to rest.

However, it is estimated that ground transportation is not enough, so only airplanes can be used for transportation.

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