My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 709 Autonomous Prefecture

Finally, it was decided to allocate two transport planes to serve as special planes for traveling between the Xinguang gathering place and the mine here, twice a day, at 7 am and 7 pm.

The transport plane's load capacity is fully capable of this task.

If the miners here miss home, they can apply for a vacation to return to the Xinguang gathering place to reunite with their families, and they usually eat and live at the mine.

Cai Wenjie plans to use the valley here to transform it into a small military camp, and it is a semi-open one. After work, the miners will live in the military camp for a short period of time, and share the same dormitory, canteen and bathhouse with the soldiers.

Of course, for safety reasons, the accommodation of miners and soldiers is completely separate. Soldiers can go to the miners' residence through a special door, while miners cannot come to the soldiers' dormitory.

Although this seems to be a human rights violation, there is no way that this is the right approach now.

"Second Captain, transfer all these survivors to the Xinguang gathering place and settle them. Xun Yu, you too, go to the Xinguang gathering place with your family. They will arrange your food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"Yes! I'll go now."

If you want to build a barracks, you must first transfer all the survivors here to the Xinguang gathering place, so as not to leak his secrets.

Cai Wenjie's order was well executed. Almost half an hour later, all the survivors in the valley except him and his troops were transferred to the Xinguang gathering place by transport planes, or were being transferred.

After confirming that there was no one else around, Cai Wenjie directly exchanged a small barracks in the valley, and at the same time came to the only road leading to the valley on this side of the valley, blocked it tightly with a wall, and set up several fully automatic sentry machine guns here to ensure that no zombies would pass by here.

As for the gold mine, Cai Wenjie directly exchanged a complete system in the mall for mining and refining.

Now you only need to recruit miners, and this mine can be officially put into use.

After doing all this, Cai Wenjie found the second company commander and gave him instructions.

"It is estimated that the miners will be almost recruited by this time tomorrow. You will be responsible for the safety here before the miners and the replacement troops arrive tomorrow. Don't let anyone or zombies get close to here. Do you understand?"

"Please rest assured, Chief! Complete the task resolutely"

"I believe in you. After returning to the Xinguang gathering place, I will give your entire battalion a day off. Relax well"

"Thank you, Chief!"

After calming the emotions of the second company commander, Cai Wenjie turned around and boarded the transport plane, ready to inspect other places. The so-called other places are actually the outposts of LJ City.

In Cai Wenjie's plan, the outpost of LJ City is just the beginning. He wants to occupy all the surrounding cities and counties, carry out large-scale construction, reuse the surrounding areas, and resume production.

Cai Wenjie's location belongs to the autonomous prefecture, so he decided to take back the land in the autonomous prefecture first.

Fortunately, there are not many cities and counties in the autonomous prefecture. As long as a few cities and a few counties are occupied, the entire autonomous prefecture can be controlled.

Now, Cai Wenjie has taken two cities and three counties. He only needs to occupy the remaining two cities and a large county.

This inspection of the outpost in LJ City is to confirm the results of the occupation mode of the outpost. If the mode of the outpost is good, other cities and large counties will be occupied in the same way.

Moreover, the sowing season is coming soon, and it is necessary to see if there is a suitable place to grow food near the outpost.

When Cai Wenjie arrived at the outpost by transport plane, all the soldiers were ready to welcome Cai Wenjie.

As the commander of the first battalion, Song Yi stood at the front of the team waiting for Cai Wenjie.

A simple inspection was made as grand as welcoming some big shot.

"Report to the commander! Song Yi, the commander of the first battalion, reports!"

"Okay, why are you being so formal? Disperse and do what you need to do."

"Yes! Everyone! Disband!"

After the soldiers returned to their posts to work, Cai Wenjie took Song Yi to the command post.

"Briefly report the situation in the past few days."

"Yes! We are here..."

Song Yi did not hesitate and reported everything that happened in the past few days to Cai Wenjie in detail, including the loss of weapons and ammunition, as well as material reserves and other aspects.

"Well, I have understood the situation, you have done a good job."

"Thank you for the compliment, commander."

Cai Wenjie nodded. Song Yi was the first clone warrior to follow him, and he was also the most senior person in the troops of the Xinguang gathering place.

That's why Cai Wenjie was relieved to hand over his direct troops to Song Yi for management. Even though his talent was not very strong, the direct troops were looking for peace of mind.

"Song Yi, I have a task for you now"

"Please rest assured, commander! No matter what the task is, I will resolutely carry it out!"

"Good! That's great! I won't keep you in suspense. It's time for this autonomous prefecture to return to its original state."

After Cai Wenjie sighed, he immediately looked at Song Yi standing in front of him seriously, and then said loudly.

"Song Yi, the commander of the first battalion, listen to my orders!"


"Order your troops to go to HL City in three days to eliminate the zombies there, and then AT County, WQ County, TM City, and go to sweep them one by one. The second and third battalions will also assist your troops in the battle. Is there any problem!"

"Report to the chief, is there any fire support?"

"As long as it is a vehicle in the Xinguang gathering place, you can mobilize it at will! This is my full support for you"

"Understood! Thank you, chief!"

"I have given you the target, how to fight is up to you, I will let the commanders of the second and third battalions come later, and the three of you will make a detailed plan. You will be the supreme commander of this mission. Don't let me down, but there is one thing you must remember, don't let any meaningless casualties!"

Cai Wenjie's last words were to remind Song Yi not to make the same mistake again, such as the last time when the infantry fighting vehicle was ambushed by mutant zombies because of its lone army going deep into the enemy's territory. If it hadn't been rescued in time, the loss would not have been as simple as an infantry fighting vehicle.

Song Yi naturally knew what Cai Wenjie was talking about, and he lowered his head in shame.

"Why are you bowing your head? Lift your head. You are a soldier. Anyone can bow, but you can't! Even if you are facing a mistake, you must have the courage to admit it! Instead of bowing your head like this now, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

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