My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 724: Foreign Corpses Enter the Country

Mother Cai's birthday ended perfectly in a noisy atmosphere. Mother Cai was very satisfied with today's gifts, except for her son's gun set. Google search reading

However, this full set of guns was highly praised by Father Cai. Even though all the guns were covered with pink unit skins, Father Cai still collected them without disdain.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when I came back from my parents' house.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoyao, you guys go upstairs to sleep first, I'm going out for a while"

Cai Wenjie, who originally wanted to take the two girls to sleep directly, suddenly received a message. After reading it, Cai Wenjie stood up with a serious face, and then told the two girls to rest first, and then left the villa.

When Cai Wenjie drove to the command post, the officers stationed in the Xinguang gathering place had already gathered and were waiting for Cai Wenjie to bring him

Cai Wenjie was the first to speak after entering the meeting room.

"Is the information just now accurate?"

"Report to the chief! It is absolutely true. We have confirmed it with military satellites. Now a large number of zombies have begun to appear on the Yalu River in TM City. If it were not for the deep water of the Yalu River that helped us block the zombies who wanted to sneak across, the consequences for TM City would be disastrous. It is estimated that it will be occupied by various mutant creatures again."

"Have you found out the reason?"

"Report to the chief, although there is no way to confirm it, there are rumors that there are no living people on the peninsula, so the zombies will go north."

"Rumors? As an officer, you actually believe rumors? Re-investigate the cause of the matter immediately! Use military satellites or Please give me a detailed explanation of other means, instead of using rumors to fool me."

"Yes! Sorry, Chief! I'll go right away!"

"In addition, since zombies have begun to appear in TM City, mobilize the surrounding troops to clear them out. I remember that the Second Battalion is responsible for the area around TM City. Pass my order and have the people in the Second Battalion rush to TM City immediately to drive those zombies back across the river."



After receiving the order to attack, the Second Battalion began to rush to the scene of the incident. Although the Second Battalion was not as experienced and well-equipped as the First Battalion, as long as they were not facing a zombie tide of 100,000, they still had the strength to fight.

Half an hour later, the Second Battalion arrived in TM City and rushed to the Yalu River as soon as they arrived in the city. They did not encounter any zombies along the way. It seemed that the zombies had not completely crossed the Yalu River.

Since no zombies crossed the Yalu River, the task of the Second Battalion was much simpler. ♦♦  ☞♦

"Quick! Deploy heavy firepower along the river! Don't let them get closer!"


"Artillery! Stand up the guys who are eating! Wait for my order!"



After arriving at the destination, the second battalion commander immediately began to arrange the scene. A large amount of heavy firepower was deployed around the river. At the same time, artillery positions were also deployed in the rear, including mortars, howitzers, and truck guns.

Because it was night, a large number of strong lights and searchlights were deployed along the entire defense line, making the entire Yalu River as bright as day.

However, when the soldiers pulled up the strong lights and searchlights, they found that the entire river was now densely packed with human heads, and a large number of zombies were drifting down with the river. Fortunately, zombies can't swim, otherwise these zombies in the river would have landed long ago.

The second battalion commander looked at the dense zombies in the river and naturally would not give up this opportunity.

"Attention, all companies! Shoot at the zombies in the river. This is a rare opportunity. Use them to practice your shooting skills!"


The new recruits from each company and platoon, led by their squad leaders, began to shoot at the zombies in the river. After several battles, the new recruits have transformed into real soldiers. They are no longer afraid of zombies, and they will not be timid even in close combat.

But the lack of fear or timidity does not mean that the shooting skills are also good.

To be honest, what the second and third battalions lack now is the accurate shooting skills, but the shooting skills can only be fed one bullet at a time, and there is no shortcut. Therefore, the battalion commanders of the second and third battalions will let their soldiers practice their shooting skills as long as they find an opportunity, until each soldier can reach the level of accurate shooting within hundreds of meters.

A large number of bullets were fired by the soldiers, shooting at the zombies in the river that could not swim. A large number of zombies were hit in the head by bullets, either with a hole in the head or directly exploded. Anyway, in a short while, the entire Yalu River was polluted by red and white things and turned into a bloody river.

But this did not affect the soldiers to continue to eliminate the zombies in the river. They continued to shoot at the zombies in the river until there was no complete zombie in sight.

Roughly estimated, this shooting basically killed thousands of zombies. The entire Yalu River is now covered with floating corpses, and the entire river water has now become a bloody river with a bloody smell.

In order to avoid the plague, after the soldiers killed the zombies, they used various tools to fish the corpses of the zombies out of the river and destroyed them in a unified and centralized manner.

At the same time, for the polluted river water, the soldiers used a large amount of lime for high-temperature disinfection, boiled the entire Yalu River at high temperature, and used high temperature to disinfect.

However, not long after the lime was poured into the river, the first batch of real peninsula zombies began to appear on the other side of the Yalu River.

"It seems that these are the first batch of zombies from the peninsula."

After confirming the size of the zombie group on the opposite side, the second battalion commander issued an order to fire at the artillery position in the rear without saying a word.

"Target! Across the Yalu River, 500 meters in front! Cover the attack! Fire!"

With the sound of "bang bang bang", a large number of mortars fired one shell after another towards the opposite side of the Yalu River. After these mortar shells drew a beautiful arc in the air, they accurately hit the zombie group and exploded.

The zombies that had not yet crossed the river were blown to pieces by mortar shells one after another, and at the same time experienced flying, which was impossible in this life. The unlucky zombies were not only blown to pieces, but also blown away about five or six meters by the shock wave of the explosion, and fell heavily on the hard floor, with blood flowing from their heads. Some of them broke their necks and died on the spot.

Soon, a round of mortars was over. The zombies on the opposite side of the river were directly scrapped in this round of bombing. Hundreds of people were directly scrapped. A large number of zombies lost their arms and legs in this bombardment. The zombies, who were originally slow, became disabled after this.

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