My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 725 HC City

The battle is not over yet. Google search reading

The first batch of zombies was not very large, only about one or two thousand. Under the repeated bombing of mortars, nearly half of the zombies were scrapped, and the rest became live targets for the soldiers' shooting training again.

Just when the soldiers were shooting happily, a huge roar suddenly came from the other side of the river, and with this roar, a chimpanzee appeared in everyone's sight.

The body of this chimpanzee was many times larger than that of an ordinary chimpanzee, and there was no intact place on its body. The flesh and blood in various parts of the body were missing pieces, and even the entire left chest of the chimpanzee was ulcerated, revealing the heart inside.


After seeing the humans on the other side of the river, the mutant chimpanzee seemed extremely excited. Its scarlet eyes showed bloodthirsty emotions, and then it raised its fist and began to beat its chest, ignoring the heart that was about to be hammered.

"What are you standing there for! Use heavy weapons to deal with him!"

The second battalion commander was not stupid. He took advantage of the mutant chimpanzee on the opposite side before it could react and immediately ordered his soldiers to use heavy weapons to deal with it.

Although the soldiers reacted a little slower, as clone officers, they subconsciously executed the order.

In less than three seconds, more than a dozen rockets were fired and rushed directly to the mutant chimpanzee's body.

The mutant chimpanzee did not even have time to react before it was hit by more than a dozen rockets. The huge explosion power directly blew half of the mutant chimpanzee's body into a bloody state, especially the heart exposed outside, which was blown to pieces.

Although the mutant chimpanzee now looks very embarrassed, these dozen rockets did not kill it directly, but only seriously injured it. Especially after losing its heart, the entire mutant chimpanzee's movements became visibly slow, and coupled with its current serious injury, it looked even more embarrassed.

"Hey! It's not dead yet? Interesting. Go and drag that thing back, then pack it and send it to the Xinguang gathering place. The chief will deal with this mutant chimpanzee."


The mutant chimpanzee, which is as big as a tank, is very heavy, so it was decided to directly call a transport helicopter to send the mutant chimpanzee back by air.

After solving the problem of the mutant chimpanzee, the soldiers once again focused on the zombies on the other side of the river.

Perhaps because of the gunfire here, the zombies gathered on the other side of the river became more and more numerous, and the number soon exceeded three thousand.

However, more than three thousand zombies are nothing to the second battalion with heavy firepower. In addition to mortars, the artillery positions in the rear also have large-caliber howitzers. Howitzers with more than 100 mm are enough to kill zombies with an area of ​​​​a football field.

For such a dense group of zombies, it is at most a matter of a few shells.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Four huge artillery sounds came from the rear, and a few seconds later, there were even bigger explosions in front.

With the four huge explosions, the 3,000 zombies in front were blown into pieces, and a few seconds later, blood rained down from the sky, mixed with various broken limbs and pieces of meat, which was very bloody.

Although the soldiers were used to the broken limbs of zombies, this kind of bloody rain was the first time they encountered it. Many soldiers with poor psychological quality began to show pale faces and vomiting.

Those soldiers who were holding back also turned blue, as if they would turn around and vomit in the next second.

The second battalion commander looked at the soldiers under his command, and they all looked a little strange, but he didn't care much. After all, they would often encounter such things in the future. If they couldn't stand it, how could they recover the lost land and build a new home?

He turned his head and looked across the river. Apart from the more than 3,000 zombies that were blown into pieces, he did not find any other zombie groups. There were only a few surviving zombies wandering around, but they were also shot in the head by snipers the next second.

"No more?"

After waiting for a while and finding that no new zombie groups had arrived, the second battalion commander still applied to the Xinguang gathering place to use military satellites to observe the situation on the other side.

In addition to military satellites, the second battalion commander also used unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for low-altitude reconnaissance.

Almost ten minutes later, the images transmitted back by military satellites and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft did not show any large-scale zombie groups moving towards TM City, as if the zombie groups of more than 5,000 just now were all there were.

"That's not right. The Xinguang gathering place clearly said that a large number of zombies would pass through..."

The second battalion commander pondered for a moment and continued to give orders.

"Use military satellites and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to reconnoitre the other side of the river. At the same time, not only the other side of our side, but also the entire area of ​​50 kilometers along the Yalu River with us as the center, do you understand?"

"Understood! I'll go now"

The second battalion commander now suspected that the group of corpses had turned around and went to other directions, such as HC.

Just as the second battalion commander was considering whether to report his thoughts, a series of ringtones interrupted his thoughts.


"It's me!"

"Commander? Hello, Commander!"

"To make a long story short, I used satellites to find a large number of zombies taking a detour. Their destination should be HC City or the surrounding villages. We have not yet cleared HC City and its surrounding areas, so there must be a lot of zombies. Therefore, I now order your troops to leave a part of the troops to garrison TM City, and the others to immediately set off to HC City for a thorough cleanup! Go to where you want as quickly as possible and seize control of that place! Can you do it!"

"Guarantee to complete the mission"

"Don't worry, I will send an armored company and twelve armed helicopters to help you complete the mission this time"

"Thank you, Chief!"

"Good luck to you"

After hanging up the communication, the second battalion commander immediately recalled the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and then left a company of troops to garrison in place, while the other companies rushed to HC City as quickly as possible.

On the other side, twelve armed helicopters and an armored company also set off from the Xinguang gathering place and rushed to HC City as quickly as possible.

The military satellite also adjusted its direction and began to observe the situation in HC City from space to obtain relevant intelligence in advance.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie also ordered the unmanned bomber fleet to be ready to attack at any time. If necessary, they would immediately set off with a large number of bombs and directly blow the entire HC city into ruins.

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